How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)


New member
Dec 1, 2009
TheFPSisDead said:
As an American i own several handguns
Thanks, for making the already quick-to-stereotype American-hating non-American Escapists members feel justified when they negatively generalize about us.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I just held a gun for the first time. I think they're good in the right hands.

Any nut out there that thinks guns need to be illegal for people to carry is just wrong. Because criminals will get guns regardless of the law, and that's you know, because they're CRIMINALS and then who has the advantage then? I guess home defense will be person with bat vs person with gun, who wins?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
escapistraptor said:
TheFPSisDead said:
As an American i own several handguns
Thanks, for making the already quick-to-stereotype American-hating non-American Escapists members feel justified when they negatively generalize about us.
yeah THATS the main steriotype we assign to americans
EDIT: in case somebody misenterprits this and i am made out to be some massave xenophobic, i don't hate america it's a joke


New member
Jan 23, 2010
VulakAerr said:
I'm shocked and horrified and what I'm reading. The only person who seems to be making a clear point is Azrael The Cat. Guns are designed to kill. Guns are incredibly effective at this job. Do you really want tools designed to kill freely available on your country's streets? I don't.

Shootings don't occur at an NRA meeting or gun club because why would somebody turn on their fellow gun-nut? If nobody has guns, it's a fuckload safer than if everybody does. All it takes is one jittery nutjob...

I thought these forums were meant to be vaguely intelligent... fuck if you guys haven't proved it otherwise. Holy shit...
Remember that a gun is only a tool, its the idiots that use them that are the problem. If I'm attacked, I want to be able to put down my attacker, either through intimidation, injury, or lethal force if necessary. Guns, if used by sane, responsible, law-abiding citizens, pose no danger to others. Its the idiot who thinks it makes him tough that put lives at risk.

you know how it is, If he doesn't have a gun he will use a knife, if he has no knife he will use his fists, if he has no fists he will use his legs, if he has no legs he will bite... it all comes down to who has what... I'm all for monitoring who uses guns, and stiffer penalties for gun-related crimes, but i would never ban them.


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Apr 8, 2009
The bottom line is that most gun owners are responsible people. They either grew up in a rural culture where guns were a part of daily life, or they gravitated towards firearms as a hobby.

Others arm themselves because of legitimate concerns for personal safety. Especially if they live in a large city where crime is more prevalent.

There are hundreds of millions of firearms in the United States. Yet most americans will never fire a gun in anger or violence. I trust my neighbors and countrymen enough to recognize their right to personal defense. And my neighbors return the favor.

Americans happen to embrace firearm ownership for historical reasons. As our continent was once a vast wilderness where men needed guns on a daily basis just to survive. And the king of England was really a dick to us. Our founding fathers made sure to constitutionally establish firearm ownership because tyranny is only possible when the people accept subjugation instead of citizenship.

Our 2nd amendment exists not to encourage violent revolution, but to remind everyone who really is in charge. The individual.

Of the people, by the people, for the people.

Also, I have a very small penis and shooting a very big gun makes me feel like a big man. So suck it foreigners.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
I own two firearms, and believe it is my right (And duty if I feel like arguing) to be armed.

VulakAerr said:
Shootings don't occur at an NRA meeting or gun club because why would somebody turn on their fellow gun-nut? If nobody has guns, it's a fuckload safer than if everybody does. All it takes is one jittery nutjob...

All right, let's break this down.
Yes, firearms are meant to kill things. That I will agree with. But the statement I have an issue with is the "If nobody has guns, it's a fuckload safer than if everybody does." Okay, so say you do get rid of firearms. All of them. Even the criminals aren't able to get a hold of them. What now? You'd probably get people using knives on you. So say you get rid of knives? Okay, so now you've got people just overpowering you.

Firearms are an equalizer.
I mean, look at these goons. These are probably the slowest people in the known 'Verse, and yet, you're not going to take them on because they're all armed.

Though it is seemingly a silly notion, if everyone is armed with a firearm, you will not have many crimes, if at all. Play the video game Fallout 3. Walk into Megaton. Or better yet, the Citadel. Yes, the Citadel. Fire a shot at one of the people. You are quickly shot down, even if you have top tier equipment, because everyone has a firearm.

VulakAerr said:
I thought these forums were meant to be vaguely intelligent... fuck if you guys haven't proved it otherwise. Holy shit...
You, sir, are ridiculously biased to the point where your statement could be satire. I hope it is. If not, there is a special place in hell for you that's normally reserved for child molesters and people that talk in the theaters.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
tweedpol said:
Come on guys, stop saying stuff about what the Founding Fathers wanted or did: you've managed to ignore quite a lot of what they wanted before! They wanted a secular democracy!

And honestly, does no one know any basic evolutionary theory/game theory? Criminals aren't all the same: do you really think the guy who breaks into your house to steal your tv wants to slip upstairs and kill you? How many break-ins do you think end in deaths? I assure you he knows how much more likely he is to be caught and sent to prison for the rest of his life if he kills someone. You start keeping guns in the house to defend against burglars and the only result is the burglars will start bringing guns - to protect themselves! And who do you think will be a more effective killing machine - a burglar well used to nocturnal mischief, or a jittery half asleep Dad, firing at shadows? How likely is it that little Sally might get caught in the crossfire instead?

And one side of the back and forth of the 'thought experiment' (you know who you are) sickens me: these worlds, like our world, are not places where people go around continually assessing whether or not they should kill everyone they meet on the street.

As a final thought: perhaps you do stop people with a history of mental instability from owning guns. But if they decided to go on a killing spree, would it be easier for them to buy a gun very illegally from the black market due to pesky gun control laws, or to go and steal it from the Hensons' [certified: sane] next door?
I would argue the idea that we don't have a secular democracy...

Honestly, I'm not too clear what your saying here.. are you supporting gun legislation or not? The idea that burglars will get into a gunfight expecting resistance is absurd .They know if they kill anyone, the police will crack down on them far more than a simple robbery. Besides, its easier to get a black market gun than a stolen one, another comment has a link to the statistics on that so look... can you clarify your statement fore, the argument comment you made is unclear.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Let's get one thing out of the way, I don't think guns work very well as protection. Sure they have the potential to help, but they kill more innocent then criminals.

Now, I have fired guns, they're fun. I think people should be allowed to have guns as long as the gun is registered and apropreit (LMGs shouldn't be legal). There's nothing wrong with hunters, I find it more sporting to use a bow but still, and a lot of hunters understand their roll in the ecosystem.


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Dec 4, 2008
Bravo 21 said:
hotacidbath said:
Bravo 21 said:
well in my opinion, having the right to carry an assault rifle around in public just feels a litle, unnessecary. I also feel that the US should consider having tighter control on firearms.
I would like to point out that this picture was taken in Switzerland where every male is required to serve in the military (I believe they're considered militias) and remain in a reserve capacity until age 30, during which they are required to keep their service weapon. That service weapon is usually a SIG SG 550, an assault rifle. Everyone is taught to use and own a rifle responsibly and "police statistics for the year 2006 records 34 killings or attempted killings involving firearms, compared to 69 cases involving bladed weapons and 16 cases of unarmed assault." I have lived in America my entire life and the only time I have ever seen anyone with a weapon over their shoulder (myself included), was while hunting. Every other time, they are safely in their cases, unloaded and with the safety on. People here do not wander around the grocery store with "assault rifles" on their backs.
Well, i have seen cases is which in display of their second amendment rights,americans went out in public with a weapon, which I have been informed, was actually an AR-15 (my apologies), just made me feel a litte uneasy. I think that this occured in Washington state.
Most states have open carry laws, only 5 states ban the practice. There are a few clubs that make it a policy to show people that law exist(odds are the man you saw was a member of one).

make of it what you will but as long as there not trying to step on my rights to live how I want.

Shifty Tortoise

New member
Sep 10, 2008
I just believe they're a necessary evil, but only in war, i don't think that every trigger happy cop in America should be aloud to have one.

Look at the UK, we only have a few highly trained firearms officers and the crime rate seems to stay reasonable whilst barely using them.

As for plain old citizens being able to have guns for "self defense" that's bullshit. As is that fucked up, Right to Bear Arms. It may have made sense when it was created, but it's absolutely pointless now.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
I've watched CSI, Sopranos, Dexter and if I lived in USA I'd also require a gun to make me feel safe(and like a cowboy gunslinger).

Also look at this I found just now.

USA seem to have tons of insane serial killers who kill regular people for no good reason.
In most of Europe if somebody's gonna kill you they're gonna have a motive, at least beyond being frigging loco. It's gonna be a family member who is pissed at you over inheritance matters or the like, not a crazy guy asking you to apply the lotion on the skin.

Also some of you expressed fear that muggers or burglars might kill you?
Where I live no burglar or mugger would ever kill you unless you attacked them. They'd simply grab the money and run or knock you down. Why would they risk killing someone? It would only make the police more zealous about finding them and would give extra time in jail.

Most Europeans don't understand the need for a firearm to defend themselves cause they are confident that none of their countrymen will ever kill them for no good reason.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Well I don't have any yet due to financial reasons but I do plan on getting several in the near future for sport and self defense purposes. I think thier like any other tool fine until they get into the hands of a criminal or mentally unstable person luckily my countries stance is the same for the most part. As for the if no one had them no one would need them argument criminals would and do disregard the law otherwise there wouldn't be shootings in california or chicago gun laws only effect those that follow the law. All banning guns does is disarmed the people leaving them vunerable.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I live in Australia and I have barely ever actually seen a gun. I think once I remember seeing a security guard with a revolver, but that's about it.


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Oct 21, 2008
veloper said:
It causes more trouble than it might help prevent crime.
Handguns are used to stop/prevent about 200,000- yes, two hundred thousand- animal attacks every year. That may seem like an improbably large number, until you realize that there are over 300 million Americans living in this country, and this country is the size of Europe, which is considered an entire continent in it's own right. When Canada made it illegal for civilains to carry guns, the number of deaths by animal attacks, such as bears and wolverines and moutain lions, increased dramatically.

Handguns are used to stop more crimes than they are used to commit. They are used to kill more criminals than they are to kill innocent people. Roughly 64% of all murder victims are either drug dealers or drug addicts- most gun murders happen between people involved in the drug trade, and are based on the desire to monopolize the drug trade. My source for this is Second Amendment Sisters. Sadly I can't find the exact page this quote is from.

When Michigan chose to let law abiding citizens carry guns back in the Year 2000, the crime rate immediately fell, despite the recession, and continued to get lower every year after that, despite the recession.

That same is true of pretty much every state/city that let people carry guns.

The areas of the United States with the highest crime rate is Chicago, which banned handguns for many years and still refuses to let people carry guns to this day. Many states that let people carry guns have a lower crime rate than Britain.

The countries in Europe that have the highest crime rates are the ones that refuse to let people carry guns. Britain and Luxembourg have very high crime rates by European standards, and the most violent cities in Europe have consistently been British/Irish cities, such as Gloucester and Limerick, which refuse to let people carry guns. By contrast, countries such as Switzerland and Finland, which let people carry guns, consistently have the lowest crime rates.

America actually has mountains upon mountains of gun control- at one point, it was illegal to carry guns in Texas. They were open minded enough to ban the carry of guns because a bunch of people said it would lower crime. It actually increased crime, and today Texas lets you carry guns again.

I agree with Liberals on many things- I support gay marriage, tight regulation of corporations and private bussiness, and helping the underpriviledged. However, while I do support some degree of gun control, the evidence has overwhelmingly shown that preventing law abiding adults from carrying guns makes things worse rather than better. Liberals tend to portray America as having very lax gun control, and blame crime on the lack of gun control, simply because they don't like guns. And they don't like guns because guns are explicitly designed for killing people. In reality, excessive gun control is far more responsible for our high crime rate, as the highest crime rate areas in America refuse to let people carry guns.

However, I do believe that social conditions are far more important than gun ownership, Japan has proven this. So while I believe that letting law abiding adults carry guns helps reduce crime if you have bad social conditions, I believe that guns are unnecessary for dealing withg crime if you have good social conditions. But you would still need them to defend against animals. Many Americans live in Rural Areas.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
RelexCryo said:

The areas of the United States with the highest crime rate is Chicago, which banned handguns for many years and still refuses to let people carry guns to this day. Many states that let people carry guns have a lower crime rate than Britain.

-more snip-
They just overturned the Chicago handgun ban recently. Daley (the mayor for 20 something years) just decided not to run again, so maybe they'll overturn the no carry laws. But that's an Illinios thing, so it's not uber-likely...

Also DC has a high murder rate... And they overturned the handgun ban there, too (same time as Chicago).


New member
Oct 21, 2008
zfactor said:
RelexCryo said:

The areas of the United States with the highest crime rate is Chicago, which banned handguns for many years and still refuses to let people carry guns to this day. Many states that let people carry guns have a lower crime rate than Britain.

-more snip-
They just overturned the Chicago handgun ban recently. Daley (the mayor for 20 something years) just decided not to run again, so maybe they'll overturn the no carry laws. But that's an Illinios thing, so it's not uber-likely...

Also DC has a high murder rate... And they overturned the handgun ban there, too (same time as Chicago).
Very recently. But they still haven't overturned the no carry laws. And without the ability to carry a gun outside your house, handguns are mostly worthless. If you can only keep a gun in your house, you may as well just use a shotgun. The primary advantage of handguns is that you can conveniently carry self defense with you whereever you go. Because it is still illegal to carry, people cannot defend themselves outside of their homes.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
RelexCryo said:
Very recently. But they still haven't overturned the no carry laws. And without the ability to carry a gun outside your house, handguns are mostly worthless. If you can only keep a gun in your house, you may as well just use a shotgun. The primary advantage of handguns is that you can conveniently carry self defense with you whereever you go. Because it is still illegal to carry, people cannot defend themselves outside of their homes.
Yeah, true... But I think you can carry a knife if it is three inches or shorter! That should work great against a handgun!

That's a half joke; if you know how to use one, a small knife can be very useful for close combat self defence. And it never runs out of ammo or jams. Just one strike to a random artery/major vein (I don't know the names, but there's four in the neck, one above the elbow on your inner arm, two below the rib cage on your back, and two on you inner thighs, I can go on, but now I feel like some kind of serial killer...) and your opponent is down and will probably die in a minute or two. Or you can hit various arm muscles to make it hard for them to aim/beat you effectivly disarming them. And that is you major goal. Or scaring them into fleeing. Guns work better for that, though...