Heroes Finally Gets Canned...Sorta


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Same thing I feel about Lost.


Shows should be written with a single or a couple of arcs and then end. This whole US drama business of writing a beginning and then infinitely extending the middle until you get cancelled just sucks.

Occasionally (FarScape) it works as there's actually something awesome going on in between and an obvious end game coming, but usually... dear God why can't they just get to the point.

I suspect this is why 24 has lasted so long, because however dumbass the plot it will always be over in 24 episodes, thank goodness.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
I liked Heroes, and was a fan even after the DREADFUL 2nd season (damn you writers strike you ruin Pushing Daisies and Heroes) so I'm sad too see it go. I felt it was slowly starting to get better, and I wanted to see how people adjusted after the season 4 final. But I'll just have too see it go.

Hiro is still a badass though.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Icecoldcynic said:
Meh. That show died for me after the TERRIBLE end to series 2.

Plus I already thought it was, haven't heard anything about it since I stopped watched after like 3 episodes of Seasons 3. It just got retardly silly by then.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Same thing I feel about Lost.


Shows should be written with a single or a couple of arcs and then end. This whole US drama business of writing a beginning and then infinitely extending the middle until you get cancelled just sucks.

Occasionally (FarScape) it works as there's actually something awesome going on in between and an obvious end game coming, but usually... dear God why can't they just get to the point.

I suspect this is why 24 has lasted so long, because however dumbass the plot it will always be over in 24 episodes, thank goodness.
Yeah, this seems to happen to every american series but the british series are alway two or three seasons of 6 episodes instead of 9 seasons of 24 episodes.
Why can't american tv makers grasp the concept of too much of a good thing

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
NeedAUserName said:
Although season 2 was mind bogglingly bad (mainly due to writers strike), it has been slowly getting better in my opinion.
I'm going to disagree and say that the last few episodes of the first season were when it started getting worse. The first 3/4 of a season was great, but the end of it tied some stuff up kind of arbitrarily and half-assedly and a little too conveniently. I think the second season was actually not any worse than the end of the first one. Season three was atrociously bad, though, and season four was only a little bit better. The writers definitely earned their cancellation through many long hours of being shameless hacks who repeatedly pulled things out of their collective ass when they had no idea what was going on or what to do with the characters/plot/anything.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Veldt Falsetto said:
fix-the-spade said:
Same thing I feel about Lost.


Shows should be written with a single or a couple of arcs and then end. This whole US drama business of writing a beginning and then infinitely extending the middle until you get cancelled just sucks.

Occasionally (FarScape) it works as there's actually something awesome going on in between and an obvious end game coming, but usually... dear God why can't they just get to the point.

I suspect this is why 24 has lasted so long, because however dumbass the plot it will always be over in 24 episodes, thank goodness.
Yeah, this seems to happen to every american series but the british series are alway two or three seasons of 6 episodes instead of 9 seasons of 24 episodes.
Why can't american tv makers grasp the concept of too much of a good thing

This is why I like British TV, not because it's better but it ends before they can ruin it.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
It's bit like when an old pet or an infirm relative dies: I knew it was coming, and inevitable, and probably for the best, but I can't help feeling a little sad.

Someone once asked me what the "big deal" about Heroes was. I shrugged and said "It's just a good show. That's all."
Sure, it's the old X-men type story again, but they do go to a couple of interesting places with it. Maybe not as many or as far as they could (should) have, but there were some good times.
Season 4 actually felt like they were getting back on track somewhat, figuring out what made the first season good and undoing some of their dumber mistakes from Seasons 2 and 3.
While I would've liked to see more, I understand that it's better for a series to end on a good note than sink unceremoniously to the bottom of the piss-swamp.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
That's a shame. I was kinda getting used to the good guys being incredibly dumb, and I liked the show. I would've liked to see the writers get things back on track a bit and then wrap things up nicely in one more volume.

But they probably never would have though. Not a single character that died was ever truly gone, and that diluted the tension something awful. And goddamn I hated Claire.

It could've been great but they mucked it up. A shame, but I can let it go.
Bye, Heroes.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
What are you all talking about? There was only one season of Heroes, and it was fantastic. Then it disappeared and HBO started working on Season 3 of Carnivale.


New member
Nov 17, 2008

Please contact an admin, or just ignore this and continue with your life.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I really enjoyed Heroes when it first started, I think I may have stopped watching it around the beginning of season 3 because it became, well...awful.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Icecoldcynic said:
Meh. That show died for me after the TERRIBLE end to series 2.
Aww, c'mon, it wasn't entirely their fault. That one guy said that the writers strike screwed up what was actually a pretty interesting plot line. I haven't seen past the end of s.2, but I'm sure later episodes are of higher quality.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I liked heros up until the first half of season one. after that i kinda lost intrest, all i know is that the show aparently has been going down hill for a while and one night i was woken up because my roommate (who was a fan of the show) got so feed up with one episode that he started screaming and cussing at it (yes he has emotional problems). So based on his reaction i'm glad i quit while i did.

*note* i've seen season one and two and bits and peices of the show from when the crazed roommate was watching it. so i'm not just talking out of ignorace.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
edargh said:
This is why I like British TV, not because it's better but it ends before they can ruin it.
What about Eastenders, Corination Street and Emmerdale. They have have all been going for fucking ever and they have always had horrible acting, poor scripts and stupid stories