Have you ever felt a deep, personal hatred towards an NPC?


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Rendon Howe in Dragon Age Origins. I wish the game let me kill him in more ways than just what was scripted. Give me Fallout 3's freedom to murder! :eek:


New member
Oct 15, 2008
FargoDog said:

I swear there was a conspiracy to create a landmass populated only by species clones with varying hair styles.
.....But....there awsome! only the Fan needs to die


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I may have missed his mention (I'll be astounded if no one else mentions this one) but Noober and Neeber from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 respectively.

What's that big weapon for?

People used to tell me I was annoying and throw rocks at me.

I haven't had a conversation this long in...ever!

Are you going to throw rocks at me now?

How about now?

How about now?

How abo - "Let me show you what the big weapon is for...."


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
marcogodinho said:
i´m going to pick...the fine people of New York City in Spider- Man 2.

Why the hell are they always falling from buildings? And balloons? Really?!
I can assure you, as a native and lifelong New Yorker, we don't have any tendancy to do that at all.

Anezay said:
Fontaine in Bioshock pissed me right the hell off. I wanted to shove a Big Daddy's drill right up his, uh, nose.
samaugsch said:
Anezay said:
Fontaine in Bioshock pissed me right the hell off. I wanted to shove a Big Daddy's drill right up his, uh, nose.
You can swear on here -_-, and Sofia from Bioshock 2 ticked me off even more. To quote Yahtzee, she had a voice so smug it made me want to jab a comically sized syringe in her eye every time she opened her fucking mouth.

Shepherd (Modern Warfare 2) - What an ass. He plans an invasion of the United States with Russian madman Makarov so that he could drum up patriots to enlist in the military because he felt that no one cared for the 50,000 Marines lost five years prior to Modern Warfare 2. Then once he gets his invasion, he goes to eliminate those who were loyal to him and had no idea of his involvement in the invasion and Makarov & company so that he could remain a hero.
What really tops my hatred of him for me is that at the end of 'Loose Ends', Roach is brought to him heavily wounded by Ghost along with the DSM that contains information about his involvement in the invasions (still unknown to the remaining members of Task Force 141). Shepherd then shoots Roach and Ghost point blank, takes the DSM from them, shoots Ghost a few more times, has the two of them thrown into a ditch, and he sets them on fire while they're still alive! What kind of sick twisted demented fuck is this guy?

Man, was I happy when Soap chucked a knife in his eye.
The Crawler (Fable 3) - What a creepy ass ************. You almost never deal with him directly, but the few times that you do deal with him is creepy as all fuck (esp. if you got a set of headphones on to hear everything that goes on with him around). But I don't hate him for being creepy. That's only a small part of it.
The reason I hate him so is because instead of taking you on directly, he posses your mentor and lifelong friend Sir Walter and forces you to fight him in order to get him. Also, he seemed to get a joy from tormenting Walter both in Aurora and in Bowerstone. What makes me hate him more is how clear it is that Walter is suffering greatly because of him.
EDIT: T.I.M.! How could I forget about him?!
The Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2) - What a fucking asshole. If you've read the third Mass Effect book (which I don't really recommend) you'll hate him real fast if you haven't already (and if you have, you'll hate him tenfold). The leader of a pro-human terrorist organization that hates all the cool aliens (how could you hate them when they can be uber cool like Wrex?) and has fucked with you several times in ME1, and if you're a Sole Survivor, has fucked with you personally before the game's start.
Come ME2, he never gives you the whole picture, and often uses you as bait. And you just know that if you decide to keep the Collector base at the end, he's gonna (no pun intended) reap all kinds of hell on the galaxy with the Reaper/Collector tech.
So fuck you TIM, I'm blowing that base sky high and I'll defeat the Reapers through the unification of the races.
(I don't get why Photobucket is being a huge cockbite & not letting me get the IMG code for the image)


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Super Toast said:
CrazyMedic said:
lucy stillman from assassin's creed I think it would have been better to have something happen to her during the escape or something and have him bond with rebecca/random new character in new team.
You'll probably like the end of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood then.
I loved it I have done that jumping puzzle like 10 times just to watch desmond stab her right in her over sensitive e whiny gut but I wish it happened sooner because I think there could have been some interesting devoulpment do I want to be an assassin again and risk ending up like lucy and or just dealing with the grief but it could end up with a whiny desmond so it would have been a trade off.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
The chained up meals... I mean humans in Legacy Of Kain: Blood Omen 2. othing annoys me more than: "Please.... Help me kind sir."


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
pyrosaw said:
The apes from Ape Escape. Those cheeky bastards.
What's really ironic is I'm playing through Ape Escape 2. And yes those bastards are annoying as hell.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
dom. it took ages for me to get him on that fucking crane! and he barely lifts a finger in battle


New member
Feb 7, 2009
FargoDog said:

I swear there was a conspiracy to create a landmass populated only by species clones with varying hair styles.
So true...

But to be more specific, the Lady from Gah Sadrith in Tamriel Rebuilt (a Morrowind mod). She was so bitchy... you deliver a skirt to her and she says "Wait, how do I know it's not cursed? Put it on". Then, when you put it on, she says "YOU'RE WEARING MY SKIRT! HOW DARE YOU WEAR MY SKIRT!" and attacks you. She's bloody powerful, too, my level 20 fulla had a hard time holding her off. The guards didn't help either, and the quest ended with no conclusion. Pissed me off.

satanic kitty

New member
Jul 19, 2010
every single damn AI soldier in star wars battlefront 2. walk in front of me while i am firing rockets, can't defend a position, probably can't even lift a fork to eat food!