Halo 2 Is Holding Back Your Xbox Live Social Life


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Halo 2 most be the first game that impacts on both a "real life" social life and a "online" one. Although i do question why you'd ever need 100 friends on the xbox. I know with it's more usable voice chat (in my experience) I suppose having people you know is useful and prevents you from listening endlessly to, for lack of a better word, idiots either constantly hurling abuse at you or whining that you cheat etc. But who needs a 100, now that would make sense on that mag game that's coming out (for ps3)which apparently will be able to have 256 online players per map but even then you'd never be on line the same time

Jim Grim

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Why do people prefer Halo 2 to Halo 3? Seriously, what's the difference? It's practically the same fucking game!


New member
Mar 13, 2009
so they have to support the halo 2 game... if you got an xbox 360 to play halo 2 why dont you just sell it get the original xbox and give me the money that you got -.-


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Good to see that M$ can appreciate their fans in at least one way. I for one prefer Halo 3 but there are differences that seperate the two games.

No equipment, no Assault Rifle, Hit-scan Battle Rifle, Blood Gultch, heavier dose of auto-aim... to name a few.

Whether you think those are good or bad quite a few people think it's better so kudos to M$ for giving them their dues.

Hiroshi Mishima

New member
Sep 25, 2008
Wow, who has 100 friends? I mean really, I'd have to go trolling for friends to get that many. I know plenty of people who play the same consoles as I do, but the same games? Ahahaha...

Maybe if emulators had friends lists I'd have friends... ahahaha


New member
Jan 20, 2009
i find it a hassle to have to delete people so much although i wish they would let you completely block someone from joining parties games and sending messages im not trying to brag or nothing but im a good sniper in gears and im constantly getting people coming in and saying "WILL YOU JOIN MY CLAN" or a message "JoiN ME CL4N" very annoying


New member
Jan 20, 2009
KissofKetchup said:
Cryo84R said:
KissofKetchup said:
One more reason to hate Halo...
Because it's too popular?

I don't get it.
Because it's keeping me from being the most popular person on Xbox live[/teenie angst]

Trivun said:
KissofKetchup said:
One more reason to hate Halo...
Why do you say that? We don't really appreciate flamers here, if you don't like Halo then fine, but don't make silly comments that offer no discussion, and please don't flame Halo here. If you don't like it that's up to you, but many more of us do enjoy Halo, so please, no more flames.

EDIT: Double post, apologies.
I wasn't really being serious, but you have to admit it's pretty lame that one game keeps people from having more than a hundred friends. Admittedly, I really don't like Halo and do think it is overrated. However I believe that my comment wasn't really flaming. If I was flaming, it would look more like this:

OMG H4L0 3 IZ TEH SUXORZ!!!! ONLY N00BS PLAY H4L0!!!!! etc. etc.
so saying that making movies sucks and i really hate it

is not flamming because i didnt say "movie making fucking sucks man you are a loser"?


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I may actually remember about 10-15 people on my friends list. Why the hell would need more than 100?


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I don't really care. How anyone could have 100 friends and continuely play and talk to them like real friends I will never. I only have like 10 people and that is plenty for me, all of them I know in real life. If people want to play Halo 2 then let them play, i see nothing wrong with the 100 friend cap.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
mine stays mainly around the 80 mark, deleting anyone who drops off to a month offline.
at anyone time i usually have around 8 of them on.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I only have 37 friends on my steam account (6 of them IRL friends)
I also delete people who are offline more than a month or 2


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Um...ok? Who seriously plays regularly with more then 100 people on XBL?

Edit:The most active my friends list has ever been is when I was in Halo 2/CoD 4 clans and I had like maybe 20 people on at a time. I don't see the need of more then 100 people.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
You know there is something oddly funny about this.
So it seems games (well, Halo 2) really do make your social life worse. xD But not for the reason you'd think.

I have eleven friends on XBox Live, six of whom I know in real life (my boyfriend, my cousin, my next door neighbor, and some other friends) the other five are people I've met online on websites, three of which I've known/spoken too more than five times, the rest are people who have randomly added me.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
For those of you who think it's rediculous to have that many friends on xbox live, ever tried to start a custom match in Halo 2 or 3? Having only your close friends simply leaves you with 2 or three people to invite and they might not have anyone else to. I belong to a group called Real Custom Games and we had at one point a fairly active community in Halo 2 who created, tested and played custom games. Hell we even got our games featured on the Team Carnage playlist (was a playlist that featured different community groups), and honor only ever recieved by Halo.Bungie.org and us. But even still though we could usually get a fairly large party with scheduled game days or even just random pick-up parties we usually relied on those randoms to fill in the voids.

Not though for the average gamer who pops in grabs a buddy and heads straight to a matchmade game, having a large friends list seem pointless. But to people like myself who play about twice as many custom games as matchmade filling up your friends list can be a major plus. That being said microsoft is right in putting priority on allowing people to play the games they love. I know plenty of people who still play Halo 2, including myself from time to time. Expecting everyone who loved Halo 2 to even like Halo 3 is a bit to idealistic.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
i cant understand why on earth you would want to play halo 2 or have 100 friends i mean seriously does that kinda show friendship doesnt mean that much to you


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Chainsaws_of_War_2 said:
RogueDarkJedi said:
Thank god for the 100 friend cap. I have so many people begging (even to the level of wanting to pay) to be on my friend's list, I need something to keep them away.
Wow, I wish was that popular. What on Earth would people want to pay you for to be on their friend's list?

OT, I really haven't found a need to have anymore than 100 friends. Most of the time there's really only about 4 people I play with everyday. But I guess for those that use Live for social networking there is always that sad option.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
EDIT: I just realized I'm replying to week old comments, though I'm not going to edit my original post now...
Sh0ckFyre said:
NO ONE PLAYS HALO 2 ANYMORE. Seriously, Microsoft needs to get with the fucking times.
I think you'll find thats a completely inaccurate statement...

lizards said:
i find it a hassle to have to delete people so much although i wish they would let you completely block someone from joining parties games and sending messages im not trying to brag or nothing but im a good sniper in gears and im constantly getting people coming in and saying "WILL YOU JOIN MY CLAN" or a message "JoiN ME CL4N" very annoying
You can set your status to busy (Guide button --> Settings ---> Preferences ---> Online Status) if you want to eliminate the pop-up's that appear whilst you play but thats all. It's pretty strange that they have a system that allows you to only hear your friends voices but not one to stop you receiving messages from strangers...

At least, if there is a system like that I havn't seen it.

RogueDarkJedi said:
They pay to be on your friends list because you have Recon? I guess I can kinda see the appeal in their eyes - it either means you work for Bungie or your some sort of internet celebrity (at least from what I've heard regarding Recon armour), but still - how many people do you actually play with regularly out of those 100 friends?