How important do you deem spelling and/or grammar?


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Fairly important. If I seriously have nothing better to do w/ my day, I will run people into the ground for the littlest grammatical mistake.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Lexodus said:
The difference between the situations is that one is drilled into you from the very start of your edumacation and you have no excuse (unless, of course, english is your second+ language) for being unable to perform to a satisfactory level, and the other is a divided matter (some, mostly purists, say that an electric bass is not a true bass, whilst others argue that it has overcome the old meaning of the word and that the new definition of 'bass guitar' IS an electric bass.)
Ah - Fair point!

But there are some people who try and try but still can't get it. Like me with math, no matter how hard I tried I could never get anything above an average. Uhh, I think I am getting off point now, but I do understand what you mean a fair bit more.

I still don't think someone is 'Unworthy of life' because they can't spell very well...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
zen5887 said:
Lexodus said:
The difference between the situations is that one is drilled into you from the very start of your edumacation and you have no excuse (unless, of course, english is your second+ language) for being unable to perform to a satisfactory level, and the other is a divided matter (some, mostly purists, say that an electric bass is not a true bass, whilst others argue that it has overcome the old meaning of the word and that the new definition of 'bass guitar' IS an electric bass.)
Ah - Fair point!

But there are some people who try and try but still can't get it. Like me with math, no matter how hard I tried I could never get anything above an average. Uhh, I think I am getting off point now, but I do understand what you mean a fair bit more.

I still don't think someone is 'Unworthy of life' because they can't spell very well...
If you try and just can't get it perfect, I'll overlook it. It's just the people that don't try, that don't give a damn, that I really want to put to death. Also, Maths is difficult. :D


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Lexodus said:
If you try and just can't get it perfect, I'll overlook it. It's just the people that don't try, that don't give a damn, that I really want to put to death. Also, Maths is difficult. :D
Hah yeah, thats all good - As long as people are trying then its all rad.

See kiddies, this is how you settle a disagreement without calling the other person a "fukin fagg0t"


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Uhm... As long as they don't butcher everything I'm fine with it. My grammar's not the best so I'm not one to judge!


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Conflicted views on this. On one hand a person should try to be understandable and clear.

On the other hand languages naturally evolve, words come into use, change meanings, fall out of use. Grammar rules shift and change. It seems very silly to me when people cry about the English language being "bastardized" or "destroyed"; as if there was some magical time where it was perfect and now everybody is intent on ruining it. Languages that don't change are dead(Latin, Sandscrit, what have you).

I also don't use shorthand such as lol and so on, but they also seems strange to complain about. I assume all English speakers wouldn't complain about contractions such as aren't or won't and acronyms such as ATM or EPA. There's really no difference between the two.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
It's fundamentally critical. Even in texts, SMs, and emails, I spell everything out, unless it's a useful abbreviation or acronym.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Good grammar and spelling is required if you ever want to be taken seriously, but liberties can be taken.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
i will add one more thing to what i said before. if you want to call someone an idiot and generally run them down and appear to be the better person, you should actually spell everything correct and use good grammar.

if you are just learning the language it's very hard. the english language is one of the hardest ones to actually learn because it's such a hodgepodge of rules and languages


New member
Jun 15, 2008
cball11 said:
berethond said:
cball11 said:
I consider it massively important, to the point where I do not directly respond to most posters unless they have written their's perfectly.
That's right.
Grammar is extremely important, almost as important as the search button
You forgot a period.
And you have an apostrophe where it doesn't belong. Don't be so quick to jump on others' backs, because if somebody wants to find some grammatical error to call you up on, they're almost certain to manage it.

I find grammar pretty important, and I will police myself as a grammar nazi. I tend not to be a grammar nazi towards others because it's stupid and obnoxious. As long as another's post is legible, I won't comment. A friend of mine is also a grammar nazi, so I will police him. He actually appreciates it.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Cuniculus said:
Although I do NOT for the life of me know how to properly use then and than. I use those pretty interchangeably.
Ah, that's actually one of the few grammar laws I understand. You use "than" for comparisons*, and "then" to show passage of time**.

*For example, "This is more [insert quality] than that."

**For example, "...I did this, and then I did that."

On the other hand, I have a problem with run-on sentences. I tend to write sentences that should be three separate sentences, and then just separate the clauses with commas. Getting better though.

But yeah, we all have our foibles and problems, but so long as it's readable and you aren't obviously going out of your way to make your post harder to read (1337 speak, txtspeak, etc), it's fine by me.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Are we talking about on the internet or in real life?

Either way, people who destroy english completely lose my respect, be it in real life or on the internet.

"do u hav a hawt grlfrend"

That is the sort of sentence that makes me want to kill puppies, dear children.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
I try my best to spell well, but I hate how smart asses think they are better than everyone else cause they can spell better than someone else. It is the one problem with this site, most of us are grammar nazis.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
cleverlymadeup said:
as long as it's not totally incomprehensible i don't really care about spelling and grammar. i just think it's funny when people say how they won't respond if the grammar isn't perfect and yet they themselves will often make mistakes themselves
I agree, also I hate it when an individual feels that they must correct an obvious typo.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I believe that grammar isn't very important whenever some people do little things like leave out periods, don't capitalize, etc.
I think that most cases of bad grammar don't REALLY bother a readers, they just feel like being the smart one.


New member
May 29, 2009
orannis62 said:
Cuniculus said:
Although I do NOT for the life of me know how to properly use then and than. I use those pretty interchangeably.
Ah, that's actually one of the few grammar laws I understand. You use "than" for comparisons*, and "then" to show passage of time**.

*For example, "This is more [insert quality] than that."

**For example, "...I did this, and then I did that."

On the other hand, I have a problem with run-on sentences. I tend to write sentences that should be three separate sentences, and then just separate the clauses with commas. Getting better though.

But yeah, we all have our foibles and problems, but so long as it's readable and you aren't obviously going out of your way to make your post harder to read (1337 speak, txtspeak, etc), it's fine by me.
Thanks for the help.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
How can you seriously believe people will take you seriously if you aren't even able to write down 2 words properly? Yes, I deem grammar has being very important and, most of the times, I don't take people who can't spell correctly seriously.

A mistake or two is, of course, acceptable. We all do make mistakes, but when I see someone speaking in "l33t" or text speech I instantly wonder how much of an idiot that person is.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
xxhazyshadowsxx said:
Incredibly important.
Who would you hire?
John Doe, or J0hn D03?
That has totally nothing to do with spelling and grammar..

Anyway eventhough I think spelling and grammar are important, im one of the few sensible people who don't butcher someone for making one spelling mistake. If someone is trying to do his spelling and grammar right I dont mind.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
I deem spelling and grammar vitally important, to the point where I will look certain rules up in a prescriptive text if I'm not sure about something. It doesn't have to be perfect (although if it is I will have a very good opinion of you) but I won't take someone who refuses to use any kind of punctuation seriously.

In cases like IMs where time is important, I can understand that it's usually not possible to craft a perfect response but there's no excuse to not use things like commas or apostrophes properly, even if you don't bother with capitals or full stops. Try not to confuse the people who have to read your scribblings.

Sometimes if I spot a consistent mistake I will point it out, depending on how flippant I'm feeling at the moment.

Certain grammatical errors irritate me considerably (e.g. apostrophes in plurals) but others less so or not at all (e.g. treating "none" as a plural word).

When a person can't properly write in his or her own native language I do wonder just what kind of knowledge they could possibly have acquired to formulate their opinion if they somehow bypassed reading and writing.

cball11 said:
I consider it massively important, to the point where I do not directly respond to most posters unless they have written their's perfectly.