Lol, I knew H3 would cause some controversy sooner rather than later.
I think Halo 3 was just another in a long line of games that was severly overhyped to match any kind of expectations. (Peter Moleneux should take note of this!!)
While in a "non-fanboyish" opinion i do happen to observe this as one of the best games ive ever played, maybe about 5 in my top ten ever, i will conceid that a lot of the games more "elaborate" features tend to fade into the background after a while.
Campaign mode, while a little short, did what it intended to do, and that was to "finish the fight". It's a shame the fight they managed to drag out over 2 games which intially took me 3-4 days gaming to complete, into a 8-9 hour stroll across some battlefields, and yes you will all be saying at this point "ah but what about legendary mode?" well, yes, legendary is a challenge, and the skulls make it even more so, but honestly, the game is finished now, why do i want to do it again when it suffers from what ive come to call G.O.W syndrome (gears of war if you didnt get that), where the majority of the game is easy, except theese little bits where you respawn a million and one times, before somehow fluking it through, and then tearing through another easy streak of gameplay, only to find ANOTHER bit that takes a million respawns before the god sended fluke occurs again? (And i mean flukes in the sense that youll take out a different enemy first, or you somehow dont get rushed by the three massive guys that beat you in one hit)
Campaign is fine, but alas could have been better, this new emphasis on outdoor vehicle gameplay seems a little devoid of the original game, but maybe thats just me.
Multiplayer however, is where this game obviously shines, my first day online, we'd come up with a new game mode we call chariots, and not only that we had 16 players to do it ith, absolute carnage, but so much fun it was silly.
Ranked ladders are just populated dominatley by clans with to much ego and no mannaers, but hell its xboxlive, you get your rank up here, to have some numerical representation of your skill, so you can compare with other said numerical skill levels and basically have one of those big male bonding grunting session, only to be beat down, and ultimatly, tee bagged by a level 2 graduate, who can't even seem to shoot you propperly.
The social ladders are where most of the fun is had, but also where i made one of the most horrific discoveries about Halo 3, 16 player maximum?, surely not? this is halo three, even the likes of battlefield 2 MC managed 22? but alas, theese modes are still where all the fun is had.
The forge however is a tough one to explain in terms of how good it is.
rebuilding a map from the ground up, is fun, but to be honest takes so damn long, you almost need the 16 players to do it efficently, but even then you have the proplem of creative clashes, and end up have to make everyone invincble to stop them killing each other over the placement of a scorpion tank!!
It is however a fun idea, and we have created a map soley for use of our new game mode (by we, im referring to my mates onlie) and i took us 4 hours to make, and was fine, until we played it, and while it was good, the game ignored our spawn placement markers for the most part and spawned us in random locations, which resulted in an unintentional humerous aspect of getting to said place without being a llowed to attack without dying, on foot, on sandtrap.
Theare mode just adds to the aformentioned social male grunting bonding thing, or to humiliate the weaker member of the clan, who scored three points amd dyed 83 times.
overall, the multiplayer aspect gives this game a horrendous ammount of replay value, but overall with to much to do, i feel its going to make it hard to keep the patches in some sort of logical order.
As a conclusion to this ramble, the game tends to become what you make it, if you dive into legendary with three of your mates, its easy and youll have 1000 gamerscore in no time at all, but if you take 2 mates online, and skull the hell out of the game? youll find the game is rewarding on a level untoild in previous games of any kind.
Necromaniacal. \m/