Grumpy Pundit: Men Play Too Many Dang Videogames

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Grumpy Pundit: Men Play Too Many Dang Videogames

A grumpy old man says the male sex should put down the controller and get a job.

Gaming has been blamed for many things over the years - violence in schools, decreased attention span, and a low sperm count - but no one ever claimed that videogames were the cause of the decline of an entire sex. Until now, that is. William Bennett is a conservative author who once held the position of "Drug Czar" under George H. W. Bush. In addition to hating gay marriage and proposing to abort all African-American babies, Bennett penned an op-ed for CNN that laments the current crop of men in American society. Bennett thinks it is a shame that women hold more college degrees than men and that their salaries are growing much faster than men. His solution is for men to "man up" and to stop playing so many dang videogames.

"For the first time in history, women are better educated, more ambitious and arguably more successful than men," writes Bennett. "Man's response has been pathetic. Today, 18-to- 34-year-old men spend more time playing video games a day than 12-to- 17-year-old boys."

Bennett believes that young males have been receiving mixed messages from media and that has them confused about how to be a man. "Increasingly, the messages to boys about what it means to be a man are confusing. The machismo of the street gang calls out with a swagger. Videogames, television and music offer dubious lessons to boys who have been abandoned by their fathers," he says. "We need to respond to this culture that sends confusing signals to young men, a culture that is agnostic about what it wants men to be, with a clear and achievable notion of manhood."

I can follow Bennett's logic only so far, because he follows that up by imploring young men to accept their responsibility to stop enjoying life. "We may need to say to a number of our twenty-something men, 'Get off the video games five hours a day, get yourself together, get a challenging job and get married,'" says Bennett.

Full disclosure: I am a man who has a wife, a family and I play videogames a lot. What do you have to say to me, Mr. Bennett? Have I not "manned up" enough for you?

Even if you agree with his general sentiment for our youth to accept responsibility - which I do to a certain extent - throwing videogames into the mix as an obvious evil that must stopped if you are to grow up is just plain wrong. Why doesn't Bennett mention his excessive gambling problem and how he had to take responsibility for ending that destructive practice? Why wouldn't Bennett implore young people to achieve without eschewing an activity that many enjoy? It would be just as offensive if Bennett told people to get off the couch on Sunday and get a job instead of watching football, eating chili nachos and drinking an entire 18-pack of Coors Light.

Which, let's face it, most Americans should probably stop doing.

Source: CNN []



New member
Oct 11, 2008
Actually, I've heard that before many, many times. Not in any sort of official fashion, but still.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Cue generic gamer outrage.

This guy sounds like an arse anyway, even without the gaming related stuff.


I really hate to sound all trying-too-hard-to-be-edgy-and-cynical, but I get the impression the Escapist posts these kind of "Entity X says games are bad" articles just because they know it's guaranteed to produce traffic.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Everything he says is true.

[sobs quietly]

I have to change my life.

Anyone want to buy a used PS3 slim?

[sobs quietly]


Apr 28, 2008
get a challening job
Well I would love to but nowhere I fucking apply to fucking hires me.

I always get through the interview process, I always answer their technical problems. Often times, they'll say "wow, that's the fastest we've seen someone solve this!" but no, that's not good enough because I don't have incredibly specialized experience they're looking for.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Bennett was also the Secretary of Education under Reagan. He's written some excellent books on the history of the United States, although I can't agree with his social views by any stretch. I understand his 'go get yourself an education and don't waste your life because you only get one' message.

I suppose the difference is that I don't consider video games a waste of my time any more than I consider reading his books a waste of my time. I'm lucky in that I've had my job for 10 years now and it pays well, but with our economy in the tank and unemployment at 10% I don't think it matters how much education you have, jobs are just hard to come by.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
He has the same surname as me.... he must be right.
OT I would come up with an argument against this, but I can't be bothered because I am enjoying my video games far too much, and so will be a jobless hobo


New member
Dec 4, 2010
US secretary of education 1985-1988. Can barely put a coherent chain of logic together. Sad. :(


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Whoa whoa whoa.

He's conservative, gay-bashing, racist, and sexist? How does this man not have his own Fox show?

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
I'd love a job! I've been looking a job for over a year!
Are you offering me a job Mr. Bennett? I'll do anything at this point.
Maybe instead of complaining about my lack of motivation, you should notice that the economy is not friendly to people looking for a job while still in college.

Actually his whining about women being better educated smacks more than a little to me of him wanting women to "get back in the kitchen." Seriously, dude seems like a total ass, how'd he get this job anyway.

Besides, I feel like I need to play more videogames. I've only spent around three hours a week on games for about 3 months and I am missing my hobby.


DRM-free or give me death!
Dec 11, 2009
I work my ass off am not in debt and take care of anything I need to. I also game many chances I get. Fuck you Mr. Bennett. YOU get a real job and a better opinion.

I game to help blow off steam from listening to assholes like this get a soapbox to spread their opinion.


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
I've kind of gotten used to people shunning video games by now, so the thing that bothers me the most is the way he makes it sound like there is an ongoing competition to become the "better" gender in today's society.

There isn't. Why obsess over the "fact" that men have a decline in what have you, and rather be glad that women are becoming more and more successful?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
get a challening job
I assume he means like that nice cushy government job he had.

Eh, when his generation dies (which is sad cause tahts also my grandfather's) hopefully this will either end or our generationw ill have more voice against it.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Cause playing videogames for part of the day = not having a job, wha?

From this science degree educated person with multiple technology certification, may men are out of work because the jobs market is pathetic at the moment. No obviously it's the videogames, as with all the tax breaks we gave to 'job creators' we have loads of jobs available.


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
This isn't gender criticism, it's generational criticism. Maybe we should turn round and say 'man up' to this recession you helped grease the wheels for.

The Real Sandman

New member
Oct 12, 2009
Greg Tito said:
In addition to proposing to abort all African-American babies,


Just... wow.

I was about to prepare a witty come back for this guy until I read the above sentence. After that, why even bother?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Hes a conservative commentator, they don't so much think about a point, as string words together until someone else mistakes them for a thought.