Heroes Finally Gets Canned...Sorta


New member
May 15, 2010
I really, really liked Heroes. However, it was killed by the same thing that has killed every other good American TV show: serialization.
Rather than writing two or three GOOD seasons, American shows have a really bad tendency to write one good season, see if it catches on, then try to keep that going.
Lost suffered horribly from this action. Heroes did as well. Now, we're losing Chuck to the same desease. And yes, I like Chuck. I like Chuck because it's cheesy. Well, more I like that particular flavor of cheese, and they manage to build pretty good characters and (mostly) interesting stories with it.
Still, I think I am sorry to see Heroes go. But I could have said that around the middle of Season 3, as well. By then, what made Heroes... Heroes was gone.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Damn as a result of accidental triple post and my zealous correction I removed my original piece, basically I think that season 1 and 3 were alright, but 4 went on way too long and the only way the could have fixed it would have been with a complete overhaul.

It's probably for the best, the fourth season killed it for me, I loved the first season, I think the second season was probably saved by the writers strike (too slow, viruses are boring) and I actually enjoyed volume 3 and 4, I felt their mini season feel with a faster plot were pretty good.

But season went on for ever and achieved very little, I honestly think the only thing that could have saved heroes was a complete overhaul with completely new actors plus only a coulple of old ones (Hiro, Peter and Matt at most) and a fresh setting.

Like perhaps one of those dystopian futures that always occurs actually stuck, for example the world gets ravaged by a series of special influenced disasters, everything from drought, tsunamis and explosions. Twenty years later and society's collapsed and America (and the rest of the world have) been balkanized into a series of tiny city states trying to eek out survival. Treatment to specials varies but is mostly negative, with them being hunted like witches or used as weapons. There'd be an Old Man Logan vibe to it all. A much older (also scarred and beardedly badass) Peter Petrelli wonders the nation states, he's much more cynical due to the failure of a special group lead by him to stop this all from happening and his powers would be on the fritz (like he can only hold on to a couple of powers at a time). But over time he starts helping out people and gets back his idealism re-gaining more powers, eventually becoming a messianic figure battling other supers who want to carve out their own kingdoms.

I'd watch that show.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
sagegaidin said:
I really, really liked Heroes. However, it was killed by the same thing that has killed every other good American TV show: serialization.
Rather than writing two or three GOOD seasons, American shows have a really bad tendency to write one good season, see if it catches on, then try to keep that going.
Lost suffered horribly from this action. Heroes did as well. Now, we're losing Chuck to the same desease. And yes, I like Chuck. I like Chuck because it's cheesy. Well, more I like that particular flavor of cheese, and they manage to build pretty good characters and (mostly) interesting stories with it.
Still, I think I am sorry to see Heroes go. But I could have said that around the middle of Season 3, as well. By then, what made Heroes... Heroes was gone.
Yay, an "old Heroes" and Chuck fan. I rarely ever meet anyone who likes Chuck. :D


New member
Jan 17, 2009
The problem with Heroes now is that Samuel is going to have to be dealt with very quickly, and I don't see how the series can actually have a conclusion. All the story has been about is hiding from normal people and flattening the odd bad guy now and then. They're going to have to pull God out of there arse to make the finale actually work.

I'm sad, but happy the show is ending.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
After series 2 they should have rest the whole thing and started with a completely new bunch of heroes. Now unless you have been watching from season 1 it is impossible to understand what the hell is happening.

Shepard's Shadow

Don't be afraid of the dark.
Mar 27, 2009
It started going downhill after the first season. It amazes me it took them this long to cancel it.

Private Custard

New member
Dec 30, 2007
GiantSpiderGoat said:
I hope they make another series about people find out they have powers. But focus on one character and don't make him too overpower'd.
Like X-Men Origins : Wolverine?

'Cos that worked well eh!!

I suspect that its udders are dry, if they try and milk them any more, they'll only manage to produce blood!


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
I watched season 1, the only good character was the Asian bloke, and he got boring very quickly. Didn't watch season 2, and apparantly I'm ver lucky for that.

Good riddance.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
I'm a little saddened to hear this news but I think it's the right time.

They seem to be running out of ideas. Claire and Gretchens lesbian kiss anyone? That just seemed like the writers had a converstaion like this.

'Ideas, lads?'
'Er...Claire lesbian kisses someone?'
'Hmm. A cheerleader kissing another girl? ...Go, run with it to the script writers!'

In general, the show seems to be trying to hang on. It's been a good fun watch with a few weak episodes but I think it's time to wrap it up, before it goes properly downhill. But Sylar will always be a cool baddie/goodie for me.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
They shot themselves in the foot at the end of season 1 by having everyone incredibly overpowered and then spent the rest of the time thinking up excuses to limit Hiro, Sylar and Peter and keep them occupied away from the main story...

The second season damaged the audience so much that it couldn't recover. It tried though (and failed heavily sometimes).

I should probably get around to changing my avatar...


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I'm slightly sad as I really did like Heroes season 1 and 3, and it was better than a lot of shows on TV, but I haven't been watching it. Maybe its time to free up some airspace. At least they gave it a shot and didn't let go after season 1.

DoW Lowen

Jan 11, 2009
Oh RIP Heroes. How you kept me amused for those weeks when I was sick... even season 2.... fucking season 2.

But really, when Peter lost his powers I became so pissed, there goes the whole immortal battle of doom between Sylar and Peter.

EDIT: Can anyone please explain to me why people think this show is pretentious?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Oh well, all things come to an end...except the simpsons.


New member
May 3, 2010
I liked it when it first came out, bought the first two seasons and everything (since I couldn't watch it on tv, no tivo or time)...now I just don't care. It started cool but then rotted away. Forget the cheerleader, SAVE HIRO!!! LOL. Also, one question. Since they are getting rid of so many shows (from what I heard Law and Order, Mercy, and some other show are also getting the ax) does anybody know anything about the new shows that will be replacing them?

DoW Lowen

Jan 11, 2009
aaronmcc said:
Wahful said:
I actually only watched the first episode the other day, i thought it was good.
it is. just don't watch past season 1 and live in ignorant bliss
Seaason 3 was okay. Watching Sylar became interesting because he was a genuine psycho and it was difficult to predict anything he would do. 2 and 4 kind of sucked balls though but that was because of the writer's strike, and as a result they changed the entire dynamic of the show. *SPOILER ALERT* they were suppose to kill off Nathan during season 2 but they had to quickly shoe horn a new scene in to finish the season properly and that's why you notice so many inconsistencies through the series. I do hope they give it a proper send off - despite what people on here think about it, it had a massive fan base (myself included).