Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Nov 17, 2009
This is why i keep all my porn online and only keep Playboys in my house. No one throws a fit over Playboy.

Wait, i happen to own some manga depicting naked people who may or may not be supposedly over the age of 18... Am i a criminal now? I don't feel like a criminal. I haven't even done any "Self Appreciation" to any of those images. In fact all i think i have done is help give my hard-earned money to the local manga selling store here, witch is not a big business but a local small one.


Seriously though people, wtf is up with this. I've been where this guy was. I have gone on the internet and looked up some seriously messed up things for a cheep thrill out of boredom and too much spare time, weather we admit it or not 99.99% of everyone on this site has. Does that make us all criminals? Are we victimizing anyone? Are we really breaking the law because sometimes we need something a little extreme to get some "self appreciation"?

And last thing i have to say, isn't it illegal for anyone, even a postal worker to go through someone's mail? Shouldn't someone loose their job over that invasion of privacy that started all this? Seriously!


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Here's an interesting twist for you to think about.
If they want to effectivly start treating cartoons like real people by punishing people for REAL crimes against cartoon characters...what if the comics just started with the main character showing ID saying she was like 20 or something she just looks young =p

With the combination of people in the UK being convicted with the same punishment and put on the same offenders register as real molesters for CARTOONS, effectivly treating cartoons as real people, surely it's only a matter of time until people either start claiming benefits for their 100 cartoon children or people start getting arrested for child molestation because someone things their 19yr old girlfriend "looks young".

Yes I know I'm being silly, but this whole damn thing is beyond silly, it's retarded.
My god Anime characters don't even freaking look like real people, and real people who try to look like anime characters fail hard ...not that I object to some of the better attempts....*cough*

Sgt Doom

New member
Jan 30, 2009
Seems ridiculous, plus polygraph tests are a load of shit, having him take them seems like a cheap shot to further his "guilt"


New member
Apr 8, 2008
So when is the Coppertone sun screen bottle art going to be banned as kiddie porn? It's animated, has a underaged girl being pantsed by a dog... should we throw the makers of that image in jail as well?
It's almost creepy, like where do the line start and stop in this?


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
martin said:
ultimateownage said:
Nah, I don't have any of that type of porn, child and bestiality? That's sick, but, seriously, it's just pictures, there are thousands of these things on the internet, I can't believe they destroyed someone's life for that.
Your Avatar is awesome, so I agree.
Why thank you good sir, most people don't seem to like it.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Why doesn't the U.S goverment try catching the REAL pedophiles and rapists rather than wasting time on this bullshit. Rape is sinister, perverted pictures aren't. He is still a perv but he does not deseve this.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
I live in Japan and you can walk into any bookstore in the country and pick up stuff like that off the shelf. Honestly people, almost all the research indicates that lots of freely available porn helps keep sexual crime rates down, and suppression just brings them up. What message are the politicians sending, "Hello Mr. Porn reader, we want you to stop reading that disgusting comic book and suppress your urges until you're so messed up that you actually go out and do it for real!".

Personally it's not my cuppa tea, but I've sat on the train next to middle-aged salarymen casually flipping through comics showing violent tentacle sex, and then the salaryman probably went home and boned his wife, having vicariously satisfied his illegal sexual desires by reading the comic book. Japan has one of the lower per capita rape rates in the world (54th out of 65 countries, source: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap_percap-crime-rapes-per-capita) so they can't be doing too much wrong. The U.S. on the other hand, with it's puritanical view of sex and sexuality, has the 9th highest rape rate in the world.

The comic books hurt no-one, but real rapes mess people up for life. I'd rather have a million guys quietly getting off on trains to comic books than have one person actually raped. ... Now I need to go and refresh the supply of disinfectant wipes I use to wipe down every train seat I sit on... *shudder*.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Warning: No child was harmed in the drawing of this volume. They are simply ink on paper and no one could be harmed in the making of this volume, and don't you have more important things to go to court for?! Goddamnit, there are actually pedophiles out there! Chase those motherfuckers, not owners of some drawings! Jesus!


New member
Feb 17, 2010
so the guy was a collector of manga and doushins and they only found SEVEN books that were obscene??? I have a better collection then him i bet :p and i dont even collect them

seriously, i rather have people masturbate to cartoon porn then suppress their desires....
o well, you can always become a catholic priest if you realy think that suppression is the way to go. I heard that really works out well these days.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
*starts crying*

The world! What has happened to it?! The amount of sheer stupidity I see every day makes me lose faith in humanity!

But seriously. I can't help but wonder what's next. This is all starting to remind me too much of The Child That Smelt Funny


New member
Aug 27, 2009
The fact that he is in jail just for the hentai is ridiculous, but I guess the Justice System feels that cartoon characters, which most manga/hentai characters are, living breathing entities to the same extent as porn stars. Except the fact you do not pay the cartoon characters. But seriously, if he was taking sexual photos of actual minors or video taping himself screwing his dog or whatever, then I could see him going to jail. But the fact of the matter is this, he wasn't. They will allow gun collectors to keep LOADED weapons in the house, be it semi-automatic or otherwise, but a comic collector isn't allowed to own comics because of what is inside. And just for the record, it never states that he read them, even though common sense would tell you he did. Taxpayer dollars being spent on trivial shit when real crimes are happening. Gotta love it.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
I was going to make a better comment but then I realised there's 17 pages worth already, so I'll just resort to this:

Fuck. That. Shit.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
Archemetis said:
Lines on paper is a fine argument, someone shouldn't be able to gain a prison sentence and a hefty fine for lines on paper...

But when those lines on paper come together to form the image of a child/animal being sexually abused then surely that's a different matter all together?
Granted you can't argue that because he had drawings of such things that it means he must also engage or have the potential to engage in such acts...

But simply the idea that he was interested in seeing such acts, even illustrated should raise enough questions, right?

I mean I'm sure there are people out there (in vast quantities) that enjoy the sight of a pair of hand-animated titties flopping around...
And if they want to satisfy that part of their tastes fair play to them...
But child pornography and Bestiality is wrong no matter how it's portrayed and people who actively seek it out are fairly disgusting...

So yeah, I'd feel sorry for the guy if the case was he was found in possession of illustrated pornography, because that would be over-reacting...
But he went for child pornography and his only excuse was,

"I thought it was only illegal if I downloaded it..."

Dont forget people think the games we play are evil and disgusting and would ban them if they had the power. Kinda like australia's doing. Mass effect has interspecies sex, which is considered bestiality, no? I guess you think that game shouldn't exist and anyone who liked that part is fairly disgusting.

I once blew up megaton in fallout 3. I MUST have some hidden desires for mass murder of innocent children and people, right? I should be subject to mental evaluation.

Last time I checked, gruesomely murdering little children is worse than raping them.

There was a time when it was considered 'morally wrong' for me to marry a white woman. So I don't believe generally held moral values by the people in power subject to change = Law.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
There was nothing in the original post about him getting aroused over the images it was more to do with him importing & actually owning the comics in question, not from any gratification he got from them!
Yeah... I'm sure he only had them around for some light reading.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
slopeslider said:
Archemetis said:
Lines on paper is a fine argument, someone shouldn't be able to gain a prison sentence and a hefty fine for lines on paper...

But when those lines on paper come together to form the image of a child/animal being sexually abused then surely that's a different matter all together?
Granted you can't argue that because he had drawings of such things that it means he must also engage or have the potential to engage in such acts...

But simply the idea that he was interested in seeing such acts, even illustrated should raise enough questions, right?

I mean I'm sure there are people out there (in vast quantities) that enjoy the sight of a pair of hand-animated titties flopping around...
And if they want to satisfy that part of their tastes fair play to them...
But child pornography and Bestiality is wrong no matter how it's portrayed and people who actively seek it out are fairly disgusting...

So yeah, I'd feel sorry for the guy if the case was he was found in possession of illustrated pornography, because that would be over-reacting...
But he went for child pornography and his only excuse was,

"I thought it was only illegal if I downloaded it..."

Dont forget people think the games we play are evil and disgusting and would ban them if they had the power. Kinda like australia's doing. Mass effect has interspecies sex, which is considered bestiality, no? I guess you think that game shouldn't exist and anyone who liked that part is fairly disgusting.

I once blew up megaton in fallout 3. I MUST have some hidden desires for mass murder of innocent children and people, right? I should be subject to mental evaluation.

Last time I checked, gruesomely murdering little children is worse than raping them.

There was a time when it was considered 'morally wrong' for me to marry a white woman. So I don't believe generally held moral values by the people in power subject to change = Law.

Why are so many people calling to question the simple concept that I don't like child abuse/rape or bestiality as an act, idea or illustration?

In the vain hopes that others will read this comment and hopefully take notice.

I acknowledge that there are forms of entertainment that contain sexual controversies such as rape (child or otherwise) bestiality (Or rather Sci-fi-themed interspecies relationships) and I further acknowledge that they're often used as points to drive a story or create a character's background...

The point a fair few people are missing here is, these things you're thrusting at me as "Examples of things I must clearly disagree with" are not pornography.

What the guy was arrested for, was pornography...
If it was an "Erotic romance Manga" or even "Dramatic manga with controversial sexual content." it would've been described as such.
It is described as "hentai" which last I checked meant something along the lines of "Sexually Perverted" (at least the translation search I did said that, it also came up with Metamorphosis and abnormality).

Also, I said That you can't assume that because he has them that he's automatically a child rapist and a dog-buggerer... It's right there in my first post, see? listed under.

"Granted you can't argue that because he had drawings of such things that it means he must also engage or have the potential to engage in such acts..."

All I said was, it's disgusting that people would seek out such material and that the fact he wanted to see it should be called to question...
I didn't say that people who played mass effect and fucked the blue chick (Like I did) should be ashamed of themselves because that's technically bestiality. (Although if it's woman-shaped and bares sentience, can you really argue that?)

I also stated that I didn't believe his excuse and it's a genuine thing to disagree with.
He acknowledged that the illustrated acts he was viewing were illegal in his native country and sought them out in a way that he thought "Wouldn't be illegal".
That just sounds sketchy to me, forgive me if I'm the only one to think it.

I agree with a lot of people that his sentence would have been far too severe considering he had no other materials or evidence to suggest that he was a full-time pervert or even an intentional one.

All I said that his initial interest in the material should have been questioned and possibly watched.

None of this other bollocks he's having to go through.

So now that I've fairly pointlessly explained myself for the third time can we all drop it now?

My Girlfriend also saw your comment about murder being worse than rape when it comes to children.

And while we both agree that murdering children is a despicable act punishable only by forceful murder of the one responsible, you seem to talking from a clearly ignorant point of view...

Murder, is bad, yes, gruesome murder and mutilation is fucking horrendous, but rape...

If you see the end of it, you have to fucking LIVE with that shit...
The mental scarring and the constant fear, the feeling of being utterly powerless, And so many other things I couldn't begin to understand and honestly wouldn't want to...
Is that really not as bad in your eyes?

I'd wager to say it's equal if not worse, to be honest, especially for a child who couldn't begin to understand the situation fully.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Ok, this is just dumb. It's illegal to have anime/drawn/cartoon child porn? Cause if it is, then all the people who've posted pictures from Pokemon are technically in trouble.