Grim Realizations


New member
Sep 14, 2011
fat tony said:
I am 34, which means I'm *that* close to being half done with life. All the cool stuff that I wanted to do, the things I can get done when the kids are older.... Uh uh, ain't gonna happen. I'm very happy here in domestic land but there's a 24 year old in the back of my head saying 'dude, we could've, if only you'd... All you people in you mid 20s. You are gods!! Stop putting things off, and stop complaining! You can do anything!
Why is this a problem by being in your mid thirties? You're only as old as you feel man! Like so many other grim realisations on this board, I've felt them. That life is worthless, that no matter what, there will come a point when I will cease to exist for the rest of eternity - which terrifies the shit out of me, by the way - but look at the positive side (and I am NOT an optimist) Nothing we do matters, so do whatever the hell you want! Well, short of raping and pillaging of course.

Just because you're in your thirties (where I am too, as it happens) does not mean that your life is over. Live the dream man, live the dream.

Anyway, outside of living in delusional land - grim realisations - when you realise that you only have one shirt that you really like wearing, and its getting a bit ragged from overuse. That sucks.


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Jul 12, 2009
When you open the fridge and your younger brother ate the last pizza slice...


New member
Jan 23, 2010
tendaji said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
My grim realisation ws that my lack of confidence in social situations could lead to me becoming an unemployed 40 year old virgin. Now to bore you with the details, I'm 16 I've never had a girlfriend and I'm shy as shit. I can't talk to strangers, I know what I want to say but I just choke and can't get my words out.

EDIT: I've decided to add a less depressing realisation. I'm a tea drinker so I almost die inside when I find out I've run out of tea bags or sugar(I can go without sugar I just prefer it) I have thrown many fits of rage because of this.
Yeah I'm 21, same situation in terms of a significant other, and in terms of shyness. I seem to only be able to make friends on the internet and noone in terms of physical friends/relationships.
I'm 18, same boat as regards a SO. Making friends with girls isn't the problem, it's taking it a step beyond that that is.


New member
Dec 3, 2010
JCBFGD said:
I recently realised that there is no point to life, as we will be forgotten a few years after we die if we're not famous, a few thousand years maximum if we were, and completely forgotten in a a few million years, when humanity will almost surely be absent from the universe. Even if they are around, the universe probably is halfway through it's lifespan, so it'll be gone soon. If humanity is around and the universe is plenty young, time will most likely have erased you from humanity's collective memory. So no matter what we do, it will probably be forgotten eventually, but it won't matter whether or not it was. And yet I still give a shit about school and my future. Not really sure why.

I've also discovered that it's possible to possess feelings for someone that are as intense as romantic love, but are not romantic. Or familial. Or friendly (as in, among friends). Or sexual. But it's there, and it's strong. That confuses me more than anything ever has before. (I'd love it if someone could tell me what the fuck is up with that shit.)
To the former - because all that is a scientistic delusion :p.

To the later - because, contrary to popular belief - love does not fit into neat little categories.

Hope that helps!


New member
Jul 10, 2011
TWRule said:
JCBFGD said:
I recently realised that there is no point to life, as we will be forgotten a few years after we die if we're not famous, a few thousand years maximum if we were, and completely forgotten in a a few million years, when humanity will almost surely be absent from the universe. Even if they are around, the universe probably is halfway through it's lifespan, so it'll be gone soon. If humanity is around and the universe is plenty young, time will most likely have erased you from humanity's collective memory. So no matter what we do, it will probably be forgotten eventually, but it won't matter whether or not it was. And yet I still give a shit about school and my future. Not really sure why.
To the former - because all that is a scientistic delusion :p.
"Scientistic delusion"? I think that's kind of an oxymoron, since science actually has evidence behind it, whereas delusions are caused by mental instability. So no, that doesn't make any sense or help at all. What I said will, according to myriad scientists and their myriad evidence, eventually and inevitably happen.

TWRule said:
To the later - because, contrary to popular belief - love does not fit into neat little categories.
That makes much more sense and actually helps a bit.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Doc Slingblade said:
Does noticing that you're out of toilet paper after pinching off a loaf count? If so, then I can't think of much worse than that.
Not if you are wearing socks.


Feb 9, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
I'm 24 years old and I've never had a job.

This isn't from lack of trying, I'm a law & criminology graduate, finished just under 2 years ago and have been looking for a job ever since.

I even volunteered at my local museum to try and get some relevant experience with things such as admin, retail etc, and I still can't get a job. I thought I had a sure thing a few weeks back, the interview went great. A week later, I get a rejection email telling me that, while I did great in the interview, I didn't have enough relevant experience. Everything I have done is in my CV, if I didn't have enough experience then why fucking invite me for an interview?

I'm 24 years old and I've never had a job.

Damn that sucks.
Well at least they gave you an interview.I've lost count of the number of jobs I've applied for that I've never heard from ever again

Grim realisations huh?Well let's see

I'm 34
I've been unemployed for several years
I've found it almost impossible to get work
The longer I'm out of work the harder it becomes to find work
I've no qualifications
I've nothing set aside for the future

Apart from all that life is good though:)


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
I'm 24 years old and I've never had a job.

This isn't from lack of trying, I'm a law & criminology graduate, finished just under 2 years ago and have been looking for a job ever since.

I even volunteered at my local museum to try and get some relevant experience with things such as admin, retail etc, and I still can't get a job. I thought I had a sure thing a few weeks back, the interview went great. A week later, I get a rejection email telling me that, while I did great in the interview, I didn't have enough relevant experience. Everything I have done is in my CV, if I didn't have enough experience then why fucking invite me for an interview?

I'm 24 years old and I've never had a job.

Damn that sucks.
You're not alone, I'm 22 never had a paid job, Voluntary work yes, Further Education double yes, but no paid work. I'm stuck in a benefit trap, and if I do come off them and try to get a paid job, then I won't have enough to live independently, and I want to get off to paid work because I want to meet people, and not be the social hermit crab I have been for the past five years. I'm slowly destroying myself, and taking everyone down with me. Nothing at all is being sorted out. I was suppose to move nearer to my mum months ago, so she could help me out a lot more, but it still has not happened. I'm all alone, hundreds of miles from the home town, and I'm scared, so flipping scared.

The citizen advice bureau described my situation that I am in as very grim, and if that isn't confirmation that you are in the shit then I don't know what is. The job centre flat out refuse to help me, because I have Asbergers, high functioning may I add, and they still stick me in this disabilities scheme bullshit despite living extremely independently, and proving most of my peers so very wrong.

I have no friends, no one to really turn to, I might be living a life of luxury and no having to worry financially, but am I happy, no frikken way am I. All I wish is that this lame ass British government, would try and help people like me to get into paid work, rather than just chuck money at me, and have done with it.

All I wish for is, One: a friend or maybe two, or hell someone to talk to, Two: To be a fully functioning member of society, and Three: to be close to my family. Are these three little things such hard things to ask for, apparently so. My life just fucking blows for me, and it's not at all my fault.

...and that everyone is my grim realization, that my life is in the shit, and there's nothing at all I can do about it, other than to stick it out, and try not to think about hanging myself.


He who speaks words from mouth!
Dec 6, 2010
tofulove said:
this one time i woke up from a bad hangover, i went to grab my dick (what better thing to do after waking up from a night of to much drinking) than i realize i lost my penis, so i had to retrace my steps to find it. which i imagine would make a great song now that i think about it.
"Detachable Penis"

Have you checked the medicine cabinet? I leave mine there sometimes, I don't know why.

OT: I worked in sales for 3 years for a large electronics company. I was always over quota, but I goofed off all the time. My boss was a bit too scared of me to actually say anything though. One day my boss got a promotion and they hired on a new manager... when I suddenly realized this guy was not intimidated by me in the least... 2 months later no job


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Gah there are a lot of depressing people in this thread.

My grim realization is work related like a lot of peoples' posts have been. I'm 24, graduated college 2 years ago with a degree in Communications and can't find a job anywhere. I tried graduate school for a year (which turned out to be a miserable, costly experience) and had been back home for about 6 months before I found work. Here's the work I found:

I work at a movie theater selling overpriced popcorn and drinks to people. I'm 24 years old. Most of my coworkers, and even supervisors are younger than me. I seriously think I'm the 2nd or 3rd oldest person there. THE MANAGER THAT HIRED ME IS A YEAR YOUNGER THAN ME.

The MANAGER of this entire operation is YOUNGER than me.

Also, with my student loan payments from college and my one year of grad school, and gas to drive the 44 mile trip I take every work day, I'm only pulling in MAYBE $200 a month of disposable income.

The saddest part is, I still have no real idea of what I want to do with my life. Everything I'd like to do would put me that much further in debt and I'm simply not in a position to do it right now.

All I can do is hope and pray my truck holds together. It's starting to show signs of aging (it's a 13 year old truck) and the last thing I need is a costly vehicle repair or *shutter* to buy another one.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
My grim realisation ws that my lack of confidence in social situations could lead to me becoming an unemployed 40 year old virgin. Now to bore you with the details, I'm 16 I've never had a girlfriend and I'm shy as shit. I can't talk to strangers, I know what I want to say but I just choke and can't get my words out.
I was in that situation when I was sixteen. Now I've had a couple of lengthy relationships and I get invited out to parties and shiz most weekends. It's just a question of working up the confidence to go talk to people.
I used to find that I'd sit with a group of people around me, silent, and I'd think of things to say but then talk myself out of saying them because I was afraid I'd say something stupid.
My advice is to just come out and say things. Even if what you're saying is actually kinda stupid, say it with confidence and you can at least have a good laugh about it. If it's controversial, you'll probably get a good discussion going.

My other advice is to not worry about impressing people. I used to find it hard to talk to girls because I wanted everything I said to be witty. But the thing is, no-one is smooth enough for everything they say to be like that. Every single person occasionally comes out with an embarrassing herp-derp moment. Laugh it off. The important thing is to keep the conversation going, keep it flowing - then you'll get plenty of opportunities to bring in interesting bits of info and jokes and anecdotes.

And then you'll begin finding the things you have in common with people.
And when that happens, you get more comfortable with them. And you move past the awkward stage and make friends. And the more you do it, the easier it gets. There'll come a point where you can bump into any stranger and get a conversation going.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Drenaje1 said:
There are none greater than "If I don't do my work NOW, I'm actually going to be fucked."
Oh yeah?
There was this guy in Poland who got so drunk that he chopped off his own dick with an axe... WITH AN AXE!
Imagine the grim realization he must have had when he got sober.

The Thinker

New member
Jan 22, 2011
tofulove said:
this one time i woke up from a bad hangover, i went to grab my dick (what better thing to do after waking up from a night of to much drinking) than i realize i lost my penis, so i had to retrace my steps to find it. which i imagine would make a great song now that i think about it.
Or a high-concept adventure game.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
someonehairy-ish said:
ToTaL LoLiGe said:
My grim realisation ws that my lack of confidence in social situations could lead to me becoming an unemployed 40 year old virgin. Now to bore you with the details, I'm 16 I've never had a girlfriend and I'm shy as shit. I can't talk to strangers, I know what I want to say but I just choke and can't get my words out.
I was in that situation when I was sixteen. Now I've had a couple of lengthy relationships and I get invited out to parties and shiz most weekends. It's just a question of working up the confidence to go talk to people.
I used to find that I'd sit with a group of people around me, silent, and I'd think of things to say but then talk myself out of saying them because I was afraid I'd say something stupid.
My advice is to just come out and say things. Even if what you're saying is actually kinda stupid, say it with confidence and you can at least have a good laugh about it. If it's controversial, you'll probably get a good discussion going.

My other advice is to not worry about impressing people. I used to find it hard to talk to girls because I wanted everything I said to be witty. But the thing is, no-one is smooth enough for everything they say to be like that. Every single person occasionally comes out with an embarrassing herp-derp moment. Laugh it off. The important thing is to keep the conversation going, keep it flowing - then you'll get plenty of opportunities to bring in interesting bits of info and jokes and anecdotes.

And then you'll begin finding the things you have in common with people.
And when that happens, you get more comfortable with them. And you move past the awkward stage and make friends. And the more you do it, the easier it gets. There'll come a point where you can bump into any stranger and get a conversation going.
That's all well and good, but I have a more severe problem. I get literal crippling anxiety when it comes to social interaction. It's no longer just a matter of "work up the courage" because, when I do, I'm faced with the issue that my body no longer wants to work properly. But it's only during face to face interactions that I get this way, or over the phone. God, I hate talking on the phone. Online, I have much less issues with social interaction.

Tragedy's Rebellion

New member
Feb 21, 2010
Well, sometimes when I'm bored or sad, I realize that life is going to continue and that's a horrible realization at that moment, because all you think about is the sadness and pointlessness that will keep being shoved in your face. I imagine myself crawling through life at that point and that's a terrible thing.

I'll actually be glad if death is non existence, just because all this will finally end.

All in all I'm a happy person and I want to live my life to the fullest, I don't want to die a scarless man either. Sometimes it's just hard "living to the fullest".