Halo Effect (Cross Over) Main Thread


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
mcpop9 said:
Her question was answered by a colourful collection of swearwords, many involving mentions to Jiralhanae testicles, and grunt nipples. None of which seemed to be aimed at her, but at the tank the mechanic was working on. It was only after his colourful collection of swearwords, that the mechanic responded to her query. "If you would. Any chance that you could you locate and hand me that tin of motor oil which is skulking around somewhere?"

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Quintus ducked under the other Turians strike and retaliated, driving one fist into the others midsection. He tackled the other Turian to the floor, and inquired "Done?"
"Done." Affirmed the other, and they both stood, shook hands, and turned to leave the sparring floor as another pair took up positions.
Quintus left the gym and headed for the cruisers observation windows. He hadn't seen the citadel in person since before the Reaper war, and wanted to get a good look, before spending the next few days on it for mandatory R&R. He wasn't sure what he would do, but it was secretly nice to be back in a civilized part of the galaxy after a long stint patrolling the borders of Council space


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

Jastis sighed and left the armory leaving the Lt, and the Elite. Never before had he met an Elite like that, during their time on Earth when they helped after the Schism, they were all tough and able, none ever danced. Hopefully he wouldn?t become a problem, though Mee seemed to be fine.

Suddenly he heard a buzz in his helmet. ?Jastis, the FTL is ready to go.?

?Good, tell Captain Nassa to inform everyone and then begin 5 minutes after.?


Seconds later, Nassa went on the ships main COM so everyone could hear. ?We?re going to ignite FTL in just 5 minutes, remember to brace yourselves, this is a new FTL after all.?

Fastina nar Nushia.

Deciding it was best not to mope around and actually do something, well something else. As she walked through the common?s she spotted some other Quarian?s which was odd since almost all of them were on Rannoch. She tried to stay out of their sights, but they spotted her. ?Wait? Isn?t that..?? One of them spoke.

?It is! Fastina!?


She walked out of the little cover she had. ?Yes? It is me? Nisat.?


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Mee left and was soon back, holing the tin out for him to take. "Here, hope i got the right thing. Your species technology has always captivate me. I'm no-where near as versed as you are in knowledge of it; but i've studied wrecks and captured technology during the war. I'm glad i can look at them without the need for conflict now." she said staring at the mammoth tank before her.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
mcpop9 said:
"Wrecks? Huh, makes sense. You Covenant sure did make wrecks of a lot of human vehicles. I know that we are all supposed to be friends and go waltzing off into the sunset together, and I appreciate that you splintered from the Covenant, but don't expect me to love you for it." Alan said, as he applied liberal amounts of thick, black oil to all of parts that needed it. He only wanted to wear this jock-strap once, he didn't want the Damn Grizzly to run dry again and for him to have to jock-strap up again.

"See, I spent many hours sweating, spilling blood and oil to get starships out into Space, and you destroyed them like they were little play-things. I must have serviced thousands of starships that got destroyed during the war, each one of them became like a child to me if i serviced them long enough. You need to appreciate that fact."


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"I never expected you to sympathize with me, but i came down here because i enjoy your technology, i want to work with it. I want to know why the recoil from a rifle is so satisfying when blowing a Jiralhanea head off at what you call "a mile out". I want to know why my rifle woerks, can you teach me?" She asked.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
mcpop9 said:
"Oh.... good. I think the two of us can get along then. Now, just let me get out of this Denver jock-strap," Alan replied with a grunt, as he replaced the heavy armour plating that went over the access port. He used the adjustable wrench to screw in the nuts that secured the plating. After that he played with the straps that were securing him to the bottom of the Grizzly, slowly lowering himself down onto the cold metal deck.

He extricated himself from underneath the Grizzly and stood up, his face slightly red from all the blood running to it. His thick arms glistened with sweat, and his tank top was stained and rank from sweat. He did a double take when he saw Mee.

Standing in front of him was a Elite, only it wasn't like any Elite he had ever seen, or killed, or nearly been killed by. "Er.... why don't you look like a proper Elite? Is there something wrong with you?"


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Mee sighed and took a few breaths. Just like the rest of them...
"I' take it you've never even seen a picture of a female sangheili." she said and didn't even wait for him to reply.
"i'm the first and only female serving in the military as of this time. I'm probably the only one you'll ever see. Before you even ask,i only entered active duty when i got my rifle from your species. I have never harmed or killed one of your kind, i only looked at the technology because i was the only one willing to." Mee finished then heard the announcement.
"We better get seated before we jump, you can lead the way." she said gesturing with her hand.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
mcpop9 said:
Alan led Mee to the shooting range, walking in a awkward silence. Alan didn't know how to treat Aliens, let alone a spunky female alien. They didn't enter the shooting range due to it being standard UNSC protocol not to be in the shooting range during entering or leaving slipspace. Who wants to be around a bunch of guns when random stuff starts to occur?

Just outside the shooting range's bulkhead, Alan sat down and strapped in, securing the four-belt across his broad chest. "So, have you ever been on-board a human ship when it's gone into slipspace?"


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

He made his way back up to the deck; he wanted to see how this new forerunner FTL drive worked. Nassa nodded to him as he arrived. ?We?re ready to go.?

?Great, begin the drive.? He said, noticing everyone else was buckling in.

?Spartan shouldn?t you? Sit down?? She said just before activating the FTL drive.

He shrugged. ?This armor almost weighs 1000 pounds, I will be fine.?

?If you say so. Beginning FTL in 5? 4? 3? 2? 1?!? Suddenly a small dot ran ahead, and then in seconds expanded into a giant ball that looked the same as the one that had appeared on Earth at The Portal. Suddenly there was tremendous force on the ship and then, bam, shot right through the Portal which shut behind them.

Now they were in slip space, he looked out the window and like all other times, it was nothing but blackness, but they were moving. One of the engineers spoke. ?We?re in slip space ma?am, no anomaly detected. We?re in the safe.?

?Good, Engineer Visut.? She said as she unbuckled herself, the Spartan hadn?t even flinched.
She got on the Ship?s Com channel again. ?We?re in Slip space successfully; ETA to Reach is 5 days.?

?Good,? The Spartan spoke. ?I will be in my quarters.?

With that he left the Deck, and headed down the hallway to his quarters.

Fastina nar Nushia.

?Fastina? Interesting to see you here! Haven?t seen you in two years. So this is where you have been hiding.? Nisat spoke.

?You aren?t going to report me my parents, right?? Fastina had to immediately ask.

One of the other Quarian?s, Dorin, decided to speak. ?You know, the thought just now had crossed my mind.?

?No we will not Dorin, we must respect Fastina?s wish to be left alone.? The last Quarian spoke, Mashija.

?Thank you.? Fastina said.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"Only to get here, but from what i've heard, this ship is using forerunner technology not unsc. I'm clueless as to how this will work. One more thing before i forget, thank you. You haven't called me split jaw or any of the other terms i've heard used for my species. It means allot." She said then sat down just before the jump.

After they were in slipspace, she got back up. "Not the most pleasant jump i've been on."


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
mcpop9 said:
Alan let out a chuckle. "If you disliked that I would have loved your reaction to a proper UNSC slip-spaced jump. Compared to that this jump was as soft as cream. That forerunner tech sure is nice and shiny," Alan said, unlocking his belt and flexing his chest. He had done up his belt nice and tight in preparation for a traditional UNSC jump, it left a distinct red mark across his chest. Mee seemed less than fussed by her belt, although Alan sensed she had done her one up pretty tight too.

As Alan led Mee into the shooting range he explained. "I've never been one for calling people nasty nicknames, I got too much of it in primary education to ever indulge in it myself... and you seem the sort of person not to screw with, and calling you nick-names would only result in a hoof-shaped bruise on my ass."


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Mee let out a little laugh. "Hehe, yeah, i tend to be a bit defensive of myself when it comes to things like that. I was looked down upon in the military when i joined and refused to use any of the covenant tech besides the armor, stealth systems and my energy blades. Though when i picked up a rifle, it was a perfect match. I'm best shot on this ship." Mee said and grabbed a rifle similar to her own off the wall.

" I just realized, we haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Mi'T'da, but you can call me Mee for short." she said.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Crown wasn't sure exactly how to respond to the Elite standing in front of her, his mandibles were wide, more that a little threatening from her point of view. She smiled at him somewhat nervously, she wasn't what you would call used to them.

She decided that this one was ok, if a bit unbalanced, compared to the few she'd seen up close, and more or less the opposite of Mee in every way.

"What is it you want Elite?"


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
"Oh, right. Introductions. Hi, I'm Alan Worthington Armstrong William Michael James, but most people just call me Alan. For some reason they seem to find it more convenient." Alan held out out a hand for Mee to shake.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Paynor allowed his smug grin to leave his face. "Hmmph. It'll have to wait until I'm at my best again, or I've had the chance to kill a few things to get the blood flowing."

He snorted. "We've all got our problems, commando. Alcohol is the easiest way to deal with 'em, although I prefer killing things. It's been too long since I've killed something."


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"Pleasure Alan. I have a feeling that we'll be good acquaintances." Mee said shaking his hand as she had seen other humans do. she then walked over to the range after grabbing a few mags. The sangheili gave the SRS99 a quick look over and loaded a mag, setting it back down.
"What do you use?" she asked.


A feeling crept into Luna's gut, one she had felt before the reapers invaded. She never told anyone about it, she would either be called crazy or... well who could guess. The asari had always thought it was the implants amplifying her powers to feel weird things. They were extremely powerful implants after all, a ***** to get too.

Before she even realized what she was doing, Luna was nearly dragging the Krogan away from the bar. "You'll be doing something similar soon enough if i'm right." she said dragging him towards her hover car.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
"Nice to meet you Mee, my first Alien buddy. Who's only short-comming is her poor choice in weaponry."

Alan gave the sniper rifle a nasty look. The sort a central colonist would give at the scent of the cow farms on the outer colonies. "Well I don't use no chicken-shit rifle like that, I use a proper man's rifle. Gods very gift to mankind, the M-45 Shotgun. Firing 8-gauche shells, this is the gun for a true man like me." He lifted the shotgun up like a mother nursing her baby, stroking the smooth black metal like a tender lover.

He slid a couple of shells into the receiver, and shucked a shell into the chamber. He did it all with a sort of care that seemed inappropriate to the crude necessitates that weapons were usually used for.

With the strange tenderness that he used with weapons, he placed the M45 on the shooting range's platform. "But using shotguns on the shooting range is almost as stupid as that rifle of yours, so when I'm here I prefer to use one of these." He reached up and and retrieved a M-392 DMR from the shelf.

As Alan prepared the Rifle, he watched with interest as Mee mounted her sniper rifle on the shooting range's platform. He wanted to see how good a shot the alien was.