Halo Effect (Cross Over) Main Thread


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

Nassa responded. ?Alright, we will meet you there, the way in will be opened.? With that she stood up and nodded at the Spartan.

?Marsiani, notify the ship, we have arrivals. And get a squad together on standby in case of anything, me and Jastis will meet with these people.?

Together Nassa and Jastis made their way down to the hanger where the door was opening up to let them in, with the new technology, even when it was opened, they could still breath, it was similar to how the Halo?s oxygen worked, though it gave off a slight blue light to signal that it was working.

When they arrived, some Marines were waiting outside the door to the Hanger, and some inside, but only Nassa and Jastis moved to the center of the Hanger and waited for the ship to arrive, not knowing what to expect.


New member
Jul 25, 2011

"Thank you Marsiani, I will be at wherever we will be receiving the boarders." She took her pistol and strapped it to her leg, no point meeting possibly hostile forces unarmed.


The Geth received Marsiani's message and quickly conversed among themselves, and sent back their own reply.

We will be sending our own representative, AI, we find you...intriguing. Expect a Geth aboard, your organic passengers will refer to them as Alpha, he will be sent in a frigate, expect us shortly

Alpha boarded his frigate and felt a strange emotion he believed to be pride from organic study.
He arrived behind the Asari ship and landed in the hangar on a shuttle from the frigate.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
As the gunship came into view, it slowed, until it coasted into the hanger and set down. The door opened to reveal Luna sanding there with a re-breather on. She did a quick sweep of the room with the rifle before putting it on her back. She then did an atmosphere check on the room and took off her re-breather.
"It's ok Paynor, atmosphere is breathable." she said and stepped down.

Mee arrived in time to see the strange blue figure step down and Approach Nassa. "What is she?"

Luna held out her hand to Nassa. "I'm Luna, the one you spoke with Captain Nassa." she said and cought a glimpse of the spartan out of her eye. It brought back memories of fighting Cerberus, an instinctive light blue glow began around her as she remembered tossing one particularly large one off the side of a cliff.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Alpha arrived on the shuttle with two other Geth, Platforms XJ98 and TSE1I0T. All armed with Geth Plasma Shotguns and readied for any hostile action.

He was surprised to see what appeared to be a human, easily the equal of the krogan that came out of the gunship to his left with the Asari in terms of size. Standing next to the human-shaped man, was a woman, apparently human, but until they understood them more, they couldn't be sure. Also there was a strangely shaped alien among them, full armor, but they seemed similar to a fusing of the Turian, Batarian, and a small bit of the Elcor as well.

"Where is your AI, Commander? We wish to speak with it concerning your arrival this close to the Citadel."


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

He looked at the girl that was named Luna, she was blue, looked almost human, but had a weird back part to her head and had no hair. What was she?

?Nice to meet you? Luna. May I ask what are you??

As she spoke robot looking creatures arrived and that made both Jastis and Nassa look at each other, and then they spoke. "Where is your AI, Commander? We wish to speak with it concerning your arrival this close to the Citadel."

On a little stand, where there was blue circle pad, Marsiani appeared. ?I am here, Geth, I assume you?re Alpha??


New member
Jul 25, 2011
"This Platform is known as Alpha to organics, yes, who were your Creators Synthetic Marsiani? May we ask where the rest of your kind are, did you rebel as well? We will happily exchange OSD's should you need them"


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"I am an Asari, a citadel race. You are human, the one standing next to you is human i can only assume. Though I must ask them to remove their helmet please, not a formality, but a safety check." Luna said then saw the A.I. "Your ship also has a V.I.? This gets even more confusing as it goes on."

The Asari then began to pick around in her omni tool as it opened. She selected three files and they opened into 3-d holographic images standing on the floor, life-size. The first one was of a husk, the second of a banshee and the third a marauder.

"We are a few years out of a war with these abominations, created by an advanced race. This one is of your kind human." she said as the Husk was moved forward a foot for inspection then slid back. The Banshee then slid forward. "This one is my species, a special group in my species. The other is Turian. They took our bodies and morphed them into those things, so a little precaution for anything or one modified is understood, correct?" she said deactivating them.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Quintus was sprinting back towards the docking bays. Everyone from his Unit had gotten a message about a mystery ship, and after the war with the reapers, no one was taking chances. He arrived, out of breath, to find a team of C-Sec officers had cordoned off the area. Pausing to catch his breath, he identified himself, and asked the Human officer what was happening.
"Don't know anything, just that they aren't necessarily hostile, so with any luck, you won't be needing that." gesturing to the weapons that Quintus carried.
"Old habits die hard, besides, I'm authorized to carry them. When the rest of the squad arrives, tell them to hold here and await orders from either myself of Captain Oraka, I'm going to check this out." With that, he moved off to find out about this alledged "mystery ship".


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

?I am sorry, but I can?t take off my helmet. We have never seen such beings, and you know of us as being Humans. What is this Citadel, Turian, or anything. Where are we exactly?? asked the Spartan.


?I am confused, my creators are Humans, we aren?t a race, and we have never rebelled in any sort.?

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Quintus entered landing bay, and as he surveyed the bay, looking in suprise at the Human bigger than any he had ever seen. "I'm a Turian. Lt. Quintus Arctus, and yourselves?"


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Alpha and the two other Platforms quickly conversed among themselves and relayed the information back to the Consensus(a matter maybe two seconds) and replied to the larger Human like being,"We are sorry for any inconvenience, but we must insist that you remove the helmet if it is at all possible, and we have not yet confirmed that you are, in fact, human. The ship that carries you resembles no known Alliance vessels in our databanks." Alpha and the two other Geth readied their weapons, prepared to attack the two humans and the possible Abomination if any hostile action was felt.

Neither had kinetic barriers, though scans showed that they had some kind of possible shielding technology, though it was much different to any they had seen.

Alpha also set up a link directly to Marsiani using his omni-tool, it was a matter of a few moments before they were connected, the data flow was substantially lower than what the Geth were used to, this AI was just as alien to them as the ship itself however.

Can you confirm that these two are human, and what is the strange alien that resembles Turian,Batarian, and Elcor? Can you confirm that these humans come from the planet they call Earth?

Lt. Crown
Sierra arrived at the Hangar and ordered the marines clustered around the doors to move and walked in.

"I'm sorry I'm late sir,mame, bu-"

She stopped, stunned at the robots standing in the hangar with strange weapons, she assumed, two strange aliens, one blue and looked human except for the tentacled head, and the other just as tall as Jastius, but much more bulky, and a.... hump?

Her shock took control of her and she stood there, wide-eyed and paralyzed, these weren't even Covenant, who were they? And where had they come from?


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

Not wanting to give out sensitive data, she simply sent them data on what a Sangheili was and then continued on.

?Yes, they?re indeed Humans and the large one is from Earth. But what are you? What is a Batarian, Turian, and Elcor? For that matter, what is the Alliance?? She responded in an annoyed voice and tone. She was curious, but for an AI, she was getting a lot of questions, but no answers.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Alan wasn't important enough to warrant a position on the deck to meet these strange alien creatures. Instead he joined a dozen other marines in posts all over the side of the Broken Destiny which faced the hangar. They were all wielding M392's or SRS 99 sniper rifles, pointed down at the meeting group of aliens. They were covering the UNSC detachment as they met these unknown life-forms.

Just insurance in case anything got nasty.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Luna sighed and began checking around with her omni tool. "If you can't take off your helmet, any information about your soldier would be appreciated. As for you and the Rest of your ship, i am clueless as what to do. No Cerberus markings or design hinted at an if you were reaper aligned, you already would have been attacking us."

"The most i can do is ask for a representative from the other species on this Ship. No matter the rank or even who it is. I must have something to present to the council when i arrive."
she said and began looking around for someone.

"As for your question, i'll have someone send over information on all of the races in the galaxy. The Citadel however, is the galactic hub and home to the council. The council before you ask is an alliance between the major races of the galaxy. Turian, Salarian, Asari and Human. Anything Else you would like to know? I'll try to answer, but i'm a trained killer, not some diplomat who sits behind some desk all day."


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Crown regained control of herself, walked over near Mee and stood watching the strange aliens assembled before her. She knew she wasn't that important to the ship, but she felt her men needed someone other than the Spartan and the Captain looking out for their interests if it should come to pass.


Alpha and the Consensus convened once again and it was declared safe to transmit the last century of history to Marsiani, she had cooperated with them. They were Human, yet they knew nothing of the Alliance. Curiouser and curiouser as it went on.

"First Contact War....Humans...Turians....Shanxxee...Citadel....Salarians....Shepard Commander...Reapers...Protheans...Warning....Saren...Udina....Illusive Man...Cerberus..."

They also sent her their own beginnings, from Creation to Rebellion and eventually Reconciliation.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Paynor eyed the large armor-clad humanoid thing with suspicion, but kept his Revenant down. "What the hell is this thing? It's too big to be a human. I kinda like it."

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Quintus had stopped to stare at the proceedings, there was protocol to follow the meeting of a new species, there had been ever since the incident at Relay 314, but it was still a lot to take in. As he resumed his approached towards the group, he continued to stare at the aliens arrayed before him, both known and unkown. To the Krogan he asked "Would you please tell me what's going on?"


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

?Can you excuse us for a moment? I just need to talk with the Captain.? And with that Jastis pulled Nassa aside. ?What are your thoughts on this? They?re not any race we have seen from the covenant, and they say that they have Humans here. ONI keeps secrets, but not something as major as this.?

?It?s all so much, other races that aren?t the covenant, and this council. Are we even sure where are in the same galaxy??

Suddenly Marsiani appeared. ?I think we can rule in the fact that this might be another dimension.?

?Another Dimension? Is that even possible? We have had only theories on it but nothing of that sort.?

?I have? Gained information from the Geth, here it is the year 2191, Humanity is part of the Systems Alliance, and they just got out of a major war similar to us, but their threat was going after all races, they appeared to have been a Synthetic race called the Reapers. Also from what I can gather there is no Forerunners in this dimensions, only the beings called The Protheans.?

Nassa crossed her arms. ?But how did it happen? Was this because of the anomaly??

?I think we can say that with almost 100% certainty that it?s because of the anomaly, which I have been trying to study but what caused it vanished as we exited from Slip-space. Captain I think before we move forward that we need to meet with their leaders and discuss this.?

They turned and faced back to the group of new aliens. ?Luna, we would like to meet with your leaders before we continue any further discussion. And it?s not a VI on our ship, whatever that is, Marsiani is our ship?s AI.? She spoke to the Asari.

She then looked at what said it was a Turian. ?Once we meet with your leaders, you will know.?


Back to the Geth she spoke. ?At the present moment? I can?t send you any data about our history, but if we meet with the council, and things get settled out, we shall send you all the data you would like.?


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"Ok, but i need a representative from the other species aboard, We have no knowledge of them and would like to."Luna said looking at the few different sangheili.

Mee heard this and moved until she was abbout a row from the front line of soldiers gathered. She wasn't one to be involved in politics but this seemed almost too good to pass up. Another species, and apparently more on the massive station.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Bravo 21 said:
Quintus had stopped to stare at the proceedings, there was protocol to follow the meeting of a new species, there had been ever since the incident at Relay 314, but it was still a lot to take in. As he resumed his approached towards the group, he continued to stare at the aliens arrayed before him, both known and unkown. To the Krogan he asked "Would you please tell me what's going on?"
"A new ship appeared outta nowhere, and we're askin' 'em questions. Doesn't look like I'm gonna get to kill stuff after all."