Am I the only one who saw that coming? At the end of volume 5 I kept hearing news about the writers confirming another season, but seeing as the show has been slowly but steadily degrading since season two I was half expecting it to just be cancelled anyway. That, or the new season would simply have been incredibly shitty. I'd probably see a movie like that, but I don't really mind the show being gone.
That post by Virgilthepagan a couple above this one really sums up most of my feelings around the series. It feels a bit like the reason volume one was good was because it had all been made up in advance; for the other volumes stuff was just being made up as they went along and they had to basically adjust the story to the cast, viewer ratings, etc, rather than the other way around as it was at first.
Edit: I'm not sure I understand exactly what people mean by 'not understanding the whole greatness behind it', though. Was there a greatness behind it? Season one was pretty well done storywise and a very nice mindfuck, after that it just turned into 'another mediocre series' that only fans would like because it showed more Sylar, Peter/Nathan, Claire, Matt and Hiro. I can't really compare Heroes with Lost, though. Lost has done some things wrong (even though last episode proved they had a story planned from S1, they *still* did too much 'making up as we go along' and 'introducing random mysteries' for my liking), but at least it's been a great mindfuck through every season. That, and it had more interesting characters.