Oh, and this. At least actors have to work.ninja51 said:Really, watching someones wedding on tv is lame as shit regardless of the landmass you happen to live on. I dont understand why they are making such a deal about it at all. The Royalty is a simple figurehead wasting money, we've kind agreed universaly royalty is shit, so who cares about they're wedding enough to actualy waste time watching it? Sorta the same thing with Diana, deaths horrible, but such a HUGE deal was made about it when in the same couple minutes more than 100 people probably died in the world. They're not even like movie stars, at least when they die I can understand being sad if you loved their work
That's my plan too. Gonna be a good night.Zantos said:I will be watching and playing the royal wedding drinking game. I will also be taking full advantage of the extended licensing hours.
Actually the President is a figurehead as well. The main power is Congress, which has power to deny simple things. Such as Congress denying America to join the League of Nations after The Great War, which would have been the early 20th centuries version of the United Nations. It may also have helped solve a lot of problems. But it doesn't matter, the President does have some power at least, but not a lot.loc978 said:(from the US) Even if I had TV service, I wouldn't watch it. Hell, even with presidential inaugurations, I only watch the highlights of the new president's speech. I care about governance, not figureheads.
Exactly, I couldn't care less about the royals and their weddings.Cracker3011 said:I'm in the UK, and couldn't give a shit.