How do people deal with console FPSes over PC ones?


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Once upon a time, I legitimately thought I hated FPS games. I only played CoD4 on my 360 and I can only remember how frustrating it was. Not only were the people complete assholes, but I could never hit anything to save my life, excluding maybe with a rocket launcher. When I played my first FPS on the PC with a keyboard and mouse, it was an eye opening experience. I could point my crosshair towards what I wanted to hit and my bullets would actually make contact! Granted, I'm not claiming to be the best PC gamer ever, but my mind explodes whenever I hear someone say they prefer to play a FPS with a controller. To me, the pinpoint accuracy of a mouse is infinitely superior to whatever little aim you can attain with a controller's right analog stick. Can someone explain to me how people play these types of games with a controller?


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I've never had a problem aiming with the analog stick and i'd much rather pull a trigger to shoot on an fps then click a button. so yes i prefer console fps and my pinpoint precision on it.


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
I'm the opposite, I can really rack up the kills on COD on Ps3. But with Homefront n' Crysis 2 on PC I'm horrible. Thats why I play L4D2! And saying that I have a gaming mouse designed for FPS's, its mostly likely I've been accustomed with PS controller for so long, n' now I converted to PC.


New member
May 24, 2011
You're on a level playing field when playing an FPS on a console, you're using a controller the same as everyone else. I like it, I prefer it.


New member
May 24, 2011
EDITED: Because some people can't be bothered to read the content of a thread.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I havent really figured out how to play fps games on console either, I got a couple months of gold a month back and have been playing some reach but its pretty hard to really get the aiming down. But it seems like most people have that problem also, really the ones you have to watch out for are the ones who have the damn finicky DMR down and will head shot the crap out of you with that stupid thing


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I'm not an FPS fan and haven't been since I was young enough that the only games I played consisted of A) Doom I and II and B) Indiana Jones and the lost city of Atlantis.

Having now said that, I've played games for most of my life, and I basically got off the PC as soon as I got my hands on a console (the N64, incidentally, followed by the PSX and onward from there). While I absolutely agree that there is something to be said for the swifter and more accurate aiming of mouse controls, I dislike the idea of my experience of a game being limited by hardware.

I use my laptop for music, writing, and the internet. That's about it. It cost me a grand and it does these things very well. It runs at a completely acceptable speed, has only crashed once since I got it, and generally serves everything I need it for.

What I don't need it for is gaming, and I dislike the idea of spending an extra fuck-ton of money just so that I can keep up with the requirements of a game, or indeed the other people I might be playing it with.

Aiming is always going to be the biggest problem with console FPSs, but for a lot of people (or at the very least, for me) it's worth it to know that you're essentially all on the same playing field. The reason I'm not a FPS fan is that I hate multiplayer, and most of the single player campaigns these days can just go...sorry, I'm getting a bit ranty. I've been watching too much ZP lately.

Anyway, the point is this: consoles have shittier aiming, but they cost a good deal less than a high-end gaming PC, and have the benefit of knowing that if you suck, it's because you suck and not because what you're playing the game on isn't as advanced as what the other person is playing the game on. For some people, like me, this is enough.

Also, the best FPS ever, Perfect Dark, was on the N64 and subsequently released for XBLA, so that is where I'm going to be playing it.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
In the top tier competitive environment the best PC player will have the advantage over the best console player but realistically it only comes down to preference.

I prefer the controller since that's what I was brought up on. PC players prefer mouse and keyboard because that's what they're used to. Easy way to spot a PC elitist is if they dismiss any console FPS player as someone just unskilled or not as good as any PC FPS player.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I can play both, but for me pc controls are soooo much easier! I don't know how other people deal with it, I just play alot of pc games


New member
Apr 5, 2010
bussinrounds said:
Perfectionist, how was the Lost City of Atlantis, btw ?
Quite excellent, now that you ask. It had a few moments that traumatized my young brain, but for the most part it was clever, funny, and only mildly repetitive. Also the voice acting was some of the best I've ever heard ever. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of thing.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
I got used to console shooters from playing Goldeneye to Halo to CoD4, and aiming isn't hard at all if you have the sensitivity set correctly. I also play the odd fps on my PC and while it is different I find it no harder or easier, just different. It's a matter of personal taste.


New member
May 21, 2009
Well, I'm the exact opposite.

I recently got TF2, and I can't hit anything worth a fucking crap. It's legitimately impossible for me.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
ThePerfectionist said:
What I don't need it for is gaming, and I dislike the idea of spending an extra fuck-ton of money just so that I can keep up with the requirements of a game, or indeed the other people I might be playing it with.
I've quite often found that you usually have to upgrade your computer at roughly the same rate you have to buy a new console. And you don't have to get every upgrade at the same time, so it's easier to budget out the money.

I'm better with a mouse+keyboard myself.

Spencer Petersen

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.
I think hes referring to the built in aim assist most console games include to account for the reduced analog stick accuracy.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.
I assumed he was refering to the developers. They all use some form of aim assistance on console FPSs. From sticky aim, to inertia, to just plain control smoothing and magnetism. It is there because of the imprecise nature of the controller and can't be avoided. It's ok because you are on a level playing field. Generally it works so well it doesn't even feel like you are being assisted. Very clever tech, when it works well on consoles, annoying as all hell when you are trying to play with a mouse.

I don't like controllers for anything but soccer games. They feel icky to me.