Have you ever thought about suicide?

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
lunavixen said:
I have considered suicide in the past, I couldn't go through it though, I can't do that to my parents, it'd destroy them. I've had friends commit suicide and i've seen what it does to the families left behind. I don't see it as a means of escape, not anymore.
Yeah, that's the one thing that would prevent me from ever seriously attempting suicide, I would never want to do that to my parents or my family.

Mel Theofficegamergirl said:
I might jump in front of a train if I weren't afraid that I might survive the ordeal.
Jumping in front of a train is probably the most horrific way to commit suicide, because you're not killing yourself, you're getting someone else to kill you. That's a horrifying thing to do to a train conductor; seriously, there have been cases reported of conductors getting PTSD from having people throw themselves in front of their train.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I'd never have the balls to go through with it. Just plain old death scares me be it natural, accident or on purpose.

But yes, I have thought about it and in hindsight it was only stupid shit that isn't even worthy of the thought.

White Lightning

New member
Feb 9, 2012
Daily. Will I do it? I dunno. I'd like too but for some reason I can't. Probably pain but meh, maybe one day.

How? Cutting wrists or gunshot to the face.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I've really thought about it, and I had a female friend of mine back in highschool who slit her wrists and I came over (at the same time as an Ambulance I called) and then I went with her to the hospital. It was overall shitty and it was dark years for me so I don't really feel like talking too much about it. Overall I just have one thing to say to people who are currently thinking about it: It gets better, don't give up quite yet. Shoot me a PM if anyone does feel like it and talking to someone, been through some shit and I can talk about it.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
New Frontiersman said:
So has anybody on this site ever thought about committing or attempted suicide before?
Thought about it? Yes, but only as a thought experiment. Life is too much fun to pass up. Though I could definitely see me killing myself in the last years of my life to ease pain.

New Frontiersman said:
Do you know anyone who has?
This question is ambiguous. Because you were talking about both 'committing suicide' and 'thinking about committing suicide.' Anyways my answer is yes to both.

New Frontiersman said:
If you were to commit suicide, hypothetically, how would you do it?
Depends on the when. If at the end of my life I would go with failed barnstorming ala Secondhand Lions.

If right now I would go with self-immolation on the White House lawn or in front of the Pentagon. Because I might as well follow in Norman Morrison's footsteps and do some good with my death.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I think about it all the time, was pretty serious (attempt) a little over a year ago. Now I'm kind of at the point where I just sigh, go to be each night, close my eyes, and just wish I would not wake up.


Dec 24, 2011
Hell fucking no.

I'm way too terrified of death to do that. I'll fight with every ounce of strength in me to stay alive as long as possible. I sure as hell would never VOLUNTARILY die. That's crazy.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
the perfect suicide. i've determined the method a while ago.

we're always dying. the only reason we keep living is because we maintain a constant stream of life support. we can live for a long time, but cut any of our life support systems and we'll only die faster.

stop breathing? die with minutes. pretty much impossible to do without third party assistance. you would have to rely on a tool of some sort, a choker, a pool of liquid, a plastic bag. not the ideal support to cut if you're looking for a natural death.

stop eating/drinking/both? this is the best one. if you stop eating/drinking, you in essence pit your resolve against your nature in a fight to the death. the longer you refrain from eating/drinking the weaker your resolve is going to get, and the stronger your nature is going to get until your nature eventually overtakes you and you begin eating again; UNLESS your resolve is absolute, in which case you'll prove your resolve and earn your right to die. of natural causes. no one can argue with you after that.
it's a slow process that gives you plenty of time to think about it. thinking about it is all part of the process. it also gives your family time to come to terms with it. this is also part of the process. you have to prove your resolve against yourself and pressure from your family and friends. the only possible way to die like this is if your resolve is truly absolute, and in this case, in the end, everyone involved will have no choice but to see that this outcome is not a rash or thoughtless decision and is nothing less than what you truly desire. there's no other way to look at it, rationally. it won't stop some irrational people from their delusions, but what can you do.
you can stop eating, or drinking, or both, and it'll affect how quick the process is. keep in mind the process length will also determine how long and how intense of a trial you'll have to endure.

as for the OP. yeah, i've thought about it. it's in my future. this is how i'm going to go when the time is right.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I've tried twice. Overdosed on painkillers and hospitalized, once overnight, for it, and entered into outpatient therapy. That was 3-4 years ago, and I'm much better now. My advice for someone who reads this is find another way to escape. I'm so happy I didn't succeed now. The pain was unbearable at the time, but it's dulled. Changes just have to be made, somewhere, somehow, and no matter what, you have to escape what's killing you. For me, it was stopping joint custody with my parents and, eventually, graduating high school, that brought me out of my suicidal mess. I still have depression issues, but my moods fall within a normal scale for the most part.

So, yeah, please get help if you are wanting to die. I never thought it could ever get better, but it did.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Akytalusia said:
the perfect suicide. i've developed the method a while ago.

we're always dying. the only reason we keep living is because we maintain a constant stream of life support. we can live for a long time, but cut any of our life support systems and we'll only die faster.

stop breathing? die with minutes. pretty much impossible to do without third party assistance. you would have to rely on a tool of some sort, a choker, a pool of liquid, a plastic bag. not the ideal support to cut if you're looking for a natural death.

stop eating/drinking/both? this is the best one. if you stop eating/drinking, you in essence pit your resolve against your nature in a fight to the death. the longer you refrain from eating/drinking the weaker your resolve is going to get, and the stronger your nature is going to get until your nature eventually overtakes you and you begin eating again; UNLESS your resolve is absolute, in which case you'll prove your resolve and earn your right to die. of natural causes. no one can argue with you after that.
it's a slow process that gives you plenty of time to think about it. thinking about it is all part of the process. it also gives your family time to come to terms with it. this is also part of the process. you have to prove your resolve against yourself and pressure from your family and friends. the only possible way to die like this is if your resolve is truly absolute, and in this case, in the end, everyone involved will have no choice but to see that this outcome is not a rash or thoughtless decision and is nothing less than what you truly desire. there's no other way to look at it, rationally. it won't stop some irrational people from their delusions, but what can you do.
you can stop eating, or drinking, or both, and it'll affect how quick the process is. keep in mind the process length will also determine how long and how intense of a trial you'll have to endure.

as for the OP. yeah, i've thought about it. it's in my future. this is how i'm going to go when the time is right.
Might not want to end it and might want to talk about it. But if it's like that I'd like to go in a Heroin Overdose (mind you I've never tried Heroin so I got no fucking clue of what I'm talking about) or a sleeping pill overdose, just painless I guess. I've done some commercials and acting jobs and before some jobs you have to go down 2-3 kg (5 pounds sorta) before you do them and the starvation is a lot stronger than you think, you have to stop drinking any sort of liquid and food before and after a while you only crave food, the strongest craving you've felt in your life, you have no idea. After a bit you only want water, you think just a drop will be fine but if you cave you'll fuck up everything so far so you don't. It's hard as hell, so if you're gonna go that way you have to have some serious determination... If you feel like talking about it I'm open through PMs, facebook (fb.com/elprede) or some other way.q


New member
Apr 26, 2008
I have researched many methods.
First attempted terminal dehydration, but it was too drawn out and painful.

Right now I have a noose made and sitting my dresser.
I have the ligature point chosen and tested for load capacity. I know it will work.

The closest I have managed to get to actual execution was the noose around my neck and simply needing to kick away my support stand. But my heart was beating too fast and I was feeling such overwhelming fear and anxiety I almost fainted.

Whatever life is, it is psychotic. Will resist its own end to the bitter end, despite the grief I must endure to satisfy whatever it is after. I feel that I am stuck in a nightmare that can't ever end.

My only hope now is that some point in my lifetime, assisted suicide services will be made available and I will be aided by peers and given the strength the pass.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
If I ever did, I no longer remember when, because I realized long ago (I'd say about age 8 or 9) that death is the worst thing that can possibly happen to anyone (even better than torture). Dead people can't want anything, can't need anything, and can't accomplish anything. Dead people are meaningless and worthless. No matter how bad the suffering is, an alive person can find a way to end that suffering, a dead person can't.

Besides, we all know, even if many of the human race isn't willing to admit it, that there is nothing beyond death. The time you have alive now is all the time you're ever going to get, so you'd better make use of it, especially if you want your existance to mean something.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Kinda surprised at how many people have seriously considered it here.

Me? I've thought of ways to do it out of curiosity, buy my life is great and I've never wanted to end it.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
It has crossed my mind of attempting it, but not for any emotional reasons. More of the idea of how someone could sadly get to such a low point. Any time something sad happens, I just remind myself of all of the great things I have privilege and access to. Always brightens up my day.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
When I was younger. I am probably the more selfish of everyone here. When I thought about it, it was with the thought that people would suffer after my loss and that'd teach them for doing whatever it was that upset me so.

May or may not have been a teen or tween then but there you are.

Doesn't happen anymore. I'm much too afraid of death to even consider it for one instant.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I've thought the tought yeah, but never seriously. I have never had a time in mylife when suicide has seemed as a good thing. I don't know anyone who has commited but I know that my dads best friend commited suicide after he was in an accident that paralyzed him from the waist down.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
No, never ever.

Maybe this means my life isn't as horrible and dead-end as I sometimes think it is. There's simply way too much I enjoy doing on a daily basis, and too many people I care for, for me to even consider killing myself.
game-lover said:
When I was younger. I am probably the more selfish of everyone here. When I thought about it, it was with the thought that people would suffer after my loss and that'd teach them for doing whatever it was that upset me so.
I think this is a very common thought for most teenagers who have a hard time in high school. It was for me anyway. "If I was dead everyone at school would feel soooo bad about how they treated me, and I'd be laughing from my grave. Then I'd have my revenge boy howdy!" This is also accounting into it that eveyone feels like the center of the universe when they're a teen.

This is more of a fantasy than an actual contemplation to commit suicide though. Again, it was for me anyway.