your name has 3 syllables in it. thus the "say-ga-droid" pronounciation (whihc you failed to mention, and i'm sure quite a few people get it right considering your name has a 20 year old console name stuck in the beginning and a well known nomenclature for an android at the end). if you don't like it, well get used to it. pick something will less syllables.Segadroid said:[Search bar approved!]
Alot of people pronounce my nickname wrong; they either say Segá-droid(With a short pause between the 2 parts of the word), Sechadroid(Almost like they're choking: Yes I'm looking at you, Holland! XD) or Sey-Gad-Roid(Yeah, that was just a server full of drunk people <.<)
It's pronounced 'Sega' and the word 'droid' spoken in one swift breath.
And how about you guys? Does your nicknames gets pronounced wrong? And how should it be pronounced?