For me, HL3 or Episode Three is one of the saddest stories to ever exist in the history of gaming. At first, they announced the whole episodic gaming, and with it, three instalments for the new series. Everything fine, every episode ships perfectly, until the release date of the third one, which is for the end of the year. People are impressed, perplexed, as the ending of the saga does not come out when expected. Time passes, and slowly Valve starts talking less and less about Half Life. The fans at first get angry and start signing petitions and expecting answers, but then they start losing hope. We have reached a moment when the fans, so dreamless, do not even consider that a reality, or they have entered in a state where they look every single bite it is altered in a Valve game update to look for evidence. But that is not the saddest part in my opinion, what I think that is really depressing is that HL3 will never actually come out, or when it comes out it will not meet the expectations of most people, just like Duke Nukem Forever, because, no matter what, it is almost impossible to make a game that will satisfy 9 years of hype...