Wow, I thought I was bad...
I don't buy from Steam so much unless there's a game I *really* want and I can't find it on GoG. I dislike their treatment of people who buy their goods. But on the Gog side of things, I have a backlog of 25% games untouched. But it turns out on average that I'm not alone, and are actually under the average considerably.
It's kind of weird. I remember the days before digital distribution really became a force onto its own. If I went to a store and purchased a game, I'd make damn certain that baby was installed/prepped/etc by the first weekend since I bought it. 11 years ago I worked at the post office, and on the way walking back home just off from Sydney's Martin Place there was an EB close by. So I'd duck in, occasionally buy a discounted game, take it home ... most times I'd play it that night after I fixed myself an early dinner. Sometimes I'd realize I was too exhausted to actually devote a reasonably amount of time to figuring out the controls that it wouldn't be worth it to do anything but zone out with mindless TV and have an early night.
But, on average, within 3 days that baby would be played.
It's hard to believe that buying a game is less an 'event' and more so just to take advantage of a sale, only to leave it collecting metaphorical dust in some digital library.
Me thinks we're spoiled by DD. Maybe it's like casino chips ... psychologically you're less attached to casino chips than you are real money notes, because one represents an ingrained sense of value and the other being but a token. So you're less attached to a game because you're not physically hlding it in your hands, thus the assumption of innate value is missing?
(Edit: Oh, and about 10 hours ... as I only buy games I'm really interested when on Steam. I try most other DD and game stores before buying online if I can)