Have you left WoW and if so why.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I started half a year before TBC came out, had a good time in TBC, maybe a bit too good time. WoW became sort of obsession (grades didn't suffer, but everything else did).
First time I quit because I was moving back to Finland from Germany and I thought I'd be busy with a lot of other stuff (January 2010). And also breaking my keyboard kind of woke me up from the wow-trance.

After almost a year, I bought Cataclysm and 2 months of game time. I only played one month. Then I bought 3 months game time to make it through the boring summer, and now I'm quitting again because of school.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Madcat75 said:
(also everywhere I went in game was basically empty( even infront of the bank and AH in Ironforge which is normally packed)).
Well if you're talking about recently, the new "hangout" is Stormwind for the Alliance and Orgrimmar for the Horde. The cities were purposefully redesigned to be the new hubs, so Ironforge will be a bit emptier now. I remember in the olden days when you couldn't set foot in there without horrendous lag because it was the only auction house for the Alliance. That hasn't been the case for some time, though.

As for myself, I left WoW for financial reasons. It might seem silly to some, but I need that $15 a month to go elsewhere until things pick up. Besides, there are other free altneratives to WoW that I can use to get my gaming fix.

I still love the game, though, and when I heard they extended the free trial, I thought long and hard about using it to experience the game again. But in all truth, I'd rather not get hooked on WoW while I'm still in need of steady income.


New member
May 22, 2009
Too many kids with too little skill, resulting in the game getting shifted onto be more about the numbers than the skill.

I curse the creators of GearScore... May your butt itch and your arms be too short.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Don't get me wrong i find World of Warcraft a great and interesting game with lots of things to do...

But id say the beggining is just to slow... too many 'fetch' quests... i found myself going to the same places over and over again doing these annoying fetch quests.

I found the smithing, socket, gem system a little unfriendly to new-begginers, and even if i tried to ask others how to do certain things, i would be surrounded with rage from deuchebags saying "Ugh i hate newbies, they need to learn how to play the game by themselfs", wich i find arrogant considering i bet these people had difficulties in the beggining and asked for help has well...

Another thing is that i love to explore... but you need to walk a lot... like there is no end and that you can never reach you're destination... mounts balanced things out, wich i LOVED.... till flying mounts came... i love flying mounts, but they shouldn't be usable on azeroth... just sayin...

People are really arrogant and assholish with you, if you're not a women... ive seen real deuchebags turning pussycats within the presence of a girl (man playing has a women character basicly, but let's keep that a secret).

Spammers, screamers/ragers and gold farmers.... basicly this: "GIMME ME GOLD PLZ! GIMME GOLD PLZ!!!!"... i belive you understand the rest.

And the last reason i stopped playing WoW is even though i loved teh diversity of races (Loved trolls, taurens, a little of draenei and loved dwarfs.... with the new game i loved goblins and the werewolfs), i find that it costs too much money, in accordance of time i spent playing.... for each month i would play like a week... like 1 or 2 hours each day of 1 week or 1 week and a half... so i stopped playing...

So i started playing Guild wars... can play when i want, withouth worrying with payment, and im so stoked with gw2 :3 !!!!


New member
Mar 9, 2011
I really liked it, but I was starting to get really addicted to it and I didn't have enough time to play it and keep up with my college work. If I had enough free time, I'd probably get back into it again.

But when I left, I wanted to do it in style. So I hosted my own gameshow, and gave away all my money as prizes! It got fairly popular too!


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I played until 70/80/85 stopped each time as is now. I enjoy the leveling but I get to end game content and I just can't put in the time/be confident enough to start raiding so in the end I just stop due to inactivity.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I played WoW for a bit, thought it was ok but not worth the money, I didn't see the addictive appeal others saw. This resulted in me leaving.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I left and I'll go back, but ultimately I just couldn't keep paying £8 a month for it.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I quit a couple months after TBC came out, returned for a month or two after WotLK to play a Death Knight then quit again. The guild that I was a part of was no longer fun, everyone was max level and raiding or focusing on level grinding in order to raid. No longer did anyone want to explore maps with me, quest for the fun of it, it was always about the damn raids and the best shiny gear possible.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Madcat75 said:
1) It got boring
2) Too many idiots
I was in a guild simply because of friends of mine. Now, about 7 of the members had any semblance of basic intelligence (Staying OUT of the fire being a big part of Cata, don't ask me how no one seems to know that). And 7 good people can't carry another 3 or 18 morons through raids. I know, we tried.

I've actually quit multiple times, but I don't think I will be going back any time soon.

1st was same as this one, we had a solid 10-15 people, but we always had to fill the remaining slots with ANYONE (We didn't clear Naxx until our people had the gear from Flame Leviathan.)

2nd Quit after Ulduar, came back cause my friend needed someone to RaF him, so he had me make a new account. Ended up returning to the same guild (they now had about 20 people who knew how to play), played until ICC came out, and 75% of our good raiders quit, or joined other guilds. I quit again, since we couldn't kill Marrowgar

3rd quit, my friend who had me RaF with him, got into a guild that was clearing "Heroic" Lich King (which was a lie, he's just an idiot), I stayed until I got Shadowmourne, and quit until Cata came out. I was in such a good guild that even the Heroic versions of the encounters were one shot. It basically so boring since we started carrying peoples fresh 80's through, just for the extra challenge. We had the #2 Frost DK in the world (at the time) in our guild he pulled about 27k DPS on EVERY fight. I think our guild average DPS in a 25 man was over 200000.
I don't remember too well, was shortly after the Lich King fight was released.

4th and final time: Switched servers to play with my friends (again), Read the first paragraph.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I had a kid, she leaves no time for anything like WoW, these days I barely get through a game of freecell.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
For me, what I was getting out of it just wasn't worth the cost (and how much time I got to play it when it wasn't weekends or holidays).

Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a great game, it's just that I didn't really learn how to truly get into it (I was always more about the exploration rather than levelling...not a good move in hindsight) or how to best use my time.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I played for like 2 years. I quit because better games came along I was really bored with it and It ate up to much time and money.

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
I quit after a month of lich king because it became about raiding and gear levels, then was back for a month in cata before quitting again due to the same thing happening, 5 levels making as big of a gap as 10+ would have, and all of the dumbing down and retooling of the game. Not the changes to the quests or the zones, but the classes.

Just made it overall unenjoyable on top of already having played it for a long time and getting tired of it.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
A good few years ago I played the 2 week trial and loved it. I didn't actually buy the full game because it absolutely destroyed my social life and I didn't actually have the money to spend on it. Honestly if not for the lack of funds I would have probably gotten it.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I quit about two years ago because just about everything else in my life was suffering because of my addiction to it, my health, family life, relationships, work, college, etc.

Quitting was the best decision I've ever made in terms of gaming. Since leaving WoW I've lost 55 pounds, have a great job, actually get to spend time with my family, and I'm not doing too badly with the ladies either ;)

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
I left around May 2011

I got sick of it
Some friends of my GMs friends came in....all asswipes...all PvPnuts on a PvE realm

Things went into a quick downward spiral our offtank disappeared....everyone stopped caring..

There were some decent people....but those PvP fuckheads ruined it all...

I still keep in contact with one of the good people I cared for. Beyond that once I left I havent been missed since the guild fell apart.

Also personal shit hit and I couldnt care less anymore.

I feel much better...less...."blind" and more....active with the world around me.