Heroes you yelled "YOU IDIOT!" at.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
okay thanks for the advice Gabanuka
.personally i never liked captain america even in the comics.I can see where your coming from in the whole batman being selfish and i no this sounds like bull but i think deep down hes scared of killing the joker.Hes scared that if he kills the joker he will go out of contol and start killing all of his enemies which he does not want to do also he only kills when its absolutely neccesary maybe he still thinks the joker can be saved.Theres alot of theories.But thnk about this if the joker dies that means the greatest batman villian will be dead.IN my opinion if joker dies batman will become less interesting because lets face it the joker is awesome.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
okay thanks for the advice.personally i never liked captain america even in the comics.I can see where your coming from in the whole batman being selfish and i no this sounds like bull but i think deep down hes scared of killing the joker.Hes scared that if he kills the joker he will go out of contol and start killing all of his enemies whsaved.Theres alot of theories.But thnk about this if the joker dies that means the greatest batman villian will be dead.IN my opinion if joker dies batman will become less interesting because lets face it the joker is awesome.ich he does not want to do also he only kills when its absolutely neccesary maybe he still thinks the joker can be


New member
Aug 31, 2009
That annoying kid from The Walking Dead TV show, anyone who's seen an episode knows this far too well.

Then also Fawkes if he's with you at the end of Fallout 3. Goddamn.

The kid in the second "Mummy" movie.

Zeke in InFamous 1.

And countless superiors in wargames who always end up being wrong because they're too stubborn and stuck in their ways. Seriously, flawed characters makes stories great, but when they're dumb as shit it breaks any immersion and make the story more annoying.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
bigfatcarp93 said:
charge52 said:
Frodo. He should not have been the ring bearer.
FUCKIN' A. What a goddamn wuss. And then Sam was there for the entire trilogy saying, "here Frodo, take my food, take my water, let me carry you..."

Yeah, I wonder who REALLY should've carried the fucking thing.
Who would you rather have corrupted. Wimpy little Frodo or Sam "Mother F**king Badass" Gamgee. Honestly I think half the reason that Frodo was chosen as the ring bearer was that the other three hobbits would have used the ring to march straight into Mordor and kick Sauron's ass out and then proceed to rule the universe.

OT: Sephiroth in Crisis Core, Angeal and Genisis count too but mostly Sephiroth.

Him: "Oh no I just discovered that I am born of some monster that tried to destroy the world"
Me: ... Ok this changes what about your life so far?
Me: Well that escalated quickly...

Actually anyone who changes alignment after the discover they aren't human makes me rage.

Ursus Buckler

New member
Apr 15, 2011
Arthur Kipps from A Woman In Black. That house looks like Satan's holiday home. You could NEVER get me in that house. Nor would I EVER spend the night there. I would have got another fucking job if that shit started happening around me. Then again, I have a problem with protagonists in the horror genre in general, y'know, the 'I-know-I'll-back-down-into-the-basement-with-only-a-candle' kind of bollocks that really make me stop giving a shit about them because they seem unable to act like a rational human being.
But hey ho, if I was the protagonist of a horror movie, it would be an incredibly boring one.


New member
May 19, 2010
while the hero of the game of throne is really cool (Ed stark), he is bound by a 20 ton ball of honor in a setting where you need to thwarth 50 murders before breakfast, and as a result gets owned a lot of times.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
iLazy said:
Basically what I did while reading/ watching Twilight and reading the first three chapters of 50 Shades of Grey. Why do I torture myself?

I went "You fucking idiot" when Robb Stark married Jeyne. Seriously, screw your honour. That's what got poppa Stark killed.

Mako from Legend of Korra. Fuck off Mako. Just... fuck off.
Totally agreed on the last two.

Stannis isn't much of a hero, but he would have been a much better ruler than Joffery or the Lannisters. What I don't understand is what seems to be his complete inability to understand how to operate a military campaign. He should have pursued the forces of Highgarden, bringing them into his own forces or destroying them, then met Tywin in the field (BEFORE he could hook up with Mace Tyrell) if he was able to best Tywin then he should have went for King's Landing. Without a force at his rear to worry him he could have put the city under siege and starved it out easily, the populace was already starving and angry at the Lannisters.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Major_Tom said:
When the villain is holding a hostage with a gun pointed to his head and tells the hero to drop his gun. And the hero doesn't SHOOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD! Bonus dumb points when the villain is holding only a knife.
Because chances are you'd end up shooting the hostage instead (hostage/villain shifts, unsteady hand, natural bullet spread, etc.). Even if your shot hits the mark, it may not drop him immediately, giving him time to kill the hostage. And finally, even if both you shoot him and he dies, the villain's body will likely jerk and pull the trigger/yank the knife, ending in a dead hostage.

The best chance in such an instance for the hostage's survival is to talk the bad guy down or put him in a position where he couldn't immediately execute the hostage.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Fappy said:
Every Jedi in the Star Wars prequels. Every one.
That is so spot on.

This is the only answer I can think of that deafens me from the vast emptiness of my memory.

Where am I?

That_Sneaky_Camper said:
DementedSheep said:
Most heroes seem to do at least one really retarded thing
From recent memory: Ezio sparring Rodrigo Borgia in Assassins Creed 2. I figured he wouldn?t die since Rodrigo Borgia was a real person and didn't die in that year but I had hoped he would escape or something not have Ezio all of a sudden start having issues with killing his enemies. ?killing you won?t bring my family back.? really Ezio? Really? It?s not even about your family anymore. You should be killing him because he is a templar and a threat.
Ezio wanted Borgia to live as a type of cruel mercy on his part. The man had wanted to open the Vault and become the prophet that would be able to go in there and awaken what he thought was the power of God. The thing is that the vault did not open for Borgia, but it did for Ezio. Ezio thought it would be a crueler punishment letting Borgia waste away in despair knowing that his dreams of ultimate power were forever out of reach and that he was defeated by a member of the Assassin's Order, living with his dreams crushed seemed like a greater punishment than simply letting him die.

Borgia actually leaves Ezio alone from then on having his spirit crushed from his defeat, it is actually his son that fucks around with Ezio despite him warning his son not to do so. Borgia was no longer a threat to Ezio after that.
One of the only times in Video games where that actually happened.

I was surprised.

Geo Da Sponge said:
kasperbbs said:
Batman, so you cought Joker once gain after he killed a bunch of people again, now lock him up until the next time and repeat. Or any comic book hero who thinks that letting a homicidal maniac live is a good idea, even after 5th time he escapes and does the same shit that he always does. Probably the reason i was never interested in comics.
erttheking said:
Gonna have to go with Batman. I do respect him and really like the character as well as the movies that he's in but...for fuck's sake KILL THE JOKER! Are you really willing to let him kill hundreds and hundreds of people just so you can keep your little moral code? Would the Joker's five seconds of satisfaction really be that bad? And being forces to kill that guy isn't going to turn you into that physcopathic Primarch with the vigilant phase from 40k.
If the Joker needs to die so badly, why is it officially Batman's duty to do it? Surely it's the fault of the legal system for not executing him. I never got how anyone in the DC universe could blame him for not killing someone when he always leaves them captured and, quite frankly, easy to kill. You might as well blame the first police officer on the scene for not shooting the Joker while he's tied up.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the Joker needs to die. But you can see why someone wouldn't be very keen on crossing the line between letting the courts still decide what to do with a criminal and just deciding what needs to be done themselves.
Uh...the whole point is that Batman and the Joker are fascinated with one another. Each thinks they can change the other and each cannot understand the other.

That's the entire point...

The Joker actually gets shot in the head by batman at one point by accident (I only read the comic after the shot to the head so I don't know what happened).

The joker flips, "YOU SHOT ME IN THE HEAD?!"

They have an agreement of sorts. The Joker is the manifestation of Batman's weaknesses and the Batman is the manifestation of the Joker's. Each cannot live without the other, they are effectively married.

Batman comes very close to murdering the joke at least a half dozen times.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
In Dragon Ball Z, I tend to see the main characters (which are also the strongest warriors in the universe) allow their opponents to be given a chance to become stronger, receive a handicap, or the main characters will simply not fight at full strength for the sake of prolonging a fight. These bone headed maneuvers have almost always come with serious consequences in which the characters do or do not feel remorseful for their poor lack of judgment.

But so long as they can still fight, it will all work out. I swear that half of all the fights would have ended sooner if all the fighters were like Trunks and just took care of business.
Nov 27, 2010
After wracking my brains, I came up with one that hasn't been mentioned yet, though it's a game; James Heller in Prototype 2 when that scientist guy (whose name has escaped me) betrays him, and he works it out and gives the guy an angry phone call and then chases him down to kill him.

1. You're going to be a lot more successful if you don't GIVE YOUR ENEMIES WARNING before you hunt them down, moron
2. As long as he thinks you're still not wise to him you can pull a reversal and start taking advantage of him (presuming you're smart enough, so James Heller might actually be on to something there)
But last, and biggest of all,
let's stop and think about how he betrayed you, shall we? He gave you advance warning of the supersoldiers which could've been a really fucking nasty surprise for you later on, and gave you a location of one their large laboratories to smash up. He sent you to at least two more of their heavily defended bases, not only allowing you to at least heavily damage their organisation, not to mention giving you some more victims to absorb giving you more powers. Yes, ok, he betrayed you, you're upset, I get that. But if you take ONE SECOND to think about it critically, you'll realise that EVERY SINGLE ATTEMPT he made to kill you MADE YOU STRONGER. What, exactly, is the practical result of his horrible, horrible lies? Damage to the corporation trying to kill you, advance warning of one of their greatest weapons and some extra powers.

With all due respect, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SO PISSED ABOUT, MORON!?!?!?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Van Guard Shepard on Insanity in Mass Effect 3. They really knocked it out of the park with this class but there were times where he would just stand there AND NOT CHARGE! WHILE I WAS FRENETICALLY PRESSING TRIANGLE! People yell at the endings, I yell at the technical issues.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
theultimateend said:
The Joker actually gets shot in the head by batman at one point by accident (I only read the comic after the shot to the head so I don't know what happened).
That was a cop dressed as Batman.

Part of three batman replacements the Gotham City Police Department trained in case Batman died. One was pumped full of venom and another sought of demonic. It was based off a silver age story that was handwaved as a hallucination Batman had while entering a sensory deprivation chamber to try and understand the Joker, but the person who managed it, Dr Hurt was actually an ancestor of Bruce Wayne, who was made immortal by a Monitor that was tainted by Darkseid but because of the time travel effects of the Omega sanction it occurred before Final Crisis.


A Weary Exile said:
Stannis isn't much of a hero, but he would have been a much better ruler than Joffery or the Lannisters. What I don't understand is what seems to be his complete inability to understand how to operate a military campaign. He should have pursued the forces of Highgarden, bringing them into his own forces or destroying them, then met Tywin in the field (BEFORE he could hook up with Mace Tyrell) if he was able to best Tywin then he should have went for King's Landing. Without a force at his rear to worry him he could have put the city under siege and starved it out easily, the populace was already starving and angry at the Lannisters.
It's the big win. Kill Joffrey. Take the Iron Throne. The Lannister would quickly end up alone.

One paper King's landing should have been much easier. A lot of that difficulty was thanks to Tyrion, the wildfire, the harbour chain and even things like the Mountain men killing Stannis' scouts. Even his negotiations with Dorne would help later. Then accounting for Tywin being such a Magnificent bastard to have arranged the Red Wedding so he could basically abandon the front against the North or that Loras Tyrell would want vengeance so badly (Stannis wouldn't know he was Renly's lover).


Jun 29, 2008
Reiterpallasch said:
Major_Tom said:
When the villain is holding a hostage with a gun pointed to his head and tells the hero to drop his gun. And the hero doesn't SHOOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD! Bonus dumb points when the villain is holding only a knife.
Because chances are you'd end up shooting the hostage instead (hostage/villain shifts, unsteady hand, natural bullet spread, etc.). Even if your shot hits the mark, it may not drop him immediately, giving him time to kill the hostage. And finally, even if both you shoot him and he dies, the villain's body will likely jerk and pull the trigger/yank the knife, ending in a dead hostage.

The best chance in such an instance for the hostage's survival is to talk the bad guy down or put him in a position where he couldn't immediately execute the hostage.
No, the best chance is to shoot him, if you put your gun down he will shoot you (the only thing stopping him is the bad script).


New member
Jan 28, 2011
In the Walking Dead Game: Episode 2 when
You open up the door at the back of the barn. It's very very obvious that they've been eating people, but Lee just believes everything those fricking guys say, YOU IDIOT.


New member
May 11, 2009
Vault101 said:

a certain scene in Mass Effect 3 I said "what the fuck are you doing shepard!?" literally..out loud
Hm...Which scene was that, if I may ask?


New member
Feb 25, 2012
ezio in brother hood. there is a level in which you have to survive waves so that reinforcements come and catch ceasare. my problem is that the asshole is standing behind a fucking net of bars with a lot of holes to fire that bastard from! i can not see why ezio couldn't shoot him.

and Shepard in ME3. the cutscene which you make the geths destroy the quarians or the quarians destroy the geths. i could find tons of solutions they both could survive!


New member
Apr 16, 2009
sagitel said:
and Shepard in ME3. the cutscene which you make the geths destroy the quarians or the quarians destroy the geths. i could find tons of solutions they both could survive!
Yeah you just need high reputation. Out of interest however what solutions do you see?

OT: Max "you have just massacred a town, why would you just waltz into a building and try to negotiate with the thugs" Payne


New member
Apr 25, 2010
SkellgrimOrDave said:
Considering he's still alive by X-men 2 and fucks shit up for everybody once more, she really should have made sure.
X-men Origins Wolverine (and X-men 3) are non-canon.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Major_Tom said:
Reiterpallasch said:
Major_Tom said:
When the villain is holding a hostage with a gun pointed to his head and tells the hero to drop his gun. And the hero doesn't SHOOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD! Bonus dumb points when the villain is holding only a knife.
Because chances are you'd end up shooting the hostage instead (hostage/villain shifts, unsteady hand, natural bullet spread, etc.). Even if your shot hits the mark, it may not drop him immediately, giving him time to kill the hostage. And finally, even if both you shoot him and he dies, the villain's body will likely jerk and pull the trigger/yank the knife, ending in a dead hostage.

The best chance in such an instance for the hostage's survival is to talk the bad guy down or put him in a position where he couldn't immediately execute the hostage.
No, the best chance is to shoot him, if you put your gun down he will shoot you (the only thing stopping him is the bad script).
There's a reason you don't see cops shooting bad guys off of hostages.