Guilty Pleasures...Embarrass Yourself Here


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Jonluw said:
Niagro said:
One word: anime.

It's the sort of secret that nobody who I know irl knows - I find it incredibly embarrassing, but I also think that some of the stuff out there is (in a lot of ways) better than/equal to all other media - I mean, I love A Song Of Ice And Fire, but I like Claymore more...

And I think that's what is so mortifying about it, that I can get really into a series and actually care about the characters, while nobody else I know even understands that anime is more than just pokemon and naruto.

Not that I'm going to sacrifice my social dignity to enlighten them any time soon - hell no.
Death note is really good for making people understand that anime isn't just pokémon/cartoon porn.
well death note is one of them, there is alot of darker anime's that i would probably not let kids watch.. saying anime is for kids would be like saying books are for kids, and then you base that statement because you went to the library and found children books..


New member
Sep 3, 2009
Music: Lady Gaga, at least she's better than Ke$ha
Games: Pokemon, definitely getting Black/White
TV: lots of anime: K-ON!, Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Haruhi Suzumiya, FMA: Brotherhood, One Piece, Nyan Koi!, Toradora!, Ah! My Goddess, and others
Movies: some romance coms: The Proposal, The Ugly Truth
Sep 14, 2009

there are quite a few...and when your a sophmore in college these aren't the most apt of things to be doing.

i still love watching dragon ball z and every other cartoon i watched as a kid, watch it more than any other type of media.

i like nicholas cage in quiet a few movies

i like quite a ridiculous amounts of movies that people on here seem to despise with a passion, and every actor in them. (i dont remember which ones exactly, but after going through thread after thread over the past year or so i know there are quite a few racked up)

i absolutely love watching the boondocks, that show literally describes what i had to deal with all throughout high school and makes it into the funniest way possible (alot of it is surprisingly true and accurate)

I look like your typical preppy jock, so when people(especially girls) find out that I'm a huge gamer/tech nerd, they nearly implode from the combination.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Well, ignoring the video, i love this song.

And i thought that Snoopy vs The Red Baron was a ton of fun, and uh, the obvious that many people have said before me.

The Black Ghost

New member
Jan 9, 2010
The only movie i consider to be a guilty pleasure is Blue Lagoon. I'm not ashamed to say it is because of Brook Shields.

Pokemon I still enjoy, even though i havent watched it for like 10 years or whenever it came out.

Star Trek Enterprise, Stargate Atlantis/SG-1...yeah, general nerdy stuff.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
the orginal teenage mutant ninaja turtles movie from 1990 a MASTERPEICE

and don't give any of that TMNT 2007 crap That movie was pretty average

oh and I own two ninja turtle action figures

Mean Mother Rucker

New member
Oct 27, 2008
I'm kind of a closet WoW player.

I love drawing, and that's becoming less of a guilty pleasure and more of a shared medium, though.

And I enjoyed all the Final Fantasies (provided there are incremental differences in my liking of each one, but overall, I enjoyed them).

EDIT: Oh! And I watch Man vs. Wild prolifically. I still get grossed out when he eats random stuff, but I giggle menacingly to myself as he suffers through it.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Niagro said:
One word: anime.

It's the sort of secret that nobody who I know irl knows - I find it incredibly embarrassing, but I also think that some of the stuff out there is (in a lot of ways) better than/equal to all other media - I mean, I love A Song Of Ice And Fire, but I like Claymore more...

And I think that's what is so mortifying about it, that I can get really into a series and actually care about the characters, while nobody else I know even understands that anime is more than just pokemon and naruto.

Not that I'm going to sacrifice my social dignity to enlighten them any time soon - hell no.
yeah, I hate it when that happens. except quite a few people I know know that i like anime/manga


Jul 24, 2010
music: lady gaga..... i hate my life....
video games: preety much all of them.. mostly the ones that REALLY suck
Feb 8, 2009
I enjoy the music on Glee. Music only. I also listen to Paramore, I love them. I could also add Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and several emo bands that I listen to on occasion. Not a lot though. Boy Like Girls is still bad to me.

I also enjoy anime, and I love Pixar and Dreamworks animated films.