I didn't, Osama may be dead, but look how many people died just looking for one man, who is going to celebrate for those who lost sons, brothers, fathers etc to terrorism and to war? His death means nothing, he'll simply be replaced with another and terrorism will continue, war will continue, Iraq and the innocents in Iraq will continue to live a nightmare plague with visions of America bombing them and their family members attempting to get at terrorists, those who believed in him will continue to fight for him, even harder now that he's dead seeing as they have nothing more to live for and this war on terror is likely to only end worse off then it began.
What has been achieved? Not much really, it took ten years of death, terror, misery, etc to find ONE man, and we have nothing to really show for it except his death, no trial, no understanding as to why he did what he did, no explanation, no apology, just his death. What am I celebrating and how does celebrating his death make you any lessi immoral to those who celebrated the 9/11 disaster?