Heavy Rain Gameplay Demo is Really Depressing


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Dragon-Byte said:
so the story continues if u lose a character
what happens if all 4 die?
The story ends, albeit with a sad ending.

DAVEoftheDEAD said:
Your both retarded if I want depth in a video game where I could be a bad parent or actually wipe my ass in game play. I'll pass is your lives really so boring where making your character wash his hands is entertaining?

I dig over the top gore and action but that makes me a fragile retard for some reason..
Cause I can't understand the awesomeness of making a PB&J via video game.
So Heavy Rain isn't the kind of game for you, fine, but there is no need for name-calling whatsoever. Plenty of other movies, TV shows, books, etc.... do many similar things with realistic settings and stories and there are plenty of genres like psychological thrillers and such that many people enjoy watching.

Heavy Rain is one of those psychological thrillers. It's a murder mystery centered around extreme interaction and attaching to the characters you play as. You give your kid a healthy snack not because you can but because you feel obligated to, be cause you become attached to him as well as the father and other characters.

Clearly it's not for you, and that's fine. If you prefer over the top gore and violence, fine, I like my healthy share of that to. But just because you think this game is "stupid" does not make it so for many other people.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I wanna put a $10 bet down that the Australian OFLC refuses classification of this game.

I am actually really looking forward to Heavy Rain just cos i like a good emotional game


New member
Mar 10, 2008
DAVEoftheDEAD said:
A psychological thriller you say? I find my interest growing abit. Yes you are right name calling is bad when I saw, Gore, Exploisions, Fragile retard it hurt my inner nerd you see.

Could you hit me up with a link that speaks about the story line itself I cant seem to find videos of that?
This one [http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-09-heavy-rain/54361] I feel shows off more what I'm talking about.
This one [http://g4tv.com/videos/42533/Heavy-Rain-Preview/] also explains the scenario with it. This game tackles many issues like home invasion, child death, rape, depression, drug addiction, etc... It's more than just a "life simulator", it's a mature story showing many issues with no "right or wrong" answer as everything is just a choice. Like I said before, because you attach to the characters (or at least I hope you, the player, do) you want what's best for them.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Since when are games not just long QTE's? Think about it. Instead of seeing X flash on the screen telling you to press it so you don't die you see a guy raise his sword over his head and press X to block. Time it wrong and punishment, time it right and success.


New member
May 21, 2009
Jumplion said:
Dragon-Byte said:
so the story continues if u lose a character
what happens if all 4 die?
The story ends, albeit with a sad ending.

DAVEoftheDEAD said:
Your both retarded if I want depth in a video game where I could be a bad parent or actually wipe my ass in game play. I'll pass is your lives really so boring where making your character wash his hands is entertaining?

I dig over the top gore and action but that makes me a fragile retard for some reason..
Cause I can't understand the awesomeness of making a PB&J via video game.
So Heavy Rain isn't the kind of game for you, fine, but there is no need for name-calling whatsoever. Plenty of other movies, TV shows, books, etc.... do many similar things with realistic settings and stories and there are plenty of genres like psychological thrillers and such that many people enjoy watching.

oh snap!

Heavy Rain is one of those psychological thrillers. It's a murder mystery centered around extreme interaction and attaching to the characters you play as. You give your kid a healthy snack not because you can but because you feel obligated to, be cause you become attached to him as well as the father and other characters.

Clearly it's not for you, and that's fine. If you prefer over the top gore and violence, fine, I like my healthy share of that to. But just because you think this game is "stupid" does not make it so for many other people.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I am looking forward to Heavy Rain, just because it reminds me of Shenmue, which was awesome.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I've been looking forward to this ever since I played Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. If it doesn't turn out to be at least somewhat successful, then I think I'll have lost faith in gaming as a medium. There's so much potential for games to tell stories in ways that movies and books just cannot achieve. In the same way that there are mindless action movies, which, don't get me wrong, can be very enjoyable, as well as deep, thought provoking films, it's time for games to mature and for there to be some solid, mainstream titles for a truly mature audience.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Interesting. I know this is a resurrected thread, but still. The game is striking me more and more as one with the story potential of a visual novel with a vastly more complex gameplay system.

I'm not sure if I'll ever want to play it, though. I'm not all that big a fan of most realistic fiction, and this one sounds pretty darned uncomfortable as well...I know I'll be obligated to play it, though.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
This is a true RPG game. I can't think of any game that delves into the storyline and character development as deep as this.
Nov 28, 2007
Dark Templar said:
Emotional impact is important in games.

I have been looking forward to this kind of character depth for a long time. It looks like it will be fun for me to play.

To bad most gamers are emotionally fragile retards who can't go 2 seconds without something blowing up.
Hey, I teared up during Tali's loyalty mission in ME2. And I still think anyone who didn't is inhuman.