

New member
Apr 27, 2011
A straight guy gives his 2 cents when they are soon to be around a gay person. These guys must have extremely inflated egos. They think just because he is gay he is automatically going to hit on him. It is always fun to tell the homophobe not to flatter himself. I have never been hit on by a gay guy. In fact I've never seen a gay guy hit on a straight guy period. Why would they? Have you ever encountered someone like this?

The Night Angel

New member
Dec 30, 2011
I'd say it is quite common for guys to react this way, though I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I have never seen a gay guy it on a straight guy before either. In fact, one of my friends when he found out I was bi, I told him I wasn't attracted to him though, and he just seemed disappointed even though he is completely straight....


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Straight guy here, totally been hit on. We've been friends for a while and he knows I'm straight, not sure it was a joke but he said something a long the lines of "I'd totally do you ;)". I kinda just laughed it off but it was kinda awkward XD

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Well they hit on me and I was straight. I had many gays hit on me, try to convince me I was gay, or at the very least I'm bi. I had one start crying because I wouldn't accept that I was bi.(granted years later I discovered I was... my bad) They would give me bear hugs or that happy twinkle in the eyes thing. (which is more of a universal "I really like you" than a gay thing)

I can see how some people may take it the wrong way. I liked it, I mean women are use to men dressing and looking like crap, but I would like to think gays are attracted to a certain standard. It should be taken as a compliment.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I've had gay friends hit on me before. They know I'm straight and I made it clear that I'm staying that way and they aren't gettin any of this. With that said I did sometimes tease them. That was fun.


New member
May 5, 2011
I've been hit on a couple of times by gay guys, one even sat on the bus with my gf at the time discussing my ass. I'm not really weirded out by it (apart from the last one, that was creepy) and think it should just be taken as a compliment. And obviously no leading on for attention/ego boost.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
rhizhim said:
been hit on. didnt give a fuck. he understood and left me alone.
maybe we should talk about how insane it is to be able to do the Gay panic defense.

The gay panic defense[1] is a legal defense against charges of assault or murder. A defendant using the gay panic defense claims that he or she acted in a state of violent temporary insanity because of a little-known psychiatric condition called homosexual panic.

i totally killed that cat because....uhm.... cat panic defense mechanism.
Yeah, that's actually a real thing...WTF?

Likewise, trans panic, but I don't think that's a legal thing, prosecutors just tend to ask for lesser sentences.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
Esotera said:
I've been hit on a couple of times by gay guys, one even sat on the bus with my gf at the time discussing my ass. I'm not really weirded out by it (apart from the last one, that was creepy) and think it should just be taken as a compliment. And obviously no leading on for attention/ego boost.
Damn lol. You and a lot of others have been hit on by gay guys. I never have =(. I would think of it as a compliment, and like others mentioned I could see joking around about it. I'm straight, but I often act gay around good friends just as a joke as well.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Like others, I have been hit on numerous time by gay men. That said today married with children but I still venture out into the wilds. However, this was not to be not expected as I have had and continue to have gay friends and acquaintances. This is sort of interesting because I have been told on numerous occasions that I have a "gay-dar", or the uncanny ability to "know" when someone is gay and in the closet. I simply say it comes from having a better list of what to look for when making a guess.

So I think the "expectation" of people that didn't know me, or don't know much about me make an assumption that because I see fit to spend time with those who choose a different way of life, that I am also a member of that particular group. - associative bias (I have also studied the critter in it's native habitat). ;) ((that's a joke, don't get butt-hurt))...(((that's a pun...))) it's ironic... being ironic... some call it... Art? :) (but I digress).

It's a reasonable assumption, because utilizing stereo types and certain forms of bias are a shortcut for decision making. - justified bias

It's cloudy outside, I take an umbrella; I am not a weather man so I cannot perform an analysis in this case, and maybe I am to lazy to investigate the weather channel. - essential bias

It's the same thing in this case.

If a straight man is seeking the approval of another man, it could be ego driven. - a guess

Plausibly this is a stereo type bias. It may or may not be sufficiently justified but there it is. It's a belief. We gather more information to either substantiate the belief (the guess), and see if it holds or if a better guess makes more sense.

This is good use of "reason". It doesn't actually have to be true, it just needs to work as a guideline. If one becomes reliant on this and it ultimately proves to be false... we start all over again. - empiricism!

Eventually one may build a model or framework that works in many events, situations, and cases. This is knowledge based on framing an epistemology... the marriage of belief's (our nonsense and guesses), with truth's (how shit really is).

The thing is, we tend to be the average of the people we associate with as a mater of culture. So likely I have traits that are in fact, ON the list of "this is what gay people do/like/are/act" stereo type. It's like a false positive. This happens A LOT as well. We are all just a little gay anyways... dimorphism is a *****.

Ultimately it takes us from this:

to this:



New member
May 23, 2010
Never been hit on by a gay guy.
I don't really hag out in places where you hit on people though, so I have no idea whether gay guys, or anyone else for that matter, would want to tap my ass.


New member
Jan 18, 2012
Well I'm bisexual so I wouldn't mind being hit on by a dude (got a bf though) but I can see how it can be uncomfortable for straight guys.
Same when gay girls get hit on by guys, it's gotta be uncomfortable, but I haven't understood the fear of it, they're not gonna jump on you and hump you silly, thats not how getting "hit on" works; getting hit on just means someone is checking if you're availible.
If you're not into dudes, just tell em, no harm done, if they keep advancing on you, tell em to gtfo, doesn't matter if they're female, male or both.
just be clear about it, and most people will back off.


New member
Jan 18, 2012
I agree with many of you, just say no, but take it as flatter, when someone hits on you period, no matter what gender it just shows you're attractive to them (yet approchable, you can be a supermodel and not be hit on once)


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I got hit on by a gay guy's friends who thought I was the boyfriend he spoke about. Once by some other guy who did so infront of a mutually territorial girlfriend. Both instances were quite lulzy.
Aug 25, 2009
I've been hit on by gay guys a lot, but then I have also been playing gigs in gay pubs and bars for the last five years, so...

Yeah, gay guys don't hit on every man they see, that's utterly ridiculous, but still so many people believe it. It would be like asking a straight guy 'do you hit on every single woman you meet?' No, of course not, and with men there are so many more fattys and uggos you have to get by before you meet the hot ones.


New member
Aug 7, 2010
I've been hit on numerous times. Got asked out by one dude. Never even knew he was gay until then. Awkwardly laughed, said I didn't roll that way. Awkward laughter from both of us. We got over it and moved on.

Doesn't really bother me unless its creepy. Like another guy constantly ogling my groin. Kid was later caught will child porn. Makes things creepier in hindsight. I have other stories about him. Dude was a creepy SOB. Him and my ex (was an ex back then and still is) both had a thing for me. Always got a good chuckle out of that.