How do people deal with console FPSes over PC ones?


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2008
I always used to play FPS games on PC but when I got my xbox I started playing FPSs on that more, at first it was a little confusing and pretty anoying when shots wouldn't make contact (which may be what put me off early console FPSs such as Halo) but I'm now fairly decent.
That said I did recently begin replaying some old shooters on the PC and to my surprise I'd forgoten how to use a keyboard and mouse, yes I know WASD for movement and left click for primary fire but something here didn't seem right. A few hours into a game however and the ease of the controls started flooding back to me.
So I guess it isn't what is easier to use, just what the user is more familiar with.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Practise and experience, like with most things in life (don't mean to sound like a smart ass).

I'm pretty good at controlling the cross hair on the controller, even though I played FPS games on PC long before I played 'em on console, Golden Eye 64 was so fun at the time I eventually just adjusted to the joy-stick. My experience with the N64 controller (clumsy octopuss) passed on pretty well on other controllers too.

However, I still prefer the mouse and keyboard ten times more.


New member
May 4, 2009
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.

Your are very ignorant, aim assist in console games is automatically put it by the developers, it isn't some added hack some one put in, so no, more people on the console use aim assisting techniques than pc players, and those pc players that try to play on servers that do have aimbot are kicked by the admins.


New member
May 24, 2011
Plazmatic said:
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.

Your are very ignorant, aim assist in console games is automatically put it by the developers, it isn't some added hack some one put in, so no, more people on the console use aim assisting techniques than pc players, and those pc players that try to play on servers that do have aimbot are kicked by the admins.
And you are very late to the party.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
ThePerfectionist said:
Anyway, the point is this: consoles have shittier aiming, but they cost a good deal less than a high-end gaming PC, and have the benefit of knowing that if you suck, it's because you suck and not because what you're playing the game on isn't as advanced as what the other person is playing the game on. For some people, like me, this is enough.

Just my honest opinion, based on being an avid PC gamer since Wolf3D and Spear of Destiny were making the shareware rounds . . .

One's hardware has absolutely nothing to do with how well someone plays . . . I've seen uber-1337 players using plain simply $15 keyboard+mouse combo they snagged off of newegg. I've since horrible players using those extremelly expensive $150+ gaming keyboards and mouse combos . . . the only things gaming peripherals do is offer more precision and speed available to the player, not skill.

Processing hardware doesn't mean squat, either. As long as your hardware can run a game bare minimum, you can get in and have a good time. Sure, the visuals might not be spectacular, but the gameplay wil still be there. There's a common misconception that to be good or do better in competitivt gaming, that you have to have the most bleeding edge hardware, and that's simply not the case. It's just marketing propaganda, complicated by the uninformed consumer.

. . . it boils down to skill, and how much practice players put into it. Granted, some players are just inherently unskilled with the m+k, just as there are those inherently unskilled with the gamepad. Everyone's brain functions differently, and no-one's hand/eye coordination is the same, either. I've taken greatly to the m+k, but give me a gamepad and I go full-retard. I simply can't function properly with a gamepad, at all . . . perhaps it's because of how used to the m+k I am, perhaps not.

Technically speaking, though, the m+k is more precise and is faster . . . and that's been readily proven in the past (anyone remember playing console vs PC in Shadowrun?):


New member
Sep 12, 2010
ThePerfectionist said:
Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I'm not an FPS fan and haven't been since I was young enough that the only games I played consisted of A) Doom I and II and B) Indiana Jones and the lost city of Atlantis.

Having now said that, I've played games for most of my life, and I basically got off the PC as soon as I got my hands on a console (the N64, incidentally, followed by the PSX and onward from there). While I absolutely agree that there is something to be said for the swifter and more accurate aiming of mouse controls, I dislike the idea of my experience of a game being limited by hardware.

I use my laptop for music, writing, and the internet. That's about it. It cost me a grand and it does these things very well. It runs at a completely acceptable speed, has only crashed once since I got it, and generally serves everything I need it for.

What I don't need it for is gaming, and I dislike the idea of spending an extra fuck-ton of money just so that I can keep up with the requirements of a game, or indeed the other people I might be playing it with.

Aiming is always going to be the biggest problem with console FPSs, but for a lot of people (or at the very least, for me) it's worth it to know that you're essentially all on the same playing field. The reason I'm not a FPS fan is that I hate multiplayer, and most of the single player campaigns these days can just go...sorry, I'm getting a bit ranty. I've been watching too much ZP lately.

Anyway, the point is this: consoles have shittier aiming, but they cost a good deal less than a high-end gaming PC, and have the benefit of knowing that if you suck, it's because you suck and not because what you're playing the game on isn't as advanced as what the other person is playing the game on. For some people, like me, this is enough.

Also, the best FPS ever, Perfect Dark, was on the N64 and subsequently released for XBLA, so that is where I'm going to be playing it.
Funny you should mention that. Call me pretentious, but I actually don't understand why people think perfect dark was so great? Standard? yes, but it's not all that and a bag of chips. The semi-auto targeting is nice especially for that era when stick aiming was damned near impossible, but the story is a mess, difficult to follow and the characters are bland and boring. It's a big disappointment to me since I love Rareware during it's golden age at Nintendo, but then again I like Sonic Adventure 2 and Starfox adventures.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
For me it's a bit of a mix. I can't use an Assault Rifle to save my own life on PC, but I can kill a whole country with the sniper rifle if you just give me the time and ammo. While on the console I can kill most living things with the assault rifle, but I couldn't hit the far-side of a mountain with a Sniper rifle.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
This thread, if it hasnt already, sounds like its going to become a flamewar...

Anyways, OT, I pretty much had the same experience as the OP. Once I played a PC FPS, I was awe struck by how much better it was. Hell, I currantly have a .38 K/D ratio in COD:BO, not really uncommen for me, but on the PC, I had a .63-.71! Now, Im not the best competitive FPS gamer here, not by a fucking longshot, but if I could improve that much by simply playing on a PC... Wow! Shame my Blops game is useless for the PC now... But I still have Homefront and Brink, both games I enjoy exclusivly on the PC.
Dec 27, 2010
The mouse is certainly more accurate than an analog, but thats not to say you cant play FPS's with a console. And the PC doesnt necessarily have a better controller, analog sticks are probably the best way to move a character, or at least better than WASD.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I don't like mouse and keyboard for FPSs. It always leads to this recurring scenario where I need to turn just a little bit farther than my desk allows, and that split second of picking my mouse up and continuing to move is all my target needs to kill me, and that means the control system is not doing its job properly.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I find fps games far easier on PC. Which is weird when like 85% of console games are fps games.

I got used to using fps with a mouse very easily, but after years of playing halo i still cant get used to fps games with a controller. So just for me i find mouse and keyboard much better for fps.


New member
May 13, 2010
WanderingFool said:
This thread, if it hasnt already, sounds like its going to become a flamewar...

Anyways, OT, I pretty much had the same experience as the OP. Once I played a PC FPS, I was awe struck by how much better it was. Hell, I currantly have a .38 K/D ratio in COD:BO, not really uncommen for me, but on the PC, I had a .63-.71! Now, Im not the best competitive FPS gamer here, not by a fucking longshot, but if I could improve that much by simply playing on a PC... Wow! Shame my Blops game is useless for the PC now... But I still have Homefront and Brink, both games I enjoy exclusivly on the PC.
Considering everyone else is going to improve the same way...
Bear in mind you'll also have experience, my original account on CoD4 has a K/D of 1.77 or something, the one I made after hitting 10th prestige for messing around ended up with a K/D of 3.45 or similar, considering it was mostly knife only or no scoping...well...

That's not calling lies, it's just some people are better on the PC and some are better on the console. It's not the PC being better because if it was, everyone would be better together and you'd still have your original K/D.

I'm personally surprised by people complaining about how inaccurate the analogue sticks are, I know I can hit a sliver of a head with minimal difficulty and I'm nowhere near the best, my accuracy is pretty high and my reflexes are great but I'm not the best sharpshooter nor the quickest.
Agreed with movement, I think that annoys me more than the mouse for aiming, that's fair enough and not distant from the analogue in terms of viability but WASD for movement isn't my cup of tea. The only reason I play PC games for the most part is community mods (especially for Oblivion/FO3)


New member
Mar 7, 2011
to be honest it comes down to preference, but when it comes to reaction time, you cant beat the mouse in pin point accuracy in less than a second.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.
He's referring to the auto aim build-into consoles that automatically aids your aim to your target.

OT: PC just can't get used to the bad ergonomics of the controllers nor the clunky controls in general.
Apr 5, 2008
MOTHERfan42 said:
Can someone explain to me how people play these types of games with a controller?
It's actually not that bad. You put the controller down on a table, go to, buy and download the PC version, then play it properly. :)


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I prefer controller, I've played so much that I can hit anything with accuracy and it feels natural. Mouses don't do the same for me.