Gunman in my school


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Years before I even attended my school in Hong Kong, my school received a bomb threat from one of the students that turned out to be a prank. It forced the whole school to evacuate and the bomb squad was called. Said student was kicked out of both the school and the country.
Just days ago, three people cheated on the SATs and were caught by some cleverly laid microphones and cameras in the bathrooms. I knew one of the kids.

Aside from that, several senior pranks involving moving cafeteria into the entrance of the school and letting loose a live chicken within the school, plus various fire and bomb drills, not much equally exciting happened in my school. Then again, it's a Lutheran private school.

Oh yeah, my school looks like Hogwarts.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
When I was in high school I got put on a hit list by some crazy nazi guy because I dated a girl he liked. Also some girls were caught smoking pot in the bathrooms. That's about it.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Most exciting thing that ever happened at my school was the police doing a raid on it, because some students were apparently using and distributing drugs. (I use the term "raid" loosely here. All they did was make sure no one got in or out while they talked with everyone and had a dog sniff around).


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
One time police were called to my school to arrest members of a gang who were selling drugs on school property. Shortly afterwards an ambulance was called because one of the police officers was stabbed.

There was no interruption to classes.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
My old school had the police called twice because half a dozen gang members were walking around the grounds with knives and bats. Turns out it's part of a gang initiation - they have to cross the school wielding badass weapons over and over until the police are called on them.

I wish I was fucking kidding.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Once somebody broke into my high school at night and tried to torch a few class rooms. Thankfully it wasn't that bad, only some damaged walls, burnt tables etc. It was the aftermath over the next few weeks that was the bad part. Police questioning and all that jazz, we were never told who it was though.

Also a bomb threat where we were forced onto the oval all day, turned out to be nothing though.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
No nothing like that ever happen in my high school (located in Wales so there no gun or robbers etc).
The suppose to closest thing I can think of was during my brother time in High School someone sneak into the school use those metal powders from the storage room and set the science room on fire. My brother had gotten weeks off school due to the leathal chemical smoke cause from the burning powder.
In my time there was a fire in the textile room in the early morning but that was accidental (I think something in the room act as a magnify and the sun rise).


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well.... in boarding school high school we had a bit of a problem once.
Most of the home was sitting in the living room playing a LAN COD4 game, and suddenly someone threw a rock into the room.
They ran out with golf clubs and bats, and the guy who was throwing rocks jumped on his bike and sped away. Then we noticed the graffiti on the side of the house.
We got the window repaired, and the graffiti removed. Except that they removed the graffiti with high pressured water, and made sure to only peel of the graffiti. So the graffiti is still there, just in bleached form.

........ other than that...... many pranks gone wrong, many people getting busted for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Fun times :D ( I never payed for booze when i was there).


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Someone set one of the toilets on fire once (btw, we don't really do the communal bathrooms thing in schools the way Americans seem to). It was dealt with quickly and our day went on as usual. That's pretty much it.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
A rival school tried to set it on fire, they also appeared outside one day en masse which prompted the riot police to be put on standby, one stabbing, several serious thefts, many drug dealing incidents, a motorbike drove through the grounds, and once during the contruction of a new part of it, it almost...blew up.

School life in thamesmead, people.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
There was this one time where my entire school was evacuated twice in the same day.
The first time was for a gas leak and the other was a bomb threat.
It was great.


New member
Nov 6, 2009
In my final year, the school actually had a fire (the weeek before I and my fellow 6th formers went on A2 studyleave).
The electronics in the boiler room caught fire and 'asploded. On the (then) hottest day of the year.
Last 2nd to last period, I had double free so was in art. Heard the alarm - during my 7 years there, we'd had so many drills (and accidental alarms - tennis racket hit alarm, minor explosions in chemistry, for a month the alarm went off every day because of a fault - Fire Brigade still had to come out, the day an inspector thought the fire alarm was the door-lock release...) - that everyone pretty much thought "oh goody, another drill"
Decided to leave my gear in art. Low and behold, it was a real fire.
Spent the rest of the afternoon in the yard waiting for the firefighters to put out the fire. To add a bit more excitement, our DofE instructor kept his highly explosive gas cannisters in the boiler room... For the rest of the week the building stank of burnt electronics and had no electricity.

The other thing...
The Royal Navy landed a Lynx helicopter in our yard/playground.
We knew that a former student was a high-ranker in the Royal Navy. We knew he was coming in to give us a careers talk on the Navy. We weren't told that he was a helicopter pilot, nor were we told that he would be landing his helicopter in the school grounds...


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
Someone brought a grenade into my school once. Luckily, it was homemade and he was an idiot, so nothing catastrophic actually happened.

Other than that, the most exciting thing that would ever happen (with alarming regularity) was a random dog getting loose in the corridors.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Wow, compared to you guys, I had a boring High-school.

We just had to evacuate once because there was smoke in the school. Apparently, an experiment went bad in one of the classes, but in the end, there was only damage to the lab equipment.

Benkin Manfish

New member
Apr 16, 2010
about the most interesting thing to attack out school was a Kangaroo with a broken leg. Funnily enough that was taken more seriously then the half dozen deadly snakes that inhabited the grounds every summer. But i guessed no one expects Australia to make sense.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
I remember a fire drill once in my old school where the teachers got actual smoke machines to make the drill more "realistic". This was never done again, seeing as the next week a microwave in the cafeteria actually caught fire and everyone ignored it.