How old were you when you had your first cigarette?


New member
Jul 15, 2010
I've took a drag of a cigarette but ive never actually smoked a one. so idk if it counts.

I was 17 or something.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
I was in 4th grade. The local 6th grade bullies decided that, for whatever reason my nerdy behind was worth their time. Along with holding down the 4th grade bullies so I could beat them up, they forced me to smoke a cigarette to look cool. Well, take a drag. Hey, they were twice my size and threatened to hit me.

It sucked bad. Never touched the stuff again.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
hey cool non-smokers ruining a topic that has nothing to with them.. how tediously conventional

i was 12.. tho more importantly i was 18 when i first smoked Old Toby from a replica gandalf pipe, tho i refused to smoke Treebeard. Treebeard may have smelt wonderful, but i couldnt bring myself to partake


New member
May 12, 2012
So apparently smoking is cool again?

I find the smell of cigarettes disgusting, so I'll stick with weed, thanks.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Honestly don't remember. 13 or 14?

Did it for a very valid reason for a lad of that age... One of the lasses I fancied smoked and it was an excuse to hang round the back of the school gym and talk to her.

Never got anywhere with her. Quit in my last couple of years at High School, took it up again in college for a similar reason to before. Lost my virginity to that girl. Carried on smoking when it was still allowed in pubs as it gave me something to do with my right hand whilst my left was holding my pint.

Quit again shortly after it was banned in pubs. Nowadays I just do it when I'm out drinking. Everyone knows cancer can't get you when you're pissed, it's science.

(For the record, that last sentence was a joke, the first person to actually try to argue that cancer can, in fact, get you when you're pissed, will be the laughing stock of me.)

So anyway, smoking is for winners. It does, however, fuck ones lungs up, so I recommend not doing it past the age of 25 (casual observation of my peer group indicates that the mid-20s is when the body starts to rapidly go the fuck downhill).


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
haven't smoked much in the way of actual tobacco, certainly not a whole cigarette, and I'm 27.

I have smoked plenty of other plant material though, and started at 18


New member
Feb 2, 2009
20, did it to get a girl who was a smoker.

Smoked until just this last year and I finally quit to save money, since they have just gotten too damn expensive.

Smoked for almost 9 years.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
I have never actively smoked nor do I intend to. I also rarely ever drink alcohol, I don't eat red meat and I try to keep the carbohydrates low.

Edit: I should also mention that I'm disgusted by people who smoke around others and especially children. The inconsiderate, selfish fools... >.>


New member
Mar 2, 2010
16, may have smoked one or two max since then. Not much of a fan, don't hate them, just don't find them that great from memory. Now cigars on the other hand can be pretty enjoyable once in a while. Especially when you get that special cigar high from the fat, business person kind of cigar.

If I had to say one thing good about tobacco smoking in general, it would have to be the relaxing feeling you get from smoking them. They sort of encourage optimism, when you're in the right mood.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
On, just before or just after my 17th birthday. Can't remember the details. Spent the whole of that week in Rouen getting drunk every evening with a bunch of English people I'd never met before. Was fun.

I've had cigarettes since, when I was sober, and hated them though. Taste repulsive and they made me feel ill.


Official punching bag!
Jul 23, 2009
I was 8 or 9. I think it was three classmates and myself sneaking into a marginally little gathering of trees by the road and lit it up. Can't remember if we shared one or if there were more. It was pretty brutal, we all caughed like hell. I don't smoke. I occasionally ask people for a drag, but that's not often at all. I've never wanted to pick it up, I never did and probably never will.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I started when I was 21 which was about 2 years ago. I had a thing for this girl who smoked and she offered me a cigarette, I smoked it and actually enjoyed it. I also have some friends who smoke as well and eventually I started buy my own and before I knew it I was addicted. It's a regrettable habit for sure but as someone stated before everyone has bad habits. I don't eat fast food or drink soda but I smoke.

When I'm around non-smokers I won't smoke and if I start having a nic-fit I'll go outside away from people for a few minutes. I've only dealt with 3 people who gave me shit about my habit. One being my girlfriend who I dumped after 2 months (controlling and naggy), a teacher at my college, and a pompous customer at my liquor store.

Funny story about the liquor store. In the state of MD you can't smoke inside a public place which I understand completely though it should be up to the owner of the place of business not the state. So I went outside on my break and lit up a cig and a customer walks by me (I was at a reasonable distance from the door) giving me this scowl after I asked him how he was doing. I go inside to ring him up and he firmly says "Excuse me, did you know that it is illegal to smoke in front of a public building?" My co-worker and ex-cop says it's not illegal and this is a private owned business. The customer became agitated states that you have to be 50ft from any building and walks away. He tried arguing with us but we blew him off.

I don't understand how someone can have the audacity to talk to someone like that just because they don't share the same life choices as someone else. If you don't smoke that's fine I won't shove it in your face nor will I disrespect your views by smoking near you but don't come up to me and give me shit about something that is none of your damn business.

People who are non-smokers probably have at least one bad habit whether it is:

-Drinking soda
-Eating fast food
-Doing another type of drug
-Not brushing your teeth
-Drinking alcohol (debatable because if it becomes a serious issue it could affect everyone around them in a negative way)

I could go on, but if someone had at least one of these bad habits no one would really say anything about them doing it (in most cases).


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Kendarik said:
Spinozaad said:
People who haven't smoked, shouldn't smugly proclaim they haven't smoked. Cool story, bro. Us smokers keep social welfare affordable and other taxes low. Yes, it's expensive to keep a smoker alive until he dies. It's even more expensive to keep all healthy people alive until they die.


I've been smoking since I was 16, with a one year gap when I was 20-21. Only reason I see to quit is the financial aspect. Then again, the moment all smokers quit, governments are suddenly confronted with a loss of income that's in the millions. So, fatty foods and alcohol will be next in line.


And then they whine healthcare costs are on the rise. Sigh.
Now those are the excuses of an addict.

Why shouldn't people be proud they never got addicted?
Because it proves nothing if they never tried.