I dont really see how its concidered real news. But its all over the place on most American news chanels, but then again most American news chanels also report on shiny things and the dangers of windows being too clean.
This is a gaming forum i.e. the wrong demographic altogether. If you asked this question in a forum full of middle-aged American housewives I bet you'd get quite a different response.
Even if I did live in the U.K, there is no way in hell I would. This is the sort of thing I place under the "Celebrity Gossip" category, which you couldn't pay me to pay attention to.
Also a resident of the U.K (scotland) and i will be celebrating on the 29th....as its the date of me and my partners first baby ultrasound scan so, yeah no thanks royal wedding. The tabloids here have been running stories like "Rude king of cambodia snubs royal wedding". Even another king couldn't have been arsed about it and he got an invite! probably washing his fleet of personal cars that day or taking his private Airliner in for its MOT.
I just plan on staying away from TV's in general for the next few days, who cares about some guy who is the result of an incest marriage marrying his cousin, or something like that.
Unless someone will get shot or I miraculously spawn female genitalia weddings have less then zero entertainment value, so... NO I don't want to see that shit.
you know, for all the apparent effort of reporting the wedding in america, i havent seen anything about it on TV or anywhere else.
i didnt even know there was a wedding. at any rate, i dont care that there is one; i do whatever i can to avoid weddings of people i know and/or family, so this british couple is of even less concern to me.
Hell I'm IN the UK and I feel that the royal wedding is just commercialising something which happens every day...people getting married. So what if its the royal family? Strip them down to their bare britches and they are the same as Mr and Mrs common. It just a way for the stores to get more money by selling "authentic wedding banners" and flags at stupid prices which miraculously enough people will by at said stupid prices
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