I really, really liked Heroes. However, it was killed by the same thing that has killed every other good American TV show: serialization.
Rather than writing two or three GOOD seasons, American shows have a really bad tendency to write one good season, see if it catches on, then try to keep that going.
Lost suffered horribly from this action. Heroes did as well. Now, we're losing Chuck to the same desease. And yes, I like Chuck. I like Chuck because it's cheesy. Well, more I like that particular flavor of cheese, and they manage to build pretty good characters and (mostly) interesting stories with it.
Still, I think I am sorry to see Heroes go. But I could have said that around the middle of Season 3, as well. By then, what made Heroes... Heroes was gone.
Rather than writing two or three GOOD seasons, American shows have a really bad tendency to write one good season, see if it catches on, then try to keep that going.
Lost suffered horribly from this action. Heroes did as well. Now, we're losing Chuck to the same desease. And yes, I like Chuck. I like Chuck because it's cheesy. Well, more I like that particular flavor of cheese, and they manage to build pretty good characters and (mostly) interesting stories with it.
Still, I think I am sorry to see Heroes go. But I could have said that around the middle of Season 3, as well. By then, what made Heroes... Heroes was gone.