DarkBlood626 said:
Better burn all those videogames before they get you for obscene material representing murder.
Last post here, just your first point. The rest is snipped but irrelevant.
I was browsing the internet late last year, Nov/Dec. And I came across this web site created by people who were saying the Chinese government was corrupt, evil and generally hates kittens.
They had pictures of people troops had come in, beaten, then executed and thrown in a field.
Bullet to the head, I'm talking missing side of the face, top of the skull blown off, gaping wounds. Bullets to the chest, so you can see organs. All of it real. Then I found another site, TheNYC or something. Videos of people having been ran over, fallen off of motorbikes at high speed, stabbed, shot.
I didn't even fucking blink. I am so desentised to violence that I can yell STAB HIM! STAB HIM! Why are you trying to shoot him? He's that close, just stab him" in a video game and not think about it.
I should not be like that. It is a dangerous place to be when you no longer see violence as bad, but just.. There. Common. Who cares.
There was a quote in a video game once, or somewhere else. I don't know.
"The first time you see someone shanked in the showers, you puke. The next time you feel queasy and walk around the body. After a while, you just step over them and keep walking".
The material you are around affects you deeply, you just don't realise it at the time. All the violent video games, movies, news.. I've seen news footage where there's a soldier aiming his rifle, for no reason at all he ducks back, half a second later a rocket hits where he was from behind and takes out the concrete house.
I open Chronicles of Riddick, sneak through a ventilation shaft behind someone, then pull out a shotgun, and shoot people. Or walk up to them and stab them.
All that, and Chronicles of Riddick is quite fun by the way, has now turned me into what I'd best describe as a monster. Unfeeling even when presented with extreme violence. I'm so fucking jaded I need a shrink and didn't even know it.
I'm going to take a wild bet, and say that if you looked at comics depicting children being raped, or just having sex. Then after a while you would no longer find it bad. And a while after that, you'd see no problems with seeing others do it. Little bit later, you could do it yourself and not care in the slightest. I'm not willing to test this theory because I'd like to refrain from becoming more messed up than I already am. But if violence can seep in like that, then so can loli.