Guys: Would you date / marry a powerful woman?


New member
Jun 12, 2009
dunno. id still think itd be a prank or shes doing it to prove she dosent have many wants in a guy


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Yes, I'm actually only really attracted to smarter women. Don't get me wrong, air-headed bimbos are physically attractive, but that doesn't mean I want to date them. As for her being powerful, sure, why not? I fuckin' hate the media, but I'd put up with them if she's worth it.

Daddy Go Bot

New member
Aug 14, 2008
Who the fuck would be dumb enough to marry in this day and age? Are you really that eager to become a financial slave to the government?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
If she is that powerful, then it sounds like she doesn't need me or may get caught up with her position and leave me aside. Also, I would have difficulty seeing what she would find attractive in me, I'm just your run of the mill 22 year old without any social skills. I have to admit that I'm a little insecure but not afraid to admit it.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
smithy_2045 said:
I'll take what I can get.

but really, as long as you actually love that person and enjoy yourself when you are with them, it doesn't really matter if they are more successful or powerful than you or not. plus, i kinda like having someone else in charge. i'm not that great with relationship stuff.

with the controversial thing, I think it is only really controversial to guys with low self-esteem. the kinds of guys that have the idea of men being the more powerful ones in a relationship who can't handle the idea of a woman being in a higher position of power than they are. they see a woman in a great position with lots of power compared to themselves in whatever low level position they are in and it makes them jealous and self-conscious. they can't take it.

now, it would be annoying if they were so famous paparazzi follow them everywhere and push you off to the side to get pictures of just her, but again, doesn't really matter if you love them etc.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Sure why not, as long as the respect was equal and as long as her forte isn't cooking I'd still have that one over her.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
I don't mind being with a more ambitious or powerful woman. My girlfriend will probably have a much better job than me in a few years and will be making more money. That doesn't bug me at all.

Being way smarter though? That would probably bug me. I prefer being pretty close in intelligence, I would hate being looked down on or my main asset being belittled by comparison. Right now my girlfriend are pretty close, on of us may be smarter than the other, but with different fields of expertise it's hard to judge (she's a linguist, I'm a physicist). It's nice being on the same level, easier to be partners that way.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I certainly would NOT date a powerful woman! I would have no problem dating a powerful man on the other hand ;)
You tagged this thread as "guys" so I felt that I was allowed to respond :p


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
OmniscientOstrich said: this hypothetical scenario I'm dating someone successful and intelligent, with plenty of connections...where's the problem exactly? I'm pretty submissive anyway so this would be a no brainer for me.
Basically that. I don't see why a person you're attracted to would be worse if they were in a higher position than you.

Though I assume when you're alone with her she wouldn't be more powerful than you then.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Oh hells to the yes. My life really is going nowhere fast and to be with a woman who could take care of me would be the bomb. Sit around all day and play video games, show up as a date to the occasional social function, and get laid when the moment arrises. I see absolutely no downside at all. If there are any rich ladies reading this who need a trophy husband, I am here for you.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
pulse2 said:
my dad is submissive, but that doesn't mean he's weak, when the time comes, he doesn't tolerate nonsense, he changes pretty quickly and you soon start to see that he isn't anything as submissive as he appears to be 98% of the time.
Totally with you.
My dad is a very kind, very caring guy, who pretty much always goes along with what my mum wants and very rarely gets involved in a dispute.
He is also an retired Officer and combat engineer, who probably still can decapitate someone with a shovel. Growing up with him taught me that being the more submissive element in your personal relationship says NOTHING about your actual strength, willpower or abilities and as such, I am not particularly afraid of powerful women.
Though I also admit that I have never actually found myself in such a situation, as the only people I ever dated were roughly my equal in intellect and money (which, both parties being uni-students, means "quite a bit" and "very little", respectively).


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Well, I don't think that last situation would (likely) happen where she has several masters degrees and puts you to shame while speaking simply because one of the strongest selection factors for a relationship happens to be educational level. If you can't challenge her intellectually and that's obviously something that's a big part of who she is, then I don't think it'll work out in the long run, anyways.

I just had to get that out, but honestly, I don't care if she's a mega celebrity or makes all the money in the relationship (in fact, I'm kind of counting on this haha) as long as she puts a decent amount of work into our relationship. She doesn't need to cook or clean since I already do both, but just once in a while let me know that she still cares. :) I'm all for women getting successful careers and the men staying home, in fact, I kinda prefer it that way. I've always, above everything else, wanted to be a good father to my kids, and if I can stay home and be an even more active parent, I'd love the chance to do so.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
If I'm in love with her then I see no problem. My only hiccup would be with someone who was famous, as in paparazzi famous. I don't like those creeps, and I would hate to have them follow someone I love.
But I don't think having a successful partner means that you are submissive. And relationships aren't as simple so that you can say that there are only two compatible types: dominant and submissive.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I wouldn't mind aslong as I wasn't neglected, belittled by her, or pulled into it by media.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Perfectly find with it. In fact, powerful women are my preference. However, I do have one condition: Don't try and walk all over me. Just because I'm not going to tell you to get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich doesn't mean that I'm going to tolerate you bossing me around.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I would prefer a woman who is roughly an equal to me in terms of intellect and force of will. Whether or not she has more personal power/fame than me is almost certainly irrelevant, particularly considering my contempt of the modern media and its screwed up sense of importance.