Hawking Warns Humanity to Avoid Dangerous Aliens

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Doubtful aliens would travel millions, if not billions of light years just to colonise or take our resources. In fact, if they had the means to traverse huge distances for energy, they'd harvest the sun. At almost 150 000 000 km from the sun, if we were able to fully harvest the energy that radiated down to us we'd have a viable single source of power 10 times over. The only way contact with another planet would likely be feasible is through intellectual curiosity and nothing more.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Korten12 said:
I dont believe in aliens (kinda think that their may be more humans on other worlds.) but how would could he know that they are all dangerous. bound to be good aliens if they exist.
How would humans get to another world without space travel o_O, besides it doesn't matter, if we found a "Human" on Mars...he would indeed be a Martian, and an Alien to Earth if he was 1) Birthed on Mars and/or never been to Earth. And apparently by all this science calculations the fact we are even alive is just a lucky 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance. Whatever the reason may be, if it happened once, I'll believe that it can happen again, but truely doubt any "Aliens" we find will look anything close to humans.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Nasty_Taco said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Hawking himself, is an alien.
i would laugh so hard if that was true.

if aliens do visit our world its obvious what will happen we will end up killing them by accidentc thinking their hostile and dooming us all if they have advanced weaponry or we greet them share technology and finally get space travel. knowing us its probably option 1.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
I see his point, but is it not a bit primitive to think the entire universe are as wankie as we are, I think he has been watching to much independence day


New member
Apr 7, 2010
bjj hero said:
Honestly, if aliens did come to earth starting trouble, they will have picked the wrong race. We've been coming up with better and more inventive ways of killing stuff ever since we realised that rocks and sticks hurt.

Thats a lot of R&D on how to send aliens away crying to momma.
Like it's already been said. Aliens could have already done this, long before us humans.
Until we meet alien life, there is no way to tell how things would turn out.
Humans by nature are very fearful and curious.

I kind of hope that once we meet alien life, thing will turn out like on mass effect that we all work together to keep a stable galaxy, there is no such thing as world peace, and i doubt there will ever be galactic peace, so stability would be a sound goal.


New member
Nov 16, 2007
As much as my childhood movies promised a scene like this, I have to go with the dude in the tricked-out hoveround.

They will come too, like a moth to a flame, and probably be of the Viking strain. Hope to hell all those guns and bullets I gots me a little retribution before they vaporize me, or bar-b-que me, or make me into some kind of a mindless work zombie...wait I am already that last part.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Good God! I've been sayin' it. I've been sayin' it for ten damn years. Ain't I been sayin' it, Miguel? Yeah, I've been sayin' it.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
dalek sec said:
bjj hero said:
Honestly, if aliens did come to earth starting trouble, they will have picked the wrong race. We've been coming up with better and more inventive ways of killing stuff ever since we realised that rocks and sticks hurt.

Thats a lot of R&D on how to send aliens away crying to momma.
But what if they're like Necrons, Orks, Daleks or even worse? Those races don't exactly shrink in fear from the weapons we have today. Hell they might even wipe us out in the opening minutes of the battle.
I'd much rather be slaughtered by Orks than Necrons or Daleks; at least orks would have the good decency to enjoy themselves while doing it.

We can only hope that whatever discovers us, it's children. If I recall, those were the aliens in Explorers - kids. I haven't seen the movie in a while but if I recall correctly, the father was a bit of a prick. Not a genocidal prick but typical angry parent prick. I have to rent that one again.

Hawking is hilarious, but absolutely right... from a certain perspective. If the alien life forms we eventually make contact with are human, then yes we're screwed but he's assuming alien life forms are like most humans in vision and scope.

I would imagine that for a race to extend that far into the stars, they would have to prize knowledge and perspective over resources. Columbus and Cortez cared little for knowledge (beyond that which they could profit from) but were driven by the quest for resources.

So who knows what's out there... which is why Hawking has a point and we should tone down our broadcasts. Just in case they are Necrons.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
mattttherman3 said:
Maybe I'm naive but I like to hope that the aliens are like the ones from Star Trek(not like the Borg though, HELL NO). Theres no reason we can't all be friends.

personally, if its alien we are going to be stupid enough to insult them in the worst possible way, and then getting ourselves killed seems the more obvious outcome

but if the Aliens were peacefull, they would be smart enough to stay out of earth untill we evolve past the racist stage of our lives :p


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
I'm not sure that all aliens would be dangerous ones, but then again, why would they bother wanting a planet with low resources, poor cultures and a vastly greedy main race?


New member
Mar 11, 2010
bjj hero said:
Honestly, if aliens did come to earth starting trouble, they will have picked the wrong race. We've been coming up with better and more inventive ways of killing stuff ever since we realised that rocks and sticks hurt.

Thats a lot of R&D on how to send aliens away crying to momma.
Do you know how easy it is to wipe out humanity? Sure, we do have nuclear weapons, etc. But if I were to plan an attack on Earth as an alien species, I wouldn't even set foot on this planet. You can simply bombard the planet from orbit and there's very little we could do to stop them, either that or just unleash a contagious virus on population centers.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
fezzthemonk said:
bjj hero said:
Honestly, if aliens did come to earth starting trouble, they will have picked the wrong race. We've been coming up with better and more inventive ways of killing stuff ever since we realised that rocks and sticks hurt.

Thats a lot of R&D on how to send aliens away crying to momma.

That and the fact that if we kill one of their soldiers, We will figure out their tech and use it for ourselves.
Like in Halo?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I think Steven Hawking has some valid points, but I feel he's wrong. One of his problems is that ironically (coming from me) I think he's looking at it too rationally and logically.

I do not think that a civilization with space travel is nessicarly going to be more advanced than us in all respects (weapons, medicine, etc...). The reason being is that I do not think science progresses in a truely linear fashion, a lot of it has to do with imagination and what ideas capture the minds of the scientific community. For example "laser technology" started with the idea of people melting other people and human structures with focused beams of light, much like a kid would fry an ant on a sunny day. Along the way to achieving that somewhat nonsensical goal (there are much more efficient ways to kill people and break things) we discovered tons of technologies ranging from opics, to holograms, to laser communications, to the use of lasers in surgery. None of which were planned when people first started messing around with lasers.

Ironically Space Travel could be discovered based on research in another area that never captured humanity's imagination. A happy accident along another line of thinking. Looking at how science has developed, and how much has been discovered while looking into other things, I find this to be fairly likely.

I have no objections to sending signals and such out into space, BUT I do think we need to spend more time on the space program, and also unifying the planet (pleasantly, or not so pleasantly). Simply put it's impossible to solve all of our problems on Earth with the resources we have here, going into space is nessicary to find more resources irregardless of how long it takes. I find the odds of humanity dying out from being too focused on terrestrial concerns to be far greater than either an alien invasion, or wiping outselves
out in some massive war. Simply put if we keep argueing between nations, instead of creating a global goverment, and fighting over resources that are here and how to distribute them fairly (it's impossible, there are too many people for everyone to have a decent standard of living), we'll use up everything we have, lose the abillity to develop space travel, and then be stuck here doing whatever when our sign dies a billion or so years from now.

At any rate, when it comes to things like SETI or other programs I do not think the risks are unreasonable.

What's more Hawking's examples of what happened when the Native Americans were discovered by civilized man are somewhat scewed by modern politics. Because Columbus treated savages like savages in his journal, people nessicarly assume exploitation and murder started immediatly. That is FAR from the truth, indeed relations were pretty friendly for a long time, which is what things like "Thanksgiving" are in memory of.

Problems with the Natives started when you had issues with differant factions deciding to side with differant European powers. A lot of Tribes signed up with The French since they offered the best deal, and then The French lost their bid to take over America, leaving their native allies behind with a very POed enemy. Even so you still had friendly relations with tribes like "The Mohegans" which ended when they pretty much started making unreasonable demands/got greedy. Chief Uncas, despite the war, is still a legend throughout Connecticut with places named after him (like Uncas' leap, where he rode his horse over a waterfall).

By the time you got to the Western-type period, of people treating Indian like vermin and chasing them off land we wanted to occupy and such, a lot had already happened to get things tot hat point. Today's politically correct history doesn't really do much to provide a balanced accounting. What's more it's also fundementally inaccurate in a lot of ways where even some history books try and say Indians had no concept of land ownership, which is far from the truth given that the first tribes we contacted here on The East Coast were nothing like West/Midwestern indians, they lived in dwellings like longhouses, had farms, and other things. A point made if you ever visit say the Pequot Museum or talk to the tribal members
in the area.

The point of this rant is that it's a bad example. I suppose things could turn out the same way if say we met multiple alien factions and then sided with the wrong one and they left us hanging or whatever.

He's basically relying on a degree of human callousness which I don't believe actually exists (if it seems to, your typically not hearing both sides) to make a point.

Oh sure, an Alien culture could be totally xenocidal or whatever, but I don't see that as being all that likely.

Besides which as ironic as it sounds, one problem with many theories of Alien Invasion is that the US alone has enough firepower to destroy the world 10x over. One thing that would probably hold back an invasion that was out to colonize our planet or take our resources is that before we went down we'd be likely to decimate our own planet out of spite so they
would get nothing.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
On the down side we could all be killed.

On the upside it could the the asari/quarians, that would be awesome


Bullets... they don't affect me.
Feb 17, 2010
bjj hero said:
Honestly, if aliens did come to earth starting trouble, they will have picked the wrong race. We've been coming up with better and more inventive ways of killing stuff ever since we realised that rocks and sticks hurt.

Thats a lot of R&D on how to send aliens away crying to momma.
Don't you think that aliens would have figured all of that shit out before they managed to invent space travel?
We had the Atomic Bomb completed, tested, and USED before Russia launched Sputnik to start the Space Race, so it seems to me that the aliens would have WAY more dangerous weapons than that if they are able to travel light years through space to get to earth.