GTA V Star as Adult Swim's Black Jesus Draws Protests

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Gorrath said:
Riff Moonraker said:
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.
I'll feel free to laugh at 1MM and any other group for trying to get things they don't like censored. I think anyone engaged in attempting to censor whatever they find offensive to be jerks. I support 1MM right to boycott, write in and have things changed, but I still think they are fools for doing it, just as I would with any group who makes it their personal prerogative to try and get other people to shut up. To me, if you don't like the message, don't watch/play/view the thing that offends you. And this isn't just the way the liberal left works either. The right engages in exactly the same hypocrisy as you're chastising the left for.
You missed my point. I dont have a problem with you laughing at 1MM, specifically. So long as you, as per your own words, do the same with ANYONE "engaged in attempting to censor whatever they find offensive". If you do, then you are not whom I was targeting in my post. I also feel that ALL of these groups need to thicken their skin, and choose their battles with alot more intelligence than they seem to be applying. Yes, you are correct, the right does it too, and their are times I get extremely pissed off at them, too.

Everyone should do exactly what you said... don't watch/play/view the thing that offends you, and let that be the end of it. You know as good as I do that it won't happen, but that is how it should be.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I found that trailer very funny.

And this is coming from someone who believes in God as well (although that's the extent of my so called religion beliefs).


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
I'm Catholic. Not just "I go to Mass twice a year" Catholic, but "I sing and play piano for the choir, volunteer for events, and am really involved with my church" Catholic. And I wasn't offended by this trailer at all. It makes it pretty darn clear that he's not Jesus, and seems to be more an attack on people and human nature in general than on Christianity. I admit there's a chance the show could make me mad, but based on the trailer I'm not going to assume that it will.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Riff Moonraker said:
You missed my point. I dont have a problem with you laughing at 1MM, specifically. So long as you, as per your own words, do the same with ANYONE "engaged in attempting to censor whatever they find offensive". If you do, then you are not whom I was targeting in my post. I also feel that ALL of these groups need to thicken their skin, and choose their battles with alot more intelligence than they seem to be applying. Yes, you are correct, the right does it too, and their are times I get extremely pissed off at them, too.

Everyone should do exactly what you said... don't watch/play/view the thing that offends you, and let that be the end of it. You know as good as I do that it won't happen, but that is how it should be.
For clarity's sake, the reason I replied was that you seemed to imply that the Escapist community as a whole was hypocritical about this issue. As a member of the community, I felt the need to defend it by pointing out that I was not like what you described. It seems counter productive to say things like "The hypocrisy runs deep here," when you could point to a specific individual or individuals who engage in the behavior you describe and chastise them for the behavior.

Also, I'm glad you realize that people and media on the right and left both engage in this sort of practice. Far too often when people say "This is how the left/right operates," they believe that their own camp does not operate that way. Saying, "This is how the left operates," seems like a pointless accusation if you know full well the right is just as engaged in the same behavior.

It seems you and I essentially agree, I just feel that your original post was doing your own beliefs a disservice.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
lacktheknack said:
Riff Moonraker said:
Boy, does the hypocrisy run deep here. Its a perfect representation of whats wrong in this country today. IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting. Yet, mark my words, people will fire right back with whatever silly reason they can justify as to how THIS is different, but its NOT. Muslims raise hell about stuff all the time that offends them, as does the NAACP, and the LGBT, etc. etc. I assure you that you will not come on this site and see any article about a protest from THOSE groups and see it ridiculed in this fashion. This is how the liberal left works. Its OK to support those other groups I mentioned, and trust me, they pull just as much bullshit and garbage as this million moms group... they are not any different in the fact that ALL of these groups feel the need to stand up for what they believe in. The left wing loons, however, will support any and everything in the world that offends any and every person in the world, except for straight christians. They are different, you see, and worthy of our condemnation. They inflict sufferage on others, and should be taught a lesson, humbled, and gotten rid of. It has reached levels of insanity in this country these days, and one way or another, its going to have to stop.
Except that <link=>we totally do deride Muslims who get upset about this stuff. So you're wrong. :/
Actually, most of the comments in that thread defended the Muslims' right to be offended, just disapproved of their method of dealing with it. Not exactly the case here.

Additionally, in the actual text of that article, the writer felt the need to temper even his light criticism of Islam with an account of a completely unrelated event that occurred 1500 miles away, a full week prior to the event he was actually writing about, just so he could imply, "See? But Christians are WAY worse."


New member
Feb 22, 2013
PhiMed said:
Actually, most of the comments in that thread defended the Muslims' right to be offended, just disapproved of their method of dealing with it. Not exactly the case here.

Additionally, in the actual text of that article, the writer felt the need to temper even his light criticism of Islam with an account of a completely unrelated event that occurred 1500 miles away, a full week prior to the event he was actually writing about, just so he could imply, "See? But Christians are WAY worse."
I'm not sure how you interpret "most" of the comments in the thread as defending the Muslims' right to be offended. Hell, the first page alone is almost universally against their stance. I guess we've a difference of interpretation, which includes the article itself. The whole point of him talking about the other event is because the two events were similar, not that Christians were "way worse". The whole point is that members of both religions are protesting media that they feel is offensive to their religious beliefs. How you think that he's saying the Christians are "way worse" when he specifically brings up how other Islamic protesters actually killed people* I don't know.

*Of course as it turned out those killings had nothing to do with the movie.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Kalezian said:
Scorpid said:
OH I actually came into this thinking that they were mad he was black but their actual issues is respectable. I know everyone here is going to be coming down on them for their history but the issue itself should be addressed first. Their name is still dishonest they do not have nor represent 1 million moms in their organization. Also I really don't see this character as being a literal Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ from the South Park cartoons is suppose to be but just a religious nut taking advantage of people but they don't call him anything else in the trailer here and the show is called Black Jesus so it makes sense if they assume he's suppose to be actual Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not just some random guy, he's the center of an entire religion and his teachings are what alot of people draw faith and solace from protecting his image/message is very important as they don't want him to end up like Santa of today vs the actual saint.

EDIT: I actually kind of hope they win this one. Jesus is more important to them than it is to me to laugh at.
one millions moms is a branch of the American Family Association who also run One Million Dads [source: ]. The AFA has itself been labled a hate group who's notable accusations include claiming that Nazi's were all homosexuals, thus the reason they killed those 6 million people [including homosexuals ironically], constant demonetization of LGBT peoples, and even media groups calling the AFA the "first step to a police state".

The AFA, OMM, and OMD are just a step below the Westboro Baptist Church in their hate spewing.

Then again, they are boycotting The Home Depot, so I guess they are doing some good.
Lol I Know what they are. In this one instance they have a point. They are still hypocrits and liars rest assured.


New member
Jul 14, 2014
LOL, Someone in the comments section thinks they have a point :D
thats funnier than the trailer itself. Im sorry, but it is to me.

Anyway, so Black Jesus seems like an impostor, shame, it would be greater if he actually believed hes the son of god.
OR EVEN BETTER, in the last episode it is revealed that he is actually the son of god!!!

Quantum Glass

New member
Mar 19, 2013
I'm not quite sure what the protest groups involved are trying to accomplish here.

I mean, it'd probably work better for them if they just ignored it, or, say, mocked the quality of the writing or something. "Ha! What an overdone joke. Tell us, is /all/ of it this formulaic?"

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
"violence, gunfire, drugs and other inappropriate gestures which completely misrepresent Jesus,"

Oh, come now, if you're going to complain about misrepresenting Jesus, you'd have to go after pretty much all of Christianity. Especially in cultures where they insist that Jesus would be for violence.

StormShaun said:
This is a comedy.
This is not suppose to be taken seriously.
OMM (nomnomnom) and AFA are not known for their senses of humour.

Or a grip on reality.

Not G. Ivingname said:

If he wasn't, why is always shown as white in images drawn over a thousand years after he died, drawn by Italians, looking and dressing like an Italian of the time?
It's even worse because not only are they retroactively changing the race of a man, but also because white people are horrifically underrepresented on TV. When will white erasure stop?

Riff Moonraker said:
IF this was something that was offensive to muslims or gays, and someone was protesting THAT, then the very same folks in here ridiculing this, and cracking jokes at christianity in here, would be in full support of it, and condemning whatever the group was protesting.
For that to be true, you'd have to ignore Family Guy and South Park (at the very least). Otherwise, it just turns into false equivalence.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Of course Jesus wasn't black.

Jesus, coming from the Middle East, was brown - just like the people the US is so fond of blowing up every once in a while.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Hmmm. I wonder, are they mad that they are making fun of jesus? Or because jesus is black .

There is no way in hell , jesus was a blond blue eyed white guy.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Scorpid said:
In this one instance they have a point.
Which point is that again? The one where they complain about things Jesus doesn't do in the trailer, the one where they ignore the notion that he's not really Jesus, the one where they claim the programming block that runs reruns of Family Guy wouldn't mock other religions, or the one where they hypocritically go after someone else for "misrepresenting Jesus?"

Don't get me wrong. I support the right of protest and boycott, even if the people doing it are hypocritical assholes. I'm not saying they can't protest. I'm just wondering what, specifically, you're siding with them on. Because I am seriously not seeing a salient point here. Unless we're talking the most general: the right to protest. In which case, they have that right in every other instance, too.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
1 Million Moms [there are no million] and AFA. Oh yeah that is the old and losing.

The culture in america is changing and these old bloaks don't like it. These old rusty people dislike the though that they can't kick others down just because they are rich and white.

Guess what.. you are on the wrong side AFA and 1MM. Time will wash you away. You will die out.. it already is happening.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
RA92 said:
Of course Jesus wasn't black.

Jesus, coming from the Middle East, was brown
Exactly. And this is assuming he even existed.

There's no quantifiable evidence, beyond biblical ruminations, that he even existed. Many biblical and theological scholars will even attest to this. Many believe the character was simply a fabrication. Perhaps loosely based on one or more real-world spiritual leaders, but likely not on a singular real person. (and certainly not as he's portrayed)

So what we have here with this 1MM protest is a situation equivalent to a group of people getting bent out of shape because someone decided to write a comedy-based fan-fic of Harry Potter wherein Harry is black and studied in a school in the middle of Harlem instead of Hogwarts.

They're welcome to be upset about it. They've every right. But we also have the right to mercilessly mock them over it.


New member
Apr 9, 2014
A FAMILY BASED(and probably religious) ORGANIZATION IS AGAINST A SATIRE OF JESUS CHRIST! In other news, humans breath air. Someone was bound to be offended by this. They turned that shitty joke on Family Guy into a REAL SHOW. Now this whole thread is going down the lines of atheist circle-jerk. I only hope that this show is at least better than the "atheist humor" that you see on reddit.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
masticina said:
1 Million Moms [there are no million] and AFA. Oh yeah that is the old and losing.

The culture in america is changing and these old bloaks don't like it. These old rusty people dislike the though that they can't kick others down just because they are rich and white.

Guess what.. you are on the wrong side AFA and 1MM. Time will wash you away. You will die out.. it already is happening.
Come to think of it, has OMM (nomnomnomnom) ever succeeded in changing anything?

The ones I remember they either failed or they got mocked/a deliberate "screw you" in the case of...What was it, JC Penny? Sears? I forget.

The only thing I think they've done is serve as a promotional tool for the companies that offend them.

Vigormortis said:
There's no quantifiable evidence, beyond biblical ruminations, that he even existed. Many biblical and theological scholars will even attest to this. Many believe the character was simply a fabrication. Perhaps loosely based on one or more real-world spiritual leaders, but likely not on a singular real person. (and certainly not as he's portrayed)
It's interesting to me, because even if there was no mention of Jesus outside of the Bible, you'd think scholars and historians would have written something about the events that occurred. The Bible claims hundreds of witnesses to some of these claims, and while writing wasn't as commonplace, you'd think someone, somewhere would have found this noteworthy. Hell, you have zombie saints rising from the grave. You would think a zombie outbreak would have been mentioned somewhere.

So what we have here with this 1MM protest is a situation equivalent to a group of people getting bent out of shape because someone decided to write a comedy-based fan-fic of Harry Potter wherein Harry is black and studied in a school in the middle of Harlem instead of Hogwarts.

They're welcome to be upset about it. They've every right. But we also have the right to mercilessly mock them over it.
Hey hey hey....That's not fair. Harry Potter is based on real-life events! And Dumbledore was white!

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
valium said:
Are we all just going to ignore the fact that 1 Million Moms is protesting a show for adults? I thought the whole 1MM thing was for their children?
In fairness, there's so much crazy in the story it's easy to forget that.