Man-in-a-hat. There might be some contention as to how to pronounce the "a" (should it rhyme with "pay" or "bah!"?) but it should be fairly straight foward.
My one comes in 2 parts. The Slizer part comes from the old Lego modles slizers. I first came up with it when creating a user name for the lego website
The giy part is missspelled. It was ment to be guy, but back when I first came up with the name I put in an 'i' instead of a 'u' and the full name, Slizergiy has stuck ever since.
Ualsy people prounounce it sliz-err-gee.
Fluff-ulles the pancake. simple really.
many people say Fluffy or Fluffz. And sometimes fluffies? which is the most irritating, because an I isn't an L.
Xan-uh-day-us. Say it with me now, Xanadeas. Some people have pronounced it kinda funny... Such as calling me Xan-uh-D-us. Just pronounce the last part like you would deus. ;P
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