GTA IV is the Worst Games I've Ever Played


New member
Jul 29, 2009

So I?ve been playing Episodes from Liberty City recently, and it?s reminded me of one fact: I hate Grand Theft Auto IV. Short of Big Rigs Over the Road Racing, it is the single worst game I?ve ever played. I don?t mean to say that the game can?t be fun at times, but that the game is just so poorly designed in every way imaginable that it?s almost impossible to just play and have fun. It?s almost as if the game itself is trying to prevent you from playing it.

Here are some of my more memorable examples of what I mean:

- The missions have completely arbitrary failure states

Just now, I was playing the mission in The Ballad of Gay Tony where you have to fight off a motorcycle gang with sticky bombs while riding shotgun, then take the wheel and escape from the cops.

- Take one: the car caught fire as the police were chasing us. Tony and I both escaped the vehicle and ducked down a side alley, me planning to escape into the subway tunnels. At that point, a prompt informed me that the vehicle had been destroyed, and despite Tony and I being about to escape from the police, that I would have to do the whole fucking mission over again. Because apparently, it?s only possible to escape from the police in that one particular vehicle (which is strange, because I quite distinctly recall escaping a six-star wanted level on foot by using the tunnels).

- Take two: we were able to get the car into the subway tunnels and escape from our pursuers, but were struck by an oncoming train and the vehicle caught fire. I got the same prompt. Fair enough, you might say, but we were both still alive and could have easily escaped on foot.

- Take three: the vehicle flipped over attempting to enter the tunnels. Same bullshit message.

- Take four: the vehicle did THREE FUCKING BARREL ROLLS because I ran over - I shit you not - a CARDBOARD FUCKING BOX. And the best part of this? I HAD ALREADY LOST THE FUCKING POLICE. So what, does Tony suddenly die of a heart attack if he doesn?t arrive at his house in that particular car?

- Take five: fuck this game, I?m uninstalling it.

WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS SO FUCKING IMPORTANT ABOUT THAT FUCKING CAR? In my 300+ hours of play time, the game has made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that you escape from the police by getting outside the circle on your minimap and staying away from cops for a long enough time. Never, in that whole time, has there been a requirement that you be in a specific vehicle while doing it. Rockstar, hire some actual fucking designers who have a clue what they?re doing. RULE NUMBER ONE OF DESIGN OF ANYTHING: Consistency.


Here?s another example: In the original GTA IV, I was playing the mission where you have to cover one of your NPC buddies from a window with a sniper rifle as a deal goes down in a construction site.

-Take one: The first time everything went smoothly. I shot the first guy who stuck his gun out of the window and started shooting, then killed the rest of them, then we escaped by car. At some point (for a reason I don?t remember), we failed the mission.

- Take two: The deal begins to go down, and I have my gun trained on the window where I know the first gunman will appear. As soon as he pops up to shoot at my NPC ally, I shoot him. And then I failed the mission because I started a firefight. BULL. FUCKING. SHIT. So despite the fact that he was less than half a second from pulling the trigger on my ally, despite the fact that I was doing exactly what the game told me to by covering him, I get penalized because the firefight hadn?t ?officially? started. That?s horse shit, Rockstar. When I?m playing a game, I shouldn?t have to worry about breaking the game?s scripting unless I?m modding it. It is your fucking job to catch these mistakes.

- The physics and movement engine make the game nearly unplayable -

On one occasion, I was being chased by the police on a motorcycle, when I went careening into a concrete barrier at well over 100 miles per hour. I bounced gently off and didn?t lose any health. I began backing up so that I could speed away, when I rolled over a traffic cone going about half a mile per hour. I was promptly launched twenty feet from the bike into the path of an oncoming police cruiser, which killed me.

On another occasion, I was playing the mission where you have to choose to kill or help the guy on the crane. The cinematic puts you standing right at the edge of the crane - the GAME puts you standing there, I did not move there voluntarily. After making my choice, I turned to walk away, when King of the Dumbfucks Niko Bellic chose to walk FORWARD - the OPPOSITE direction from where I told him to walk - right off the edge of the crane to his death.

And I already mentioned my recent triple barrel roll by driving over a cardboard box.

- The game interferes with itself -

Have you ever noticed how many mechanics in the game interfere with other mechanics?

The best example I can think of was the time I was driving over one of the bridges, cruising down the space between the two lanes. I received a phone call, so I pressed the left mouse button to answer it. This click answered the phone. This click also caused the King of the Dumbfucks to drop a live grenade right under a police cruiser, which resulted in a three-star chase which killed me. Because I answered my fucking cell phone. And to top it all off, the call wasn?t about an important mission, it was Roman the Fat-ass calling me to con me into playing darts. CONTEXT. FUCKING. SENSITIVITY. ROCKSTAR.


I could sit here and rant about this all day, honestly, but I?m going to cut it before I waste away my entire weekend. Suffice it to say, I?m glad I only payed seven dollars for this awful, awful game.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
If GTA IV is the worst game you've must have only played some really good games.
Sounds like you're whining about things that really don't matter, in all honesty.

The fact you have 'over 300 hours' playing time made me laugh, too.

End of the day, I doubt anyone really cares about these sort of threads. If you think a game is so terrible, don't play massive amounts of it and don't ***** about it on internet forums. Noone's forcing you to play it.
Dec 14, 2009
Hates GTA IV.

Has 300+ hours of play time.

Does that mean you're a masochist?

OT: I liked GTA IV, I don't think I'll ever play it again, but it was really good while it lasted, albeit it a little too serious at times.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
It was no San Andreas but was still a great game.

Also the helicopter controls on the PC version make me cry blood.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
The title shoud have been "I really SUCK at GTA4 despite having played it for - i shit you not- OVER.THREE.HUNDRED.GODDAMN.FUCKING.HOURS and i also like to OVEREXAGGARATE things"


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
I liked GTA IV. Sure its got some flaws and it sometimes felt you were to trying to control a wardrobe but I enjoyed it immensely. The story became incredibly engrossing and the level of detail in Liberty City is still impressive.

Also who willingly plays a game they hate for over 300 hours? If it's so terrible go do something else.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Wait, wait, wait...
So, lemme get this straight.

You hate GTA IV, that's OK, you can hate what you want.
Yet, you hate it so much, you play it for 300 hours? ...Do you not have ANY other games? Like, any? I mean, you must be either a masochist or have no other games to play a game you hate for 300 hours.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
That was a halarious post . Seriously dude , you should write reviews in the user review section , man that made my day . Also i like how almost everyone that replied mentioned you played for 300 hours . I was going to do so too , but once daystar mentioned it , it stopped being cool ( just kidding ) .


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
300 hours?
Fuck, I can hardly get 100 hours out of most games I like.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
You didn't go to area 51 and fight the army wearing a Jetpack. So its nowhere near as good as San Andreas for that reason alone.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
IV may be the worst GTA game, but it's still a good game in its own right. The problems you mentioned are few and far between and don't subtract from the entire product as much as you make them out to.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
That was a halarious post . Seriously dude , you should write reviews in the user review section , man that made my day . Also i like how almost everyone that replied mentioned you played for 300 hours . I was going to do so too , but once daystar mentioned it , it stopped being cool ( just kidding ) .

Edit : double posts . I'm typing on an iphone , shit gets wonky sometimes , sorry.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
The mission that had me screaming at my TV was my first race. Up until this point, cars were a necessary evil and I was even taking taxis to missions because I really didn't like driving cars around Liberty City.

So, I kind of suck at driving cars in GTA IV, which makes my first mandatory race a bit of an issue. I go in accepting that I will likely fail the race a few times before I'm decent enough to win. Until I fail it the first time and the damn game makes me go visit Brucie again, then drive back to the race start, then lose the race, then drive back to Brucie's place, then drive back to the race, then lose the race, drive back to Brucie's place, drive back to the race, lose the race... and this goes on for a while until I finally master the necessary skills to win the race.

I came to hate the lack of a checkpoint system.

I also had a hell of a time on the last mission not because the gun fights were too hard (gun fights are pathetically easy 99.9% of the time), but because I had missed a very important thing in the boat tutorial. Pushing the stick forward (as you tend to do when driving anything) makes the boat go slower and I keep getting to the end of the boat section late. A dozen or so failed missions later, I finally realize my mistake and finish the section with ease.

For about the first six hours of the game, I thought it was among the worst games I've ever played. Seriously, there's a brick throwing tutorial and I never had to throw another item in the game. There's a fist fight tutorial and you never have to punch anyone in the game again. The thing is front-loaded with a bunch of boring and, worse, useless tutorials before the game starts introducing you to some of the fun missions.

I eventually grew to enjoy the game near the end (aggravating final mission aside) and I ended up checking out the two add-ons which I mostly enjoyed, but they did so many things so horrible wrong in the main game.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Well I pretty much hated GTAIV as well but I didnt get 300+ hours into it I think 5 was enough for me to never touch the game with a 10ft barge pole again then again I wasnt expecting to like it after disliking GTA3 onwards (god knows why I keep borrowing them to try).

Worst game ever though? thats a bit ott I mean I thought it was pretty dire but I have played worse games (unfortunately). If you really hate it that much I suggest you do what I did and put it to one side and get on with a game you do like it gets a bit grating when ever new GTA comes out its now the best game ever (bit like COD) but not much you can do about it, if you enjoy it play it if you dont then ignore it no need to get annoyed over it.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Wow I I've broke 300 hundred hours with Rome Total War, maybe, but yeah eff that game.

GTA 4 is gold, great looking game for the time, shooting is great, driving is decent, never did get the hang of hand to hand but the weight of blows and the affects of physics are pretty cool to see in action. Still the only game for PS3 that I still have from it launch, one i'll never trade in, multiplayer was spotty (and non-existent now) but holding your ground against a six star cop hoard will always be fun.

Some of the missions are shitty hard, but hardly enough so much as to inspire an essay. Time to lower the bar methinks.


New member
May 24, 2011
GTA IV was not that bad a game. What made me want to burn the game, and then burn the ashes of the game are the checkpoints, or lack of checkpoints. The game overall was pretty good, but those checkpoints made me stop playing.