Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Jul 15, 2009
The manga community has been supporting this guy since customs first started stopping some of his stuff.

Poor bastard... Since when does reading porn lead to crime? Most men read porn, but that doesn't mean most men are going to be rapists.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
ohellynot said:
Rex Dark said:
So collecting artwork is illegal now?
Good thing I don't live in the US.
I'd rather move to Japan!
In all serousness though, saying this isn't child porn is loke saying hentai isn't porn. And watching/reading this sort of thing obviously shows a divient mind. Moreover it may work as a stepping stone to acyuall child pron in much the same way that illigal cannabis smokers here in the Uk are often attracted to take stronger things by drug sellers.
The again it is the whole "If i had this I wouldn't go after actuall kids" arguament so I take a middle ground position. Ban it buy maybe use it to get actuall peado's off child porn.
A lot of people here have probably seen hentai in some form. We can probably agree that it falls into a subculture of pornography, as it depicts lewd sexual acts with the intent of causing arousal. However, the same people who are turned on by hyper-idealized, fictional sex between drawings PROBABLY don't derive the same enjoy from traditional pornography. Hentai is so far removed from reality, and the people who are turned on by drawings of idealized children still probably find the idea of having sex with real children disgusting. I know some people attached to lolicon art, but they realize that children aren't that sexually mature. It's just a bizarre fetish that's disconnected from why child pornography is scorned upon: The power dynamic of an adult and a child, which frequently leads to physical and mental abuse of the child. Lolicon has no victims, and represents a whole different slew of ideals. If anything, the only hentai that is really concerning is the prevalence of violent rape hentai from Japan, which IS promoting an unhealthy dynamic between sexual partners. I wouldn't have convicted this man unless the justice system could prove without a doubt that he had a desire to force a sexual relationship on a minor, but he succumbed to societal pressures rather than defend his constitutional rights.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Beware what you fap to.

But honestly... It's kinda... Hmmm... Words won't follow what I'm trying to talk about.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Erm....I could find something as bad or worse then whatever shit was in those books, and all I need is the will to do it (Which thankfully I haven't got) and google.

Seriously, if your going to destory a mans life, destroy it over something a little more significant then 6-7 porn books which you can find on the internet if your really have to. All I'm going to say to this guy is good luck in jail, if you get out alive and sane, you'll be damned lucky.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
I find it odd that so many people defend this man, even though they've never seen the evidence.

I haven't seen the evidence, therefore, I choose not to judge him.

Ultimately, he made a choice to plead guilty based on his lawyer's advice.

In other words: The evidence (hentai) was so damning that it was better to accept a plea bargain rather than let be known what he possessed.

the idiot computer

New member
Jan 21, 2010
No i'm sorry prosecuter's and jury but this man did not create the comic in general i mean why does he have to pay for something he didn't do it's stupid it's not real people it's japanese "male" comics. He didn't deserve that... i guess we should be grateful to use this comic as an excuse for a "regime change" in Japan.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Hold on....does this mean that Sean Connery is guilty of bestiality since he drew a picture of Trebek fucking a horse? Or does that not count because it was a fictional drawing which was drawn in a comedy sketch?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Eukaryote said:
Krythe said:
Eukaryote said:
For all of you Canadians out there saying "thank god I don't live in America": our laws are even more retarded.

Also, this is just like saying video games depicting violence is murder and punishable as that.
Commander Breetai said:
Yeah, but Australia is basically second in line in the 'Holy fuck , is our government ever stupid!' list.
Wow... us english-speakers are quickly running out of countries...
And Canada is supposed to be the most rational of all of them :/
If political correctness is what you call rational...


New member
Oct 31, 2008
crypt-creature said:
Yokai said:
You're probably right. The tentacle rape is a new thing though. It's a bit hard to see how it contributes positively to our society.
Actually, it's not that new. It has been around for some time.
Since the mid-19th century, perhaps, but the idea of tentacle rape as a commercial venture is certainly new. It wasn't being mass-produced fifty years ago, that's for damn sure.

the idiot computer

New member
Jan 21, 2010
Actually now that i think about it how did they even find out about the hentai. it seems to me lthe US goverment is breaking some of it's own laws.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Yokai said:
crypt-creature said:
Yokai said:
You're probably right. The tentacle rape is a new thing though. It's a bit hard to see how it contributes positively to our society.
Actually, it's not that new. It has been around for some time.
Since the mid-19th century, perhaps, but the idea of tentacle rape as a commercial venture is certainly new. It wasn't being mass-produced fifty years ago, that's for damn sure.
Does a tree raping with it's roots count? If so, Sam Raimi may be getting his house raided very soon!


New member
Mar 23, 2009
And curiosity has gotten the better of me. I will now criticize the guy's taste.

1. ...dear lord, this is terrible. There's, like, one worthwhile chapter in a ten-chapter long comic of exploitative crap. It's not the loli that's objectionable!
2. Doesn't seem that bad. Almost a lolicon version of Chobits (though I couldn't read much).
3. I refuse to look for this.
4. Actually not that bad. Run of the mill for a hentai doujin, but I kinda wish it were translated, since in looks pretty funny some of the time.
5. Huh, so this is what the OP image is from. I also can't find it. Yeesh, maybe we should stop criticizing about his not using digital distribution...
6. Ha! The title is censored (the middle word is "manko," slang for female genetalia). The irony just kills me...on the other hand, the fact that I can't find it fills me with life.
7. For something with such a distinctive name, you'd think this would be easier to find.

Overall...yeah. This guy has to be a collector. Stuff isn't worthwhile as wanking material, but considering how insanely difficult these are to find in digital form, how extensive his collection is supposed to be), and how most of them are from a single author (Maka Fushigi), I can actually believe the guy when he says he wouldn't have sought these out had he realized they were illegal.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Yokai said:
crypt-creature said:
Yokai said:
You're probably right. The tentacle rape is a new thing though. It's a bit hard to see how it contributes positively to our society.
Actually, it's not that new. It has been around for some time.
Since the mid-19th century, perhaps, but the idea of tentacle rape as a commercial venture is certainly new. It wasn't being mass-produced fifty years ago, that's for damn sure.
And you can technically blame the rules Japan had to adhere to after World War II for that.

"According to Toshio Maeda, the inventor of the modern genre, he did it to skirt Japan's strict censorship laws. Showing intercourse was illegal, and illustrators were always looking for ways to get around the law. Maeda claims that he was just looking for something he could use represent a penis, and came up with the idea of a young girl being attacked by a grotesque monster with tentacles. The genre became popular because it was as close to showing intercourse as anime could get. "

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
ultimateownage said:
Nah, I don't have any of that type of porn, child and bestiality? That's sick, but, seriously, it's just pictures, there are thousands of these things on the internet, I can't believe they destroyed someone's life for that.
Your Avatar is awesome, so I agree.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Handley will also be required to serve three years of supervised release and undergo a "treatment program" that will include psychological testing and polygraph examinations to "reveal possible new criminal behavior," which he will have to help pay for, and five years of probation.
I bet that this "treatment" will, in fact, reveal bogus tendencies that he wouldn't have acted on ever. And the fact that he has to pay for this "program" is also quite ridiculous.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
According to this case, the majority of 4chan should probably be arrested. But what else is new?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
The Austin said:
reciprocal said:
The Austin said:
Piecewise said:
The Austin said:
Rex Dark said:
So collecting artwork is illegal now?
Good thing I don't live in the US.
I'd rather move to Japan!
.......Did you just call animated child porn artwork?
Prove that it is not.
Prove that it is.

Please refer to the upper right image.
Yes. That, is a picture of an ancient vase from Greece. That is art.
Cartoon child porn is not.
Pardon me if I don't see the distinction.

Both situations involve printed images of a young person, unquestionably below the "legal age" in question. Both are involved in sexual activity that is considered "illegal" in this context.

I cannot see how one is classified as "a work of art" and immune from scrutiny and the other isn't. Is it:
1) The age?
2) The price?
3) The skill involved in creating the image?
4) The country of origin?
5) The medium on which the picture is delivered?

In any case, I doubt if classifying it as art would have saved this guy. When people believe they are on a moral high ground and have too much free time, they will use all their energy, money and time to stroke their ego.

I wonder if the parcel inspector is happy with what he has done to a young man whose only crime was ignorance of postal regulations. If the parcel was, say, unmarked medicinal tablets, would the inspector have raised drug trafficking charges?


New member
Dec 16, 2009
15 years seriously WTF, murderers get less than that FFS

I don't know what this henti is but it can't be that bad, fucking idiots