Here's the new Metallica song


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Iron Criterion said:
Duffeknol said:
Lmao. It's an official link to an officially released song.
I think it was a clever satirical jab at Lars Ulrich's bitching about music sharing.
Oh the irony! Metallica one of the early promoters of the anti-piracy/music sharing movement who sued people such as Napstar; trying to be satirical at someone who bitches about music sharing.

Here's one news link back from 2004 about it:


New member
May 27, 2010
Wow that is boooooooorrrrrrrrinnnngggggggggggg ...
Metallica was never my favorite band but I thought a lot of their older songs were pretty good ... this is just uninterested ... it's like they didn't even try, or they don't care anymore. He's just talking the lyrics at us and there's those same two quatrains over and over for the whole song ... I've heard better music at a high school battle of the bands ...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Still Life said:
DVS Storm said:
Someone actually called that song an artistic masterpiece. I normally accept other peoples opinions towards music but what the hell man????
If you're referring to me, I made no such claim. I commented that its elements were 'masterfully' pulled together; I can hear its roots in impressionism and theater, infused with poetry and music. Everything I know about Lulu points to it being an unconventional take on the concept album design, meaning that none of the songs are intended to be felt outside of their context. This makes it a lot harder to sell to people who don't understand its conceptualizations, and are expecting a generic Rock/Methul album, for lack of a better term.

I really enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to hearing the album in its entirety because it really is a complex and challenging body of work it draws from.

I lend no credence to the label 'masterpiece', though. It's something two-bit marketeers use to sell creative 'products' to sheep, so you won't ever hear me lay any such claim.
You seem to think that just because music is conceptual or "progressive" its automaticly good. You come of really pretentiouse in your posts. Sometimes a bad song is just a bad song to alot of people but there is always someone who will like it.

Im a big fan of concept albums and progressive music and bands who dare to change and be different (big Opeth fan but havent heard all of Heritage yet). But this is one of the worst songs I have ever heard, and I actually like St anger with all its flaws...

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Kawaiitsuki said:
Poetic? Sure but there's such a thing as shitty poetry, then there's shit written by an angsty 12 year old who borders on being illiterate and that's what this sounds like.
Your opinion is fine when you're not trying to laden every sentence with drivel. Also, I'd take you more seriously if you provided a text analysis pointing out when and where it becomes 'shitty poetry'.

Papadam said:
You seem to think that just because music is conceptual or "progressive" its automaticly good.

Papadam said:
You come of really pretentiouse in your posts.

I've given well-considered opinions and have critiqued ludicrous feedback. Much more effort than the gratuitous drivel in most of this thread. I don't care what you're a 'fan' of and I sure as hell don't give a fuck if you like or dislike something. What I appreciate and respect is how you articulate your views on why/why not you relate to a creative work.

God forbid actually applying analytical thought in forming a counter-popular opinion is considered 'pretentious'. That would fucking stupid.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Still Life said:
Your opinion is fine when you're not trying to laden every sentence with drivel. Also, I'd take you more seriously if you provided a text analysis pointing out when and where it becomes 'shitty poetry'.
What do you want a bloody essay describing why these lyrics that make no fucking sense constitute as "shitty poetry?" I'd think it's pretty obvious. The song writing is awful. The lyrics are outright bad. I'm not saying that simply because something is obscure or cryptic makes it "bad" but this is just poorly done. If you want to get right down to it, fine I'll give you the argument that this can qualify as poetry. Albeit, crappy poetry you'd hear on open mic night at a coffee shop but poetry nonetheless.

What one can't deny however is the repetitive and simplistic music style here. There's no substance to it. It's just repetitive. There are other bands like that, yeah but they're not good bands either. The writing of the music literally sounds like something a 14 year old could come up with. It is outright awful and the guitar playing itself isn't even redeemable. It's just boring and droning. Matching Lou's vocals pretty well, actually.

And I'm going to have to agree with the other person who said you're coming off a bit pretentious here. It's almost as if you're trying to be different by saying you like it and acting superior to anyone who claims to dislike it simply because you claim a difference in musical taste. Also, calling everything "drivel" doesn't help the pretentious attitude either.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Kawaiitsuki said:
What do you want a bloody essay describing why these lyrics that make no fucking sense constitute as "shitty poetry?" I'd think it's pretty obvious. The song writing is awful.
The number of times this type of self-justifying subjectivism is used to state 'I think X is shit, therefore I don't need to qualify my lack of analysis' makes your point moot. Go and study literature.

What one can't deny however is the repetitive and simplistic music style here.
So? Complex, high octane riffs, the stuff Metallica are known for would kill the mood. It served the narration and flow perfectly to its build up for the final crescendo. It's simplistic, yet tasteful. Arpeggios and polyrhythms aren't a requirement of music.

And I'm going to have to agree with the other person who said you're coming off a bit pretentious here.
So be it. Having a more informed opinion is better than having a straw friend and a moot-point anyday of the week. Enjoy your mimetic engineering.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Duffeknol said:
Now you went from pretentious to outright douche.
I like how you go from contradictory statements to ad hominem. It is simply not pretension when you call out a deeply flawed, almost non-existent argument.

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
Still Life said:
DVS Storm said:
Someone actually called that song an artistic masterpiece. I normally accept other peoples opinions towards music but what the hell man????
If you're referring to me, I made no such claim. I commented that its elements were 'masterfully' pulled together; I can hear its roots in impressionism and theater, infused with poetry and music. Everything I know about Lulu points to it being an unconventional take on the concept album design, meaning that none of the songs are intended to be felt outside of their context. This makes it a lot harder to sell to people who don't understand its conceptualizations, and are expecting a generic Rock/Methul album, for lack of a better term.

I really enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to hearing the album in its entirety because it really is a complex and challenging body of work it draws from.

I lend no credence to the label 'masterpiece', though. It's something two-bit marketeers use to sell creative 'products' to sheep, so you won't ever hear me lay any such claim.
I wasn't referring to your post which actually was really good imo. There was just some guy on some other site that I happened to ran into yesterday, who said that this is a masterpiece. I should've been more accurate in my statement.

I gotta agree with you on the 'masterpiece' label. And yes if it is a consept album of some sort, I am looking forward to hearing the other songs. That particular song may not have been the best one to hear from the album. I could be wrong though.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
DVS Storm said:
I wasn't referring to your post which actually was really good imo. There was just some guy on some other site that I happened to ran into yesterday, who said that this is a masterpiece. I should've been more accurate in my statement.

I gotta agree with you on the 'masterpiece' label. And yes if it is a consept album of some sort, I am looking forward to hearing the other songs. That particular song may not have been the best one to hear from the album. I could be wrong though.
Same. 'The View' didn't blow my mind, but I liked it. I'm excited to hear it in the context of the running order because its success will be measured in how it sustains a cohesive narrative, given the material it draws from. I've found myself more intrigued with each listen, peeling away the layers. I've been reading into Lulu and its origins; it seems like a very twisted, evocative and complex work of the construction of human emotion and its destructiveness embodied in the tortured dancer. It's worth it just to get the lyrics on paper -- some great poetry there.

I would love to get my hands on the script (if there is a complete script) for the original idea of Lulu as a theatrical production and I'm going to check out Frank Wededkind's original works when get I some free time over the holidays.

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
Still Life said:
DVS Storm said:
I wasn't referring to your post which actually was really good imo. There was just some guy on some other site that I happened to ran into yesterday, who said that this is a masterpiece. I should've been more accurate in my statement.

I gotta agree with you on the 'masterpiece' label. And yes if it is a consept album of some sort, I am looking forward to hearing the other songs. That particular song may not have been the best one to hear from the album. I could be wrong though.
I would love to get my hands on the script (if there is a complete script) for the original idea of Lulu as a theatrical production and I'm going to check out Frank Wededkind's original works when get I some free time over the holidays.
I actually just googled the playwright and his works seem to be really interesting. I think that I too will check them out at some point. Also your avatar is awesome.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
This is not the new Metallica song, this is Metallica supporting Lou Reed. If you're going to single out on artist, call it the new Lou Reed song. Metallica are also planning another proper album.

Still, it sucks. There's nothing good about it. I've never liked Lou Reed very much anyway, and this isn't even one of the better things he's ever done. I'm not going to compare it to other Metallica works because that makes no fucking sense.

Psycho-Toaster said:
I don't understand how there can be people who haven't completely lost faith in Metallica at this point.
I actually kinda liked a lot of Death Magnetic, although it had a lot wrong with it. Gave me a little bit of hope that they're trying to make something more akin to proper thrash again. And I saw them at Sonisphere in the summer, and they put on an amazing show. Even if they make no decent music ever again, they have enough tunes and ability to be incredible live.

I can't deny I like Metallica. They made five of the best metal albums of all time. Most bands can't come close to the amount of awesome songs they have.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
viranimus said:
Wow... So the degenerating into a garage band sound started in St Anger sound is complete with the addition of Lou Reeds Lyrics. I get that this is not a Metallica album. It is a collaborative thematic album. But really, Wow.
After listening to it, I agree with the Garage Band thing. It sounds like a really slow cover of any song off Icky Thump.

That said, I quite liked the riffs in the middle. They seemed more like Proper Metallica 'n' stuff.


New member
May 30, 2011
hiks89 said:
this is why i wont buy any metallica albums past ride the lightning...cliff burton rules all
You know cliff played in Master of puppets as well right?
He died after making the album....


Crazy person! Avoid!
Oct 19, 2010
You know, when a band releases a new album, and like Metallica releases a teaser song to create some hype, they usually pick the best song, or one of the best songs, on that album. And seeing that The View is a monumental piece of ass, I can only imagine how bad the rest of the album must be if they thought this was the best song.

And for the people hiding behind the "But this is art" argument.
I can buy a canvas and jerk off on it for a few months and claim that it's an abstract and that it has a message. But that still doesn't hide the fact that it's a pile of decaying semen.