"Hatred" Reveal Trailer. Or as I like to call it, "The Next Big Controversy"


New member
Dec 11, 2013
sataricon said:
Mezahmay said:
sataricon said:
I do know that this is somewhat an unpopular opinion around here but i need someone to tell me what is difference between you making a deadly virus "or play a real one such as The Plague" and kill billions of people and you play as a guy in a black coat and go kill hundreds of people?
Plague Inc: Evolved uses numbers, bars, and a world map to represent an abstract representation of human death. There's no active human violence and the gameplay is closer to a 4X strategy game. Hatred and games like it have you the player actively going around and actively senselessly killing people, showing blood, weapons, etc. There's an expectation of how humans are supposed to behave and this game radically ignores that. A virus' sole purpose is replicate, which is exactly what happens in Plague Inc. That's the mindset you are placed in when you invest in producing a virus, with the UI, gameplay, and win conditions reflecting such. People have some reservations about humans behaving like viruses. I don't really because this game just isn't worth the time to care based solely on this trailer.
Is this one worse than plague inc because in plague inc you don't see the death that your plague has cause?
So it's only bad when you see the effect but the thought itself is ok?
Well, from a purely narrative stand point based on the trailer for Hatred compared to Plague Inc: Evolved, yes. For all I know Hatred might take everyone by surprise and their game will actually be an interesting character study on a severely mentally disturbed individual or feature additional game mechanics beyond mowing down civilians that unfold through mindless grinding. Past experience says this probably is not the case, but it's possible and is why I can't just say this game is worse solely for its depiction of violence instead of abstracted death from disease.

For example, Plague Inc could also be used to educate people on the general transfer mechanisms of viruses through the evolution trees and give cursory background knowledge of epidemiology. In a video I watched to better understand Plague Inc before responding, the guy specifically started in Madagascar due to its general isolation from the rest of the world. That means in the late game it will be harder for 100% infection rate in the world if Madagascar is untouched. It's strategy and science all at once!

All we know of Hatred is that a literally nameless guy goes around shooting people because he's angry and feels like it. No story, no strategy, just stupid, lazy shooting and knife violence.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
sataricon said:
sataricon said:
I played Plague Inc Evolved and the game is amazing.
In this game you unleash deadly viruses on earth and watch as billions of people die.
In fact you design the plagues your self and mutate them to your likening.

what is the difference here?
if the game get to have good mechanics and fun to play.

I do know that this is somewhat an unpopular opinion around here but i need someone to tell me what is difference between you making a deadly virus "or play a real one such as The Plague" and kill billions of people and you play as a guy in a black coat and go kill hundreds of people?

They both seem real and you do play on real earth with real instruments in both games yet the plague inc one is no where as Controversial as Hatred.
Because Plague Inc Evolved is just way more fun then this games looks to be. In Plague Inc i get to develop and evolve a virus using a set of interesting mechanics. In Hatred it just looks like your guy is invincible and goes around shooting shit that doesn't even present a modicum of challenge.
So it's bad because it lacks the mechanics?
But as far as of now this isn't clear because it's just a trailer.

I think you may be judging this game not based on mechanics but on something else.
Which is fine by me BTW.[/quote]

Well from what I've seen of the trailer the mechanics don't look all that interesting. And I doubt the people developing this are actually going to put some kind of deep and profound mechanic into the game. More likely they're making thins game to garner controversy so that a lot of people go out and by their game cause controversy sells.

Captcha: that's a fact jack


New member
Jan 31, 2012
sataricon said:
I played Plague Inc Evolved and the game is amazing.
In this game you unleash deadly viruses on earth and watch as billions of people die.
In fact you design the plagues your self and mutate them to your likening.

what is the difference here?
It's pretty obvious that this is fetishizing the act of killing individual humans one at a time, rather than the holistic, hands-off approach of Plague Inc. The latter game is able to distance itself from its implications, because the goal is not clearly "kill all the humans", but more "get your virus as widely dispersed as possible." Hatred does not have that luxury: you play as one person who tries to kill as many people as he can, one by one. You watch them bleed and hear them scream, and you can't argue that the goal of the game is anything but "slaughter everyone you can." I assume you were just playing devil's advocate, but Poe's Law.

OT: Christ, this was exactly what video games needed. Right after Gamergate was the last big video game flavor in the mainstream media, now we get a straight-up murder simulator. Considering that the game looks like it will appeal mostly to mouthbreathing high school social outcasts in Drowning Pool shirts will probably not help.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
yeah this is either a very poorly timed joke (I hope) or a really good excuse for the mainstream media to parade around gamers as dangerous sociopaths. i'm all for artistic freedom but this looks like it's just begging to be censored. maybe with more context it will seem less disgusting but just my personal opinion it looks fairly repugnant.

best part is before we had some respectable voices to argue against the "gamers are evil" routine fox spins but now that journalists have thrown their readers to the wolves nobody is going to be defending us.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Why did this video see fit to recommend me Randy Orton vs Justin Gabriel? That 450 RKO was pretty sweet yes, but I don't see why it'd show up.

Anyway I'd want something sexual (in the game as I can read how that sounds) before I'd agree its the next big controversy. This story was already played out by Microsoft and while many years have past no one wants to see that storyline again especially when acted out by a no name jobber.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Meh, looks like an arcadey "rank as many points before you die" twin stick shooter, or pretty much a "srs bsns" version of GTA's rampages.


Dr. Stan Gray
May 31, 2011
A moronic, angst-ridden teenager's power fantasy.

...if they play this, at least they might not shoot up a school, instead.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
debtcollector said:
sataricon said:
I played Plague Inc Evolved and the game is amazing.
In this game you unleash deadly viruses on earth and watch as billions of people die.
In fact you design the plagues your self and mutate them to your likening.

what is the difference here?
It's pretty obvious that this is fetishizing the act of killing individual humans one at a time, rather than the holistic, hands-off approach of Plague Inc. The latter game is able to distance itself from its implications, because the goal is not clearly "kill all the humans", but more "get your virus as widely dispersed as possible." Hatred does not have that luxury: you play as one person who tries to kill as many people as he can, one by one. You watch them bleed and hear them scream, and you can't argue that the goal of the game is anything but "slaughter everyone you can." I assume you were just playing devil's advocate, but Poe's Law.

OT: Christ, this was exactly what video games needed. Right after Gamergate was the last big video game flavor in the mainstream media, now we get a straight-up murder simulator. Considering that the game looks like it will appeal mostly to mouthbreathing high school social outcasts in Drowning Pool shirts will probably not help.
Actually the goal of Plague Inc was to kill all humans.
The ultimate goal any way.
Remember the best way to kill billions very fast?
Was called systemic organ failure "if i remember correctly".
You have billions of people drowning on their own blood and vomit "including children" but i guess it's okay as long as it happens off screen.
All i'm saying it's just a game that you may find distasteful "which it is" but again it's just a game.
Have fun people and don't every thing to heart.
And again no problem with you hating the idea of the game but gotta admit it did happen before and no one raised a fuss because Plague inc is like playing spread sheets and watching the map without the gory details.

and actually i hope we get another game like postal.
Now sadly postal was a funny game but maybe this can deliver on the action.

nightmare_gorilla said:
best part is before we had some respectable voices to argue against the "gamers are evil" routine fox spins but now that journalists have thrown their readers to the wolves nobody is going to be defending us.
no one need to defend gamers because gamers who play AAA games are the actual voters with their money.
You like to play shadow of mordor?
No polygon "journalist" is going to prevent a squeal.

You like to play bayonetta?
Here you have bayonetta 2 and no Anita whatever can block you from having a good action game.
These journalists don't stand a chance when a cooperation wants it's annual $$.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
A few of the developers have apparent links to white supremacist groups: http://fucknovideogames.tumblr.com/post/100204212288/hatred-is-a-genocide-simulator-developed-by-neo-nazis


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Mezahmay said:
For example, Plague Inc could also be used to educate people on the general transfer mechanisms of viruses through the evolution trees and give cursory background knowledge of epidemiology. In a video I watched to better understand Plague Inc before responding, the guy specifically started in Madagascar due to its general isolation from the rest of the world. That means in the late game it will be harder for 100% infection rate in the world if Madagascar is untouched. It's strategy and science all at once!
I keep hearing Plague Inc is basicly just Pandemic. I have to say I remember the horrifying notification of Madagascar closing its borders.
.... fucking Madagascar...
Mezahmay said:
All we know of Hatred is that a literally nameless guy goes around shooting people because he's angry and feels like it. No story, no strategy, just stupid, lazy shooting and knife violence.
I'm okay with that...
But Postal 2 has perfected this genre, and gives it a heavy dose of satire too :3
All I wanted was some fucking milk. Why in god's name is there an extremist terrorist organization using the grocery store as a front?
Look, All I'm doing is standing around enjoying my second amendment rights and you people have to freak out on me.
Why is gary coleman in a shootout with SWAT?

No, yeah, I'm picking this over brooding uninspired bullshit any day.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
DoctorImpossible said:
A few of the developers have apparent links to white supremacist groups: http://fucknovideogames.tumblr.com/post/100204212288/hatred-is-a-genocide-simulator-developed-by-neo-nazis
Are you saying that people from different political views shouldn't be allowed to make video games?


New member
Oct 7, 2014
DoctorImpossible said:
A few of the developers have apparent links to white supremacist groups: http://fucknovideogames.tumblr.com/post/100204212288/hatred-is-a-genocide-simulator-developed-by-neo-nazis
"Hatred is not apolitical. In fact, the opposite is true - it?s a game about glorifying violent racism and white supremacy. Consider the game?s trailer, which conspicuously lingers on the white protagonist brutally murdering and mutilating people of color."

i didn't see that in the trailer.
Every one dies.

And Fuck no video games?
Will it was ivitable that they would pick on that one i mean if mario is sexiest then this must= mass murder...:D
The logic on these people is amazing.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
Irick said:
Mezahmay said:
For example, Plague Inc could also be used to educate people on the general transfer mechanisms of viruses through the evolution trees and give cursory background knowledge of epidemiology. In a video I watched to better understand Plague Inc before responding, the guy specifically started in Madagascar due to its general isolation from the rest of the world. That means in the late game it will be harder for 100% infection rate in the world if Madagascar is untouched. It's strategy and science all at once!
I keep hearing Plague Inc is basicly just Pandemic. I have to say I remember the horrifying notification of Madagascar closing its borders.
.... fucking Madagascar...
Mezahmay said:
All we know of Hatred is that a literally nameless guy goes around shooting people because he's angry and feels like it. No story, no strategy, just stupid, lazy shooting and knife violence.
I'm okay with that...
But Postal 2 has perfected this genre, and gives it a heavy dose of satire too :3
All I wanted was some fucking milk. Why in god's name is there an extremist terrorist organization using the grocery store as a front?
Look, All I'm doing is standing around enjoying my second amendment rights and you people have to freak out on me.
Why is gary coleman in a shootout with SWAT?

No, yeah, I'm picking this over brooding uninspired bullshit any day.
fucking Madagascar....true that.

And yes there is nothing like pissing on your father's grave...get hit with a shovel and found yourself about to become their sex slave.
Postal 2 was Epic.

Alexei F. Karamazov

New member
Feb 22, 2014
Hey look! It's The Darkness without the plot, interesting story elements, fun powers, and humanizing elements of the main character to make him seem like someone who genuinely dislikes what he's forced to do!

... what shit. I can't see this game becoming old within 5 minutes!

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
DoctorImpossible said:
A few of the developers have apparent links to white supremacist groups: http://fucknovideogames.tumblr.com/post/100204212288/hatred-is-a-genocide-simulator-developed-by-neo-nazis
Well didn't see that coming, I guess i can safely say fuck this game.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
sataricon said:
Actually the goal of Plague Inc was to kill all humans.
No, I get that. But, like I said, the game distanced itself from the carnage by viewing what would ordinarily be a very horrifying thing from a bird's-eye view. By looking at the consequences of your actions represented as numbers and progress bars, it's very easy to separate them from the human toll.
And obviously, this will be more controversial as Plague Inc never released in a climate rocked by a global pandemic supervirus, unlike this tasteless game, which is releasing with the rather horrific images of Sandy Hook, Aurora and the Boston Marathon still very vivid in the public consciousness. How do you expect people will react?

Also, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with your "vote with your money" bit. The problem with how the media portrays gamers is that the fearmongering leads to people trying to restrict or censor violent games, and regardless of how many Shadows of Mordor we buy, those movements can do serious damage if they gain traction.

[sub/]And no, journalists aren't throwing readers under the bus, that doesn't even make sense.[/sub]


New member
Dec 25, 2008
It looks kind of dull. Isometric view isn't the best choice for a game that mostly involves shooting people, since you can't aim at specific bodyparts. The violence isn't very impressive, and would probably get boring fast since you need to kill everything in sight. I also don't like how it's mostly black and white, as it doesn't add much to the game as it already tries to be edgy way too hard without it.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
debtcollector said:
sataricon said:
Actually the goal of Plague Inc was to kill all humans.
No, I get that. But, like I said, the game distanced itself from the carnage by viewing what would ordinarily be a very horrifying thing from a bird's-eye view. By looking at the consequences of your actions represented as numbers and progress bars, it's very easy to separate them from the human toll.
And obviously, this will be more controversial as Plague Inc never released in a climate rocked by a global pandemic supervirus, unlike this tasteless game, which is releasing with the rather horrific images of Sandy Hook, Aurora and the Boston Marathon still very vivid in the public consciousness. How do you expect people will react?

Also, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with your "vote with your money" bit. The problem with how the media portrays gamers is that the fearmongering leads to people trying to restrict or censor violent games, and regardless of how many Shadows of Mordor we buy, those movements can do serious damage if they gain traction.

[sub/]And no, journalists aren't throwing readers under the bus, that doesn't even make sense.[/sub]
Regarding the voting with money and SJWs hacks censoring games i remember a story when Harry Reid was lobbying for the casinos in Las Vegas to shut down online gambling on the US because they were cutting in on the casino business
After a couple of years when these same casinos wanted to take a piece of the action because gamblers went for sites outside of the US.
So these same casinos that made Reid shut down gambling made him lobby to allow it again :D

Will gambling is a bad right? but as long as there is money involved then vice or not it will be allowed.

same of Games because they make money.
Not of course to equate gambling to gaming but this how the world actually works.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
The Lunatic said:
Are you saying that people from different political views shouldn't be allowed to make video games?
I'm not saying anything. Just pointing out some info that's relevant to the thread. So please don't put words in my mouth or try to imply I have some sort of agenda, ok?