I remember The Conduit being below average: most of the shooter elements were done before, and better, in other games, and it's one neat idea, the whole 'hidden Washington D.C. conspiracy' angle that was supposed to have secret tunnels and such, was relegated to an annoying side-quest puzzle mini-game based around that annoying sphere that beeped everytime you were near a hidden door (which always led to an ammo cache, never anything interesting), the sound of which always distracted me while the hidden-on-ceiling monster-maker, which I couldn't have possibly seen without going to the opposite side of the room and looking partly up, popped out another dozen alien midgets that killed my ass. In short, it was a game that thoroughly bungled it's every aspect.
So, yeah, I'm not holding my breath for Conduit 2 being any good, no matter how much they're trying to ape the Bulletstorm/Duke Nukem tongue-in-cheek jackassery (and badly at that).