GTA V Star as Adult Swim's Black Jesus Draws Protests


New member
Jul 24, 2011
OH I actually came into this thinking that they were mad he was black but their actual issues is respectable. I know everyone here is going to be coming down on them for their history but the issue itself should be addressed first. Their name is still dishonest they do not have nor represent 1 million moms in their organization. Also I really don't see this character as being a literal Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ from the South Park cartoons is suppose to be but just a religious nut taking advantage of people but they don't call him anything else in the trailer here and the show is called Black Jesus so it makes sense if they assume he's suppose to be actual Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not just some random guy, he's the center of an entire religion and his teachings are what alot of people draw faith and solace from protecting his image/message is very important as they don't want him to end up like Santa of today vs the actual saint.

EDIT: I actually kind of hope they win this one. Jesus is more important to them than it is to me to laugh at.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
bjj hero said:
I love The Boondocks so fingers crossed.

Didn't we all know Jesus was black anyway?
The guy was the son of a virgin and God. Could ressurrect and walk on the water. Could have been blue for all I care

K12 said:
"They wouldn't dream of mocking Mohammed or Muslims"

... Mainly because a typical American audience doesn't know enough about either of those things to understand the jokes, at least not enough to sustain an entire show. The whole "lol they're all terrorists lol" can only get you so far.
They make fun of the terrorists but never of the things that are on the muslim book. That is a very relevant difference.

When South Park and some danish cartoonists tried to make fun of Muhammad they were censored for it.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
A million sighs from me. Have they nothing better to petition against? A million extremely bored, uneducated housewives, morelike.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Dammit, now I have to watch the show as only to send the message of 'fuck you' to those morons. Thanks Obama!



New member
Jan 5, 2009
As a christion I have to say WHO CARES. watch don't watch but instead of petition for some show that will be forgotten with in the year if not month. Why not use tha energy and work in a soup line, Do a community project. Why waist what little tie we have on earth on something like this.


Winter is coming
Jun 13, 2009
This looks pretty funny actually.
The Boondocks had some great religious and political satire.

What? People are protesting this?
Don't care. Jesus would have been middle eastern in appearance anyways.
So Black Dynam....Jesus here is closer to an actual physical portrail than most in the past couple of millienia.

Now, let's get a modern day Cain and Abel sitcom, where Cain is trying to kill Abel but Abel is completely oblivious to it and they share an apartment.


Feb 21, 2011
Scorpid said:
Also I really don't see this character as being a literal Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ from the South Park cartoons is suppose to be but just a religious nut taking advantage of people but they don't call him anything else in the trailer here and the show is called Black Jesus so it makes sense if they assume he's suppose to be actual Jesus Christ.
[Edit] read this wrong [Edit]

As for the rest of your post, nothing is sacred to people who don't believe it. Anyone can and should be able to make fun of literally any religion to any degree, if it offends people they don't have to watch/read it.

EDIT: Sorry I totally misread that, you meant exactly the opposite. My bad, I need to get more sleep.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
Riff Moonraker said:
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.
Oh well, As groups go, they have been the most closed minded and oppressive and, most importantly, POWERFUL in the US. I am all for them being taken down a peg. The fact that we have valued one group's fuzzy feeling inside more than the actual lives of others for so long is horrible and I am enjoying watching the scales rebalance.

My personal favorite is when Lawyers that represent Christian causes are made to present briefs that argue positions that are completely Christian positions but are not allowed to mention Christianity. They end up with an argument that has no practical purpose other than to make Christians happy, it usually makes no sense and they barely come out of the case looking like professionals.

Falwell only postponed the inevitable.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Qizx said:
Scorpid said:
Also I really don't see this character as being a literal Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ from the South Park cartoons is suppose to be but just a religious nut taking advantage of people but they don't call him anything else in the trailer here and the show is called Black Jesus so it makes sense if they assume he's suppose to be actual Jesus Christ.
[Edit] read this wrong [Edit]

As for the rest of your post, nothing is sacred to people who don't believe it. Anyone can and should be able to make fun of literally any religion to any degree, if it offends people they don't have to watch/read it.

EDIT: Sorry I totally misread that, you meant exactly the opposite. My bad, I need to get more sleep.
Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should. Eventually it just comes down to a moral peroggative which is something that no can't be exactly quantified as science but this means alot to a certain segment of people and the majority of them are not fundamentalists so what moral right do I have to make show mocking their sincere beliefs when it doesn't hurt most people?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Riff Moonraker said:
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.
Except that <link=>we totally do deride Muslims who get upset about this stuff. So you're wrong. :/


Feb 21, 2011
Scorpid said:
Qizx said:
Scorpid said:
Also I really don't see this character as being a literal Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ from the South Park cartoons is suppose to be but just a religious nut taking advantage of people but they don't call him anything else in the trailer here and the show is called Black Jesus so it makes sense if they assume he's suppose to be actual Jesus Christ.
[Edit] read this wrong [Edit]

As for the rest of your post, nothing is sacred to people who don't believe it. Anyone can and should be able to make fun of literally any religion to any degree, if it offends people they don't have to watch/read it.

EDIT: Sorry I totally misread that, you meant exactly the opposite. My bad, I need to get more sleep.
Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should. Eventually it just comes down to a moral peroggative which is something that no can't be exactly quantified as science but this means alot to a certain segment of people and the majority of them are not fundamentalists so what moral right do I have to make show mocking their sincere beliefs when it doesn't hurt most people?
My point is when someone shuts someone else up because "what they're saying offends their religion" we are in EXTREMELY dangerous territory. I refuse to allow any censorship based on offending people, if it's directing people (intentionally) to violence that's one thing but I refuse to allow people to whine and get something "offensive" removed.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
This isn't governmental censorship. Its a group demanding that they not show the film, whether or not they show the film is seperate from law. I mean I don't think you would argue we have no right to protest if some network started showing Nazi propaganda since that harms something we both believe in, namely the idea that all races have the same human rights no matter what.

Elijah Newton

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Of course there are protests. The world continues to turn. Just because some folks are bothered is no reason anyone else needs to be.

For my part, I like that the background music features the Rev. Cleophus James (Brown) from the Blues Brothers. They've got soul, they're good to go.

Plus, I've generally liked McGrudder's stuff from 'way back.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
I hadn't heard of this before this small amount of backlash(?). I sincerely thank One Million Moms and the American Family Association for introducing this to me!

Don't scream about something if you don't want people to be curious about it.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
lacktheknack said:
Riff Moonraker said:
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.
Except that <link=>we totally do deride Muslims who get upset about this stuff. So you're wrong. :/
I am glad you pointed that out, and is excellent to see. My point was that it should be a balance between all of them, and that link alleviates some of my concern, at least. Honestly, I think everyone needs to get thicker skin, even the subject of this article, my problem just stims from alot of bias you see running rampant in favor of some groups and not in favor of others. Which DOES exist, and shouldnt. Also, please note, that I am not saying that some things people protest or stand up against isnt worthy, per se, its just gone completely overboard and their IS an extreme amount of leeway given in these other groups that simply isnt allowed to Christians, and thats wrong.

IE People shouldnt be mistreated, or treated any differently, because of their gender, color, sex, sexual preference, or religion... or hell, because of their political preferences, either. Alot of these protests fall outside of this, and really can only be based on stupidity, and thats what I have a problem with. Treat them like South Park does, and leave no target untouched, or dont do it at all.


Oct 28, 2013
Adam Jensen said:
Here's an idea. If their savior is real and if he has a problem with this, then let him take care of it. No need to get upset.
Sounds reasonable. Reminds me of a conversation from A Man For All Seasons:

"Well, there's no law against that."
"There is - God's law!"
"Then God can arrest him."

OT: Thanks for the mention, AFA. I look forward to watching this show myself.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Riff Moonraker said:
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.
I'll feel free to laugh at 1MM and any other group for trying to get things they don't like censored. I think anyone engaged in attempting to censor whatever they find offensive to be jerks. I support 1MM right to boycott, write in and have things changed, but I still think they are fools for doing it, just as I would with any group who makes it their personal prerogative to try and get other people to shut up. To me, if you don't like the message, don't watch/play/view the thing that offends you. And this isn't just the way the liberal left works either. The right engages in exactly the same hypocrisy as you're chastising the left for.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
So, they have a problem because Jesus is portrait like someone with street creed or because he is black? Because their claim keep talking about "violence, gunfire, drugs...", and the trailer was pretty mild about it. Certainly have seen many parodies that could be considered worst:
Unless their real problem is that Jesus is black, to which I say: Get over it. If Jesus is an historical figure, chances are he was not the Caucasian guy with black, straight long hair and blue eyes...