Help a fellow Escapist by answering two short questions!

Jan 9, 2011
spartan231490 said:
Maybe, but for me to consider something to be music, it has to use all components: melody, harmony, rhythm, beat and tempo. Any Death metal I've heard has a very heavy emphasis on tempo and rhythm, but doesn't do much melody, and almost no harmony. The music is too much louder than the singers, so their pitches don't really come through and harmonize with the instrumentals.
Aye, you're right there about Death Metal. In fact, I'm not a very big fan of Death Metal; I can tolerate it a lot more than I used to, but I still don't get much listening pleasure out of it. Luckily, not all Heavy Metal sounds like Death Metal (otherwise I wouldn't be listening to the genre at all); the Heavy Metal music that I get the most pleasure out of listening to are bands such as Saxon, Dream Theater, Nightwish, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Nevermore, etc. Those bands usually incorporate a lot melodic elements into their music (in fact, I should use the word "incorporate"; it's more embedded into the music). In fact, some of them actually use some very sophisticated and complex music theory (see Dream Theater).

See, often 'Heavy Metal' is mistaken as being entirely Death Metal and Doom Metal, which it most certainly is not. When reading your initial comment, I thought you might have been one of those people who'd made that mistake, so I just had to check ;).


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
1: Male
2: I like hard rock and the less intense metals like thrash/punk (eg I'm a big fan of Disturbed and older metal bands like Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple). Not a fan of Death and speed metal though, plus screaming lyrics ruins a song for me. I have only heard one screamo song that I like.


Aug 27, 2010
Very much.
I'm Swedish though, so maybe I should be excluded? (For those of you that don't know, we're REALLY big on metal around here!)
I don't what else to say, but try some of the groups if you want to get the word out.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Sure, I'll bite. I'm male, and I love metal music.

I also like unicorns... SHUT UP!