How are you Internet Famous?


New member
Jul 13, 2008
The same thing that makes people real life famous. If people now you through the internet then you are internet famous. How is this complicated?

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I was mentioned a couple of times in different online articles pertaining to the fiasco with EA's Origin EULA. That's about it though.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
CM156 said:
Earlier today, I was having a conversation with some of my friends. We were talking about the rise in internet reviewers, such as sites like TGWTG, and the idea behind internet fame. It was my contention that internet fame means almost nothing compared to real world fame. My point was that everyone has some tentative claim to internet fame. Any guy with a camera can become an internet reviewer. And many have.

So I ask you, dear readers. What makes you ?internet famous??

I don?t have much, except the fact that something I wrote is linked on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Which, now that I think about it, isn?t something I should be bragging about?

I'm Adam Jensen on twitter.



New member
Dec 11, 2010
I'm the only YouTuber to post a proffesionally recorded preformance of Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue for piano.

Other then that, I'm not really internet famous.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
ummmm.......i randomly flirt with half the guys I know(though since I do it both IRL and online does that really count for much?) And amongst my friends I tend to be known as the one who will willingly take her clothes off first especially during the summer.....


New member
Dec 29, 2009
I have a Youtube and a account called TheHatPerson, I also have a blogger account with the same name. I review movies and I write about games sometimes. I'm pretty famous in pretty much 3/4 of my high school (even my teachers know I make videos), though nobody really knows me outside the school.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
JaceArveduin said:
CM156 said:
Just wondering, but how did you choose that name?
Well Jace, despite the normal belief, is actually just my ignorance of DBZ and was given to me by a childhood friend, I used it for my first multiplayer game and it stuck.

Arveduin is actually me just being a combination of lazy and awesome while tweaking Tolkien's King Arvedui's name by tossing a N on the end to make it my own. I have checked and I'm 99% positive that I'm the only Jace Arveduin on the internet. Though I do know there are tons of Jace's and at least one other Arveduin now.
I'm the only ExiusXavarus that I can see. Anytime I Google ExiusXavarus or Exius Xavarus(it was originally two names, a first and last, for my Dervish on Guild Wars) all I ever see if my own stuff. However, some ass stole Exius(my preferred name when I do something multiplayer) on every game I have played except R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud(which is actually where Exius originated for me). :{

I'm really not internet famous. No one knows who I am. xD *Points to barren friends list*


New member
Mar 14, 2011
ExiusXavarus said:
Definitely know that feeling, on LOTRO I was forced to go with Jeice because every other form of Jace I tried wouldn't go through. The worst part is it won't let you send mail to a "Jace" I have no idea why it wont' let me. Though I did manage to get Jaece, which isn't quite right, but close


New member
Sep 22, 2008
This website: Escapecraft []

I started a fairly large community and a pretty popular Minecraft server.

I wouldn't call me famous though.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I doubt anyone really knows me on the internet other than "that argumentative bastard".


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
CM156 said:
Earlier today, I was having a conversation with some of my friends. We were talking about the rise in internet reviewers, such as sites like TGWTG, and the idea behind internet fame. It was my contention that internet fame means almost nothing compared to real world fame. My point was that everyone has some tentative claim to internet fame. Any guy with a camera can become an internet reviewer. And many have.

So I ask you, dear readers. What makes you ?internet famous??

I don?t have much, except the fact that something I wrote is linked on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Which, now that I think about it, isn?t something I should be bragging about?
I disagree about the internet fame thing

see as you said there are MILLIONS of wannabe reveiwers and personalitys out there, but only a fraction acheive the popularity of Nostalga critic, angry videogame nerd or Yahtzee,

they are well known by geeks and nerds, and have a cult following on level with say some obscure film or series, its the same with memes

the internet is a new platfrom/medium I dont see it as anything less than TV or film, so why is fame in this area any less? it is more niche but so are alot of things

I am famous for my terrible spelling

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
JaceArveduin said:
ExiusXavarus said:
Definitely know that feeling, on LOTRO I was forced to go with Jeice because every other form of Jace I tried wouldn't go through. The worst part is it won't let you send mail to a "Jace" I have no idea why it wont' let me. Though I did manage to get Jaece, which isn't quite right, but close
I have plenty of substitute names. xD It's just frustrating when I continue to see my favorite one already taken by everyone and their mom. :{

Mr. Underson

New member
Mar 28, 2011
I'm the webmaster and a contributor for the teeny-tiny comedy website [link][/link]!

Baby Eater

Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
Aug 27, 2009
Well, I'd say I'm semi-famous around here. Almost every time I post on a thread I get someone going "Oh hey! You're Toast!(My nickname around here)". Though I rarely ever leave the RP section of this fine forum so I believe it to be merely fame by proxy. I am good chums with some other famous blokes around here such as Sassafrass, Neonbob, and VaudevillianVeteran.

So long story short, I'm not famous but my friends are :p


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Absolutely nothing. Not even people here can say they remember me. The only thing that I can say is mine is the word "keindranophobia". Google that and you will get 3 links. One will the the escapist (technically 8 are), one will be my google+ account, and one will be google+ again.

aprilmarie said:
And amongst my friends I tend to be known as the one who will willingly take her clothes off first especially during the summer.....
You know, I am the same way. The only difference is that I am a dude so people are less anxious to watch me disrobe.

CM156 said:
It was my contention that internet fame means almost nothing compared to real world fame.
Why? Sure, anyone with a camera can film themselves doing stupid shit, but that doesn't mean they will get famous. The same is true for acting and Hollywood. You only hear about people when the "hit it big" or if you like really obscure B-movies(or random youtube pages).

What is "real world fame" worth anyway?


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
crudus said:
Absolutely nothing. The only thing that I can say is mine is the word "keindranophobia". Google that and you will get 3 links. One will the the escapist (technically 8 are), one will be my google+ account, and one will be google+ again.

aprilmarie said:
And amongst my friends I tend to be known as the one who will willingly take her clothes off first especially during the summer.....
You know, I am the same way. The only difference is that I am a dude so people are less anxious to watch me disrobe.
*ahem* i was more talking about when discussions of stripping get brought up or games of strip[insert game here] get played.....though sometimes with the latter its intentional and usually cause I'm talking to a bunch of guys and...holy shit I'm usually the only girl HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED THIS BEFORE?!?!?!? [sub]I need to go sit down and re-think my life...i'll be in the corner[sub]/sarcasm[/sub][/sub]


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I remixed a few songs, one has over 1,200 views on Youtube, the other has 534 and counting.