It all seems so comical when think about it. A game is created and is reviewed, but it gets a bad review. So the creator tries to shut down the bad review. Well I guess it's like a government cover up or conspiracy; silence the truth. To anyone that watched TB's video you'll see he didn't go out of his way to find the bug, glitches, or horrible mechanics. In truth they practically exploded out of the clown car, after running him over in an 18 wheeler, that was on fire. Much like Day One I think this is because he's a popular reviewer. I'm sure other not so flattering videos exist, but TB has a wider audience which in turn a larger influence. He's not the only one to say it may be crap, but if those that do follow him see it and pass on the word.... There's an easy fix to such a problem; make a decent game. I'm not saying a perfect 5 star AAA title. Make a game where such issues walking through trees or getting stuck in rocks isn't a problem. Maybe a stealth mechanic with more depth than crouching just to pick a pocket. Yeah, TB is just evil for poking holes into that paper boat of a game.