Have you ever thought about suicide?

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
So has anybody on this site ever thought about committing or attempted suicide before? Do you know anyone who has?

If you were to commit suicide, hypothetically, how would you do it?

As for myself I've thought about it before, I'm not sure how seriously; but I've never attempted it.

As for how I would attempt it, it depends on how I was feeling at the moment that I decided to commit suicide.
If it was because I was feeling lonely I might either do it privately and quietly in my own room to see if anyone ever found the body; or I might hang myself in a public place for everyone to see. If I were feeling like my life didn't matter I might do it in a crazy way or a way to get people to notice. It would really depend though.

I'm really more curious to hear what everyone else says though. Have you guys ever thought about it?

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Who hasn't. Especially during puberty. It's like it's written into our teenage DNA: "At least at one point during your adolescence you will go all Emo".

I won't say how I'd do it: That's not a good idea--in my mind--to talk about openly. You never know when someone reading in might be on the edge and you really-really-really don't want to give them any ideas which might make such a drastic act "easier" if you take my meaning.

OP: I don't like you asking the question about how someone might go about committing suicide. I really don't. "Hypothetically" is dangerous when you're discussing the subject of suicide with faceless strangers.

You never know when someone you're talking to is on the edge.

I'm not. Just so you know.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Yeaaaah I considered it at one point, things were just so stressful.
Not that I feel that way anymore, things are all peachy now, I got through it because a friend of mine was also going through a lot and abandoning them seemed unacceptable.

Not gunna write how I considered doing it, probably not the best idea explaining in detail how to commit suicide on the internet, a place full of extremely impressionable people.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
I seem to be able to fight off my suicide urges with sheer willpower and a burning desire to live. So yes, I've had them, but I think about my ex-girlfriend and decided that it wasn't worth it.

FYI, I'm a teenager. It's good to feel wise at such a young age. [sub]If I even was...[/sub]


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I have never thought about suicide. Not once have I even considered taking my own life.

It's a wasteful, terrible act.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Thought about it? I tried. Twice.

A little backstory: I'm a transgendered person whose life for two decades has been a living hell. I didn't grow up in the best of neighborhoods, or households for that matter, and I live in a place that where my kind can and have been openly harassed and even killed. With those conditions it's no wonder I tried to die.

The first attempt would've been a nice talking point for the gun control debate were it to have succeeded. I tried to give myself an 11.45mm brain ventilation port via explosively propelled metal chunk. Quick, simple, and the pain would be over as soon as it started. Of course, that failed due to dumb luck. The bloody thing jammed.

The second attempt was supposedly more foolproof and even more painless. You see, I've had kidney stones for years now and I usually take a tablet or two of Oxycontin to keep the pain down. Enough of that stuff will kill you. I overdosed, and prepped for a much more eternal sleep. What I didn't realize was that my body had already adjusted to high doses of the stuff, so two days later, I woke up.

I've got one thing to say to you if you're considering suicide: STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND GET SOME DAMN HELP! I cannot stress that enough. The right doctor can make all the difference.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I've never seriously thought about suicide. I got in loads of trouble at college for my "suicide" pieces though. Had to go see the counselor and everything! :)

(I was an art major btw. I'll see if I can find pictures of the pieces if people are curious)

EDIT: I have my pics! *Warning: Mild intensity; may not be suitable for those under the age of...13? Sure, let's go with 13!

Here are the pics!

I can't figure out why the school was so worried about me being suicidal! :)

I've never condoned suicide. Basically except for actual medical issues causing it (severe depression, "assisted suicide" for people who are going to die and staying alive will just be days of agony, etc.), I find it to be one of the most heartless acts that you can inflict upon others.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Almost constantly. I'm staying in there after being told people would be crushed by my death. So I guess it's sort of unlikely.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
I think of suicide as a comfort, knowing that if things ever get too unbearable there is always an escape.

I have always looked at suicide as a light of hope type thing. One day it will be inevitable, I will die, I don't think choosing when I want to go is so immature. Now that doesn't mean I am going to do it one day, but thinking about that wonderful nirvana helps. It would most likely come in the form of overdosing. The fact that suicide enters pretty much everyones mind and some even go through with it doesn't surprise me. It might seem like a pointless waste of life, but for many people, so is living. We suffer, we get bullied, we are depressed, we are in pain. Our world is full of shit and it is rather a pointless affair to live through it for many.

I think I am already half dead.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Yup. All the time . Won't do it though . Just sitting here hoping i die by accident .


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I have never thought about committing suicide in any serious sense. I've imagined what the experience of dying might be like, both at my own hand and others, but have never been emotionally unstable enough to actually consider the action.

As for method, hollowpoint round to the temple. Quick and painless.


New member
May 12, 2012
Never seriously.
I will never do it.
If for some reason I did, I would do it in a way that would be remembered.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I've thought about it, for a long time I considered it to be an escape if I ever felt there was no other way out. The two times I have come closest are in the last few weeks and about this time last year.

Last time I was in a complete state, I spent a good couple of months planning on how I would go out on New Year's Eve and chuck myself into a nearby quarry. A couple of days before I got invited out with some friends for New Year's and I got ridiculously drunk, and things started getting better, I didn't feel so alone. To be honest, I almost certainly wouldn't have done it; the closer it got the scarier the whole thing seemed, I would just have gone up there and sat on my own for a bit and walked home.

This time I've been dealing with things differently; knowing what I do from last time I'm determined not to get into that bad a state. Late at night, when I start feeling down, I put on some music and do as many press-ups or sit-ups as I can, whereas last time I would have harmed myself. I'm quite proud of myself with how I'm coping.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
If i were ever to do it, i'd go with a helium mask.All you need is a mask, a tube, and, well, the helium tank itself and you're all set.Rent a motel room, dress nicely and off you go.Gotta do it right the first time though, cause you don't want to be a braid-dead vegetable for the rest of your life.You can probably tell by how i already chose a method that i thought about doing it.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I have considered suicide in the past, I couldn't go through it though, I can't do that to my parents, it'd destroy them. I've had friends commit suicide and i've seen what it does to the families left behind. I don't see it as a means of escape, not anymore.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Ho yeah. All the time. Especially last year.

I've kind of gotten over it though. It's been quite a while since I've seriously considered it.


Sep 9, 2010
I won't go deep into the whys and hows. I do think about it, a lot. It's worse lately due to reasons.

I choose not too, though, and I imagine I will keep choosing not to. I have small handful of people that would be eternally devastated if I decided to be a dick and check out early.

Most importantly though, I choose not to because I do not feel it would grant me any peace.

Eh, I'm a gambler. My situation only has a chance to improve while I'm alive doing things.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
I've thought about it

I have instead come to the decision that I won't actively seek death, but if it happens to me, I won't fight it

Seems the best way to go about it
Oct 27, 2010
thought about it on multiple occasions. When I was younger, of course, it was worse. Music helped me out of that time. More recently it's been for other reasons, but I typically brush it aside or write about it, or turn those thoughts into something more creative.

Now if I ever did do it, it would be OD on sleeping pills+gassing. Easy, quiet, and clean. I might jump in front of a train if I weren't afraid that I might survive the ordeal.