Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Oh yes it is far-fetched and highly unrealistic.

And I'll explain why: Most drawings and artistic expressions have most of their basis in FANTASY than reality. Yes, some artist have used their artistic talent in efforts to depict realism (realism isn't the same thing as "reality" however, so keep that in mind), but when it comes to art in general (be it books, films or animated cartoons) the source is always the artists imagination.
Eh, most of my views come from the furry equivalent of anime stuff. A number of which artists have been caught with the possession of real stuff, so, it's a bit of a different situation when it comes to anime stuff.

So, my views might make more sense when applied to that.

As for violence and stuff?

Weelll... Humanity has been engaging in acts of war and violence since the start. Pretty much every civilization has a thing for violence, it's just a part of life. If people cross us, we fight them, and if they cross us enough, we kill them.

The fact is, we don't really need video games to encourage us to kill people when there's plenty of other stimulation out there.

Not so much with child porn, or torture, or rape, or whatever the hell else.

That's why for most people, it's more of a taboo, I mean, if our species had a long standing history or sexually abusing your young, it'd probably be less of an issue, but, for us, it's violence.

There's a lot of factors to it, I'm afraid, it's never as black and white as "Everything beyond this point is wrong."

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Cingal said:
Eh, most of my views come from the furry equivalent of anime stuff. A number of which artists have been caught with the possession of real stuff, so, it's a bit of a different situation when it comes to anime stuff.

So, my views might make more sense when applied to that.

As for violence and stuff?

Weelll... Humanity has been engaging in acts of war and violence since the start. Pretty much every civilization has a thing for violence, it's just a part of life. If people cross us, we fight them, and if they cross us enough, we kill them.

The fact is, we don't really need video games to encourage us to kill people when there's plenty of other stimulation out there.

Not so much with child porn, or torture, or rape, or whatever the hell else.

That's why for most people, it's more of a taboo, I mean, if our species had a long standing history or sexually abusing your young, it'd probably be less of an issue, but, for us, it's violence.

There's a lot of factors to it, I'm afraid, it's never as black and white as "Everything beyond this point is wrong."
Actually our species have a long standing history of putting our young in a sexual context. In ancient Greece and Rome it was perfectly fine for an older man to have a young boy as his lover during many parts of the respective civilisations time period. Paeodphilia went on in ancient Egypt to according to some historical accounts.

Not even Christianity and Islam managed to stamp out romantic and sexual relationships with children. The prophet Muhammed did in fact take a 12-year old girl as his wife, and I don't think I need to tell you of the paedophile scandals of recent years connected to the Catholic Church, and since it wasn't really a question of one or two isolated instances, it would be fair to assume that there is something with the christian faith that somehow promote priests to fuck with little boys.

So our species definietly have a long standing history of what today would be refered to as "sexual abuse" of children. Any historian worth his salt can tell you that.

But that's not really relevant. Because even if paedophilia and murder might be "human", it doesn't excuse breaking the laws against them now des it?

So really, how can virtual violence be okay in your eyes (when real violence is illegal for a variety of good reasons), but "virtual paedophilia" is inherently wrong/destructive/comparable to ACTUAL child molestation? Both violence and "child molestation" (i put the word inbetween quotation marks because during certain time periods, sex with children wasn't automatically considered like "molestation" or "abuse" like it does today in the eyes of the law) are equally human and have arguably been around for an equal amount of time.

So why does one not even make you bat an eyelash, while the other makes you think that actual tax money should be spent in prosecuting the "criminals" in question? (even if you might find the punishment in this case to be uncalled for and a bit exaggerated)

EDIT: I can tell you one thing that makes the situation complicated, and that is the very nature of the law.

We might think that the law is a fine and dandy representation of a sort of collectivist set of morals, but in truth, the law is more akin to a bureaucratic set of rules more theoretical than practical.

Now, my personal belief is that children aren't really capable of making a decision to have sex without some kind of pressure from an adult. BUT I can't say for sure that all these historical instances of "child molestation" that went on in ancient Greece or ancient Rome actually resulted in the children being physically or mentally "damaged" by the experience.

The laws of today however, would have you believe otherwise. But then again, laws aren't particularly good at seeing things in any other way than black or white, which further complicates things when one tries to compare ones subjective set of moral view with the law.


Constant Contrarian
Nov 20, 2009
lwm3398 said:
Warning: No child was harmed in the drawing of this volume. They are simply ink on paper and no one could be harmed in the making of this volume, and don't you have more important things to go to court for?! Goddamnit, there are actually pedophiles out there! Chase those motherfuckers, not owners of some drawings! Jesus!
Maybe the comics were drawn with blood?

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
steampro said:
Maybe the comics were drawn with blood?
And where did the blood come from, and in what context was it drawn? >:D

(I take no responsibility for whatever henious imagery your own imagination might cook up from my perfectly innocent question :p)


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Wait there's a suggestive image on the OP of this thread - oh god everyone here has viewed an inappropriate drawing of a child! We're all going to jail!!!

Seriously? FIFTEEN years for buying a book of inappropriate drawings - next thing you know it'll be the death penalty for those who draw cocks on walls...

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Actually our species have a long standing history of putting our young in a sexual context. In ancient Greece and Rome it was perfectly fine for an older man to have a young boy as his lover during many parts of the respective civilisations time period. Paeodphilia went on in ancient Egypt to according to some historical accounts.
Eh, I'm aware, but, I was referring more to your average Joe.

There has been more people who were solider than were engaged in relationships with children, therefore it relates to us more as a species than the other does.

Yeahh... The whole Christian priest thing is very odd... Um... I can't say I have much comment on that, other than, well, there's probably something situational there, and I mean, being chastised all your life and having helpless children who know no better must erode something in their minds.

At least, that'd be my theory.

No, it does not, you are right, however, we punish people more for crimes of a certain nature than we do another. Any crime involving children is regarded as "Worse" than one which does not, as apparently they're all innocent and stuff. Dunno. Never liked kids to be honest.

As for my views?

Well, they're based mostly on furries, as I said, and furries, for the most part, tend to be the type who are too engrossed in their fetishes to really tell the difference, and, that's where my issues comes from, when you have people roleplaying as such things and what-not, it is rather telling of the person's mindset. It's a scale to me, and it's based mostly on what I find repulsive and to what degree.

It's selfish, but, they're my views, I'm allowed to be. =o


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I'm sorry, this is the US court? I was expecting some Korean/Chinese communist stuff, but this shit flies in a democratic society?

Honestly... wow. Ok, this is the single most depressing, most disappointing and scariest thing I have ever read of not just the American society but the human race as a whole. Honestly, the rise of Nazi Germany could actually be a lesser evil compared to this because if your official court can pull this kind of shit off without a MASSIVE shitstorm of both public and political protest over the basic human rights, then I'm pretty convinced it's merely a matter of time before the right fuckwit comes along and pulls the same shit off, except this time sitting at the head of a military power of half a continent, the strongest military alliance in the world, probably the most technologically advanced weaponry systems and enough nuclear weaponry to have us all playing Fallout 3 by nightfall.

As stupid/paranoid/idiotic as that sounds, I'm basing the claim on the fact that as a democratic and progressive country, America should be within some reason when it comes to human rights, especially on it's own grounds. If you guys are so easily controlled that something like this can happen AND the rest of the world does nothing to stop it, it's honestly merely a matter of time before the right puppermaster hops into a position of power.

No, I'm not even remotely into any pedophilia or even hentai as a whole, I find them in their own rights wrong, sick and not my thing (all 3 going for first, the latter for hentai). But considering this person has not harmed anyone, has not enjoyed the harming of anyone and merely enjoyed a fantasy made out of pen and paper that gives him a kick, that's his fucking business and not something he should have his entire life destroyed for in each and every way, hell it's not even something he should be called out on in the first place, not even privately and especially publicly.

I hope everyone who supported and contributed to that decision gets outright fired, jailed and fined and I hope the guy walks out of it rich enough to buy a fucking island and have said people clean his 372 toilets for the rest of their lives.

edit: just noticed the OP date, necrod thread. Great. I was hoping this was something with the possibility of being overturned. I'm not one for the stereotypical sentence, but honestly - fuck the human race.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Well if he gets his kicks from weird stuff like that it's better he gets it from manga rather than the real thing. I don't see why they're making so much fuss over some drawings on paper.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
thenumberthirteen said:
Andy Chalk said:
the material had no "arguable scientific, literary, artistic or political value"
There are a lot of books and comics that fit that description. Are they going to send you to jail for owning a copy of "Countdown"?
Or thrown into jail for owning a Justin Bieber CD? *Rimshot*

But seriously... WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE IMAGINARY CHILDREN! These imaginary children were sexually exploited, in horrible imaginary ways! They will be traumatized. Traumatized for the rest of their imaginary lives!

Don't laugh, imaginay lives are pretty much forever. Ideas last a long time.

As for the idea that the "imagiary" act might encourage a real one... I play violent video games, and I couldn't ever kill someone... Unless they pissed me off.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Cingal said:
As for my views?

Well, they're based mostly on furries, as I said, and furries, for the most part, tend to be the type who are too engrossed in their fetishes to really tell the difference, and, that's where my issues comes from, when you have people roleplaying as such things and what-not, it is rather telling of the person's mindset. It's a scale to me, and it's based mostly on what I find repulsive and to what degree.

It's selfish, but, they're my views, I'm allowed to be. =o
Yes, you're allowed to have your views and im not trying to take them away from you. After all, I think most of the so called "lolicon hentai" that I've come into contact with to be rather disgusting and I can't really relate to people who actually get turned on by seeing a cartooned character which looks uncannily like a prepubescent girl in a sexual context.

However, in the interest of keeping my views on law and morals as intellectual and consequential as possible, I make a distinction between actual crime and "virtual" crime.

And thus, my views bottle down to that even if I find some things to be disgusting, I can't just support making everything that's disgusting illegal. And if you really think about it, you can't really do that either. Because after all, if we are to abolish exactly everything that we find to be disgusting/perverted/abnormal, then where does it stop?

Remember laws don't make room for grey areas, the law should be blind and black or white. Clear cut if you will. But it also has to be fair and epitomize justice. So where is the justice in criminalizing one "virtual crime" but not the other? It's impossible to argue any kind of justice in such a course of action. If one "virtual crime" should be punished, then the law should equally punish ALL virtual crime.

Letting one pass, while the other is pursued just shows that the relevant legislation is arbitrary and unjust. It's kind of the same thing if one with power to change laws were to make the wearing of green shirts illegal, simply because that law-changer doesn't like the colour green.

We live in a society after all, so we can't just invent laws that only suit our own interests while steam-rolling across everyone elses interests. If we do that, then our so called "society" is a sham. Having a society is supposed to be about finding ways to co-existing with other people, despite differences. If you just invent or support laws that infringe on the freedom of other people simply because you think that their usage of certain freedom is "disgusting", then all you're left with is a veiled anarchy, where might makes right and law is just an illusion which the "strong" are allowed to twist, bend, change and break according to their own subjective views without the least respect towards anyone else.

So, if you're the least concerned about coming across as a thinking individual, then if you are going to support a legal course of action you have better make sure that you can perfectly illustrate exactly why a person has committed a crime, and how the victims are affected negatively to warrant the punishment and imprisonment of the "criminal" in question. And also come to terms with the fact that being "disgusting" isn't a crime. If it was, then it would be illegal to pick your nose, being gay, giving blow-jobs or whatever.

You have to prove tangible damage caused by the "criminal" action in question in a way that is completely seperate from your personal views on the matter. Otherwise, your argument isn't very solid...


New member
May 23, 2010
I kill people virtually on a near-daily basis, and watch depictions of horrible violence even more often.
What is wrong with looking at a drawing of an underage girl?

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Vrach said:
I'm sorry, this is the US court? I was expecting some Korean/Chinese communist stuff, but this shit flies in a democratic society?
Hehe, this clip comes to mind:

"I want to live in a democracy but I NEVER want to be OFFENDED again!!" XD


New member
May 23, 2010
Kukakkau said:
Wait there's a suggestive image on the OP of this thread - oh god everyone here has viewed an inappropriate drawing of a child! We're all going to jail!!!

Seriously? FIFTEEN years for buying a book of inappropriate drawings - next thing you know it'll be the death penalty for those who draw cocks on walls...
Wait... Since most people who draw cocks on walls tend to be underage, I can only assume that their point of reference for this drawn cock is their own penis. Does this mean that these drawings depict the penis of an underage person? Does this mean I should go to jail for having seen these drawings? I am a criminal!


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
So getting off is illegal now? Fuck...I want my attorney.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
almostgold said:
Hentai is just weird. What's wrong with just looking at actual people? I can't believe people like this sort of thing.
Because some people might like little girls and choose instead of ruining children's lives look at pictures of NOT real people. Prime example: The defendant of this case. Your argument is like saying "Why do people watch cartoons? Why not just watch real people?" Different strokes for different blokes.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Jonluw said:
Wait... Since most people who draw cocks on walls tend to be underage, I can only assume that their point of reference for this drawn cock is their own penis. Does this mean that these drawings depict the penis of an underage person? Does this mean I should go to jail for having seen these drawings? I am a criminal!

You have committed sin against the lord and against your country! You must be cleansed and purified first by social stigmatizatiopn for the rest of your life, then in the fires of hell for all eternity! :p


New member
Dec 31, 2009
This made me fucking rage.

This person was harming no one. He was a productive member of society and his community. They have Destroyed his entire life and future and for what, some comics?

Not only are they locking him up to protect themselves from what they don't understand, but they are forcing him to undergo "treatment" simply for being different.

It is a good thing that our Justice system actually got something fucking right when they made the jury anonymous, because if I met one of them in real life I don't think I would be able to control myself. I will no longer use the term "we" when referring to the American Govt., I can't be part of this system anymore.

But I'm pretty sure I am preaching to the choir here for the most part.



New member
Oct 10, 2009
As much as he is a disgusting pervert, its his stuff so he can do whatever he wants with it. Its just a manga, not some super dildo or death weapon. Why are they getting so pressed om lines on paper?
Take a picture of a naked child with a digital camera, put it on your computer, print it out.

It's now lines on paper.

Loli/child porn is illegal. No "But it's a comic, I should be allowed to see a five year old get raped by a dog if it's a comic.". It's illegal, has been for some time, and won't become legal for at least another ten years. Art is acceptable in some places, but that has to be actual images, not animated. Cultural is legal to marry, but you have to be Arab or another culture where it's ok. Comics aren't.

Unless you call it art and challenge? Maybe..

Stormz said:
I've seen a bunch of teens rape and destroy a girls life get off with no jail time. But this guy has to go to jail and have his life taken away from him for something like this? Justice is amazing.
On the other hand..

I don't see your post as valid. Simply because one stupid thing exists doesn't mean another should be. There's quite a few people who need to die, given the amount of damage caused to people I've come across. And it's not a "one day you're over it" thing. But.. You should not have the "right" or even privilege of being able to look at child porn. Whether it's photos or hentai.

There shouldn't even be a debate about this. It's the idea. Idea becomes an action, to horribly paraphrase an old rhyme/quote. That person has started to equate children with sex, and given that it's hentai, bestiality involving children isn't too far a jump to make. That should not happen ever.

There was a "crime ring" recently found, involving people from all across the world who abuse their children on web cams so other people can get off. If that is illegal, then any artistic representation should also be illegal. There should be no distinctions between a grey lead pencil drawing and a photo taken with a digital Nikon D20 digital SLR.

Granted, I'm an insane crackpot who usually annoys everyone because I have a weird way of looking at things. 'shrugs' Old fashioned I guess


New member
Oct 10, 2009
MagicMouse said:
This made me fucking rage.

This person was harming no one. He was a productive member of society and his community. They have Destroyed his entire life and future and for what, some comics?

Not only are they locking him up to protect themselves from what they don't understand, but they are forcing him to undergo "treatment" simply for being different.

It is a good thing that our Justice system actually got something fucking right when they made the jury anonymous, because if I met one of them in real life I don't think I would be able to control myself. I will no longer use the term "we" when referring to the American Govt., I can't be part of this system anymore.

But I'm pretty sure I am preaching to the choir here for the most part.

For being different?

I like using an extreme comment to prove a point. There's a Latin term for it, reductio ad absurdum I think it is. So don't take offense at this, rather try and see what I mean.

You dislike what the justice system did because this person is "different".

Say I liked knives, which I do actually. I like shiny things, I like ninjas. 'shrugs' Never touch one though.

But what if I liked to take dogs out the back and make an incision along the stomach area with a scapel, remove a lung, sew it up then touch the dog with an electric prod to make it move.

Would I be considered different or horribly messed up?

I think a comic did it actually. Everything that has been said.. Is a Shakespeare quote and also is in a web comic.


If the dog thing is considered messed up, why is having sex with people so young they don't even understand what the word means not? And there is no difference between taking a photo of it and drawing it up.

Although tell me if I'm just different and deserve as many people raging on my behalf.
Also any pets you may have, if you know their name it's easier to get them to come to you, saves walking.
/end sarcasm