Heroes Finally Gets Canned...Sorta


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I actually only watched the first episode the other day, i thought it was good.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
That show was really only as good as the amount of Scyler it had in it. I think it's unfortunate that the last season got canceled because it seemed like it was going to have a lot of Scyler. Eh whatever, I'm not shedding any tears but I was kind of interested to see where they where going with it.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Wahful said:
I actually only watched the first episode the other day, i thought it was good.
it is. just don't watch past season 1 and live in ignorant bliss


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
I (think) I've only watched the first season? I may actually own it too... it's been a while since I've even thought about the series. But I think I'll eventually watch every episode, just because I enjoyed the first season, or at least the concept. News that it's ending is meh, but more of a positive meh I think.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
sinclose said:
SnootyEnglishman said:
Now that is some newsworthy stuff. A pretentious show is killed.
Oh that. Sooooo that. The script is so pretentious it drives me nuts how so many brainless teens think the script is so 'mature' when it's just pretentious...
How very pretentious of you to pretentious say that in such a pretentious manner.

On topic: sad to see it go since I enjoyed Season 1, but there's no denying it just started to run out of ideas. One guy has the ability to control your mind and make you do anything, one guy can control time/space. Once that started, it's pretty hard to make an threat 'big' enough that's not ridiculous.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Icecoldcynic said:
Meh. That show died for me after the TERRIBLE end to series 2.
Series 2 ended terribly because of the writers strike at the time. The box set actually has the storyboards for the proposed ending


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I thought the last season was good. It kept it simple and tried to pave over all the bullshit from season 3 and 4. The carnival dude was cool but that still couldn't redeem the show after that debacle that was season 3 and 4. YOU DON'T PUT POLITICAL CONSPIRACIES IN A SHOW ABOUT FUCKING SUPERHEROES!


New member
Dec 20, 2009
blakfayt said:
Season 3 was when it died for me. The biggest problem it faced was the bitchy fans who didn't want to see any kind of character development. "Sylar is a good guy now!" fans "WTF?! DAS GAY! HE SHOULD BE BAD GUYS AGAIN!" me "UGH, Shut the fuck up, stupid people who don't know how to write good plots." Really, when the writers start listening to the ignorant teenage fans is when a show goes straight down the shitter. Season 2 was ok because of the whole time travel thing, but afterwards was bleh.
Season 3 is when it died for me too, but as far as Sylar goes, I really think he should have stayed dead at the end of the first season, along with any other character who was ever magically resurrected. I understand the concept of "comic book death" and that they were going for that whole vibe with it, but it doesn't really work in a TV show. After watching these characters come back all the time it really starts to break any dramatic tension.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Mmmm, interesting. Well M'eh for me, I watched and really enjoyed season one (really enjoyed it, I don't often watch T.V series's but the first season had me sat down watching). Though I started watching Season 2 and well I just couldn't get into it... I got past the first episode and I haven't watched it since. So I'm not all that affected by it, I thought they should have just ended the whole series with season one... had it a mini-series.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I hope they make another series about people find out they have powers. But focus on one character and don't make him too overpower'd.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
blakfayt said:
Season 3 was when it died for me. The biggest problem it faced was the bitchy fans who didn't want to see any kind of character development. "Sylar is a good guy now!" fans "WTF?! DAS GAY! HE SHOULD BE BAD GUYS AGAIN!" me "UGH, Shut the fuck up, stupid people who don't know how to write good plots." Really, when the writers start listening to the ignorant teenage fans is when a show goes straight down the shitter. Season 2 was ok because of the whole time travel thing, but afterwards was bleh.
I think the studio needs to get it into their heads that Fanboys/girls aren't good writers... they'd have an episode where we just stair at Stylers evil testicles if it was up to them. Leave the writing to your writers... they know what to do, they are the reason your first season went well... DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FANBOY'S!... THEY ARE IDIOTS.


New member
May 15, 2010
"Very long sigh"
I loved the first season of Heroes, and I was truly disappointed with where it went. The good characters that were introduced in later seasons they didn't utilize well (Adam Monroe), and characters like Claire kept getting screen time when really it was time for them to just go away.

I kept watching the show I guess out of some misguided loyalty, and also because it had just enough of a spark to keep me coming back. Occasionally a villain or minor hero would hold my attention, but then they'd die, or have a truly stupid plot twist.

I hate to say it, but yeah, it's done.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
There was so much bullshit, whining and angst in that show that it infuriated me, good that it's over.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Am I the only one who saw that coming? At the end of volume 5 I kept hearing news about the writers confirming another season, but seeing as the show has been slowly but steadily degrading since season two I was half expecting it to just be cancelled anyway. That, or the new season would simply have been incredibly shitty. I'd probably see a movie like that, but I don't really mind the show being gone.

That post by Virgilthepagan a couple above this one really sums up most of my feelings around the series. It feels a bit like the reason volume one was good was because it had all been made up in advance; for the other volumes stuff was just being made up as they went along and they had to basically adjust the story to the cast, viewer ratings, etc, rather than the other way around as it was at first.

Edit: I'm not sure I understand exactly what people mean by 'not understanding the whole greatness behind it', though. Was there a greatness behind it? Season one was pretty well done storywise and a very nice mindfuck, after that it just turned into 'another mediocre series' that only fans would like because it showed more Sylar, Peter/Nathan, Claire, Matt and Hiro. I can't really compare Heroes with Lost, though. Lost has done some things wrong (even though last episode proved they had a story planned from S1, they *still* did too much 'making up as we go along' and 'introducing random mysteries' for my liking), but at least it's been a great mindfuck through every season. That, and it had more interesting characters.