How to fight.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
Every real man fights like a bastard. Punch him in the throat or in the balls. That usually does the trick.

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
Keep your punches short and direct, and avoid anything dfancy. Aim for the throat or groin and hit hard. Punch through the target not into it.

If all else fail;s, try this



New member
Aug 18, 2010
CANofKAM said:
WOPR said:
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
I was in the same situation, I just flashed a butterfly knife and he ran away freaked out; lost all his "respect" as the bully he was...

Rather hilarious, luckily it was after school so it was considered self defense.

and I know the weapon (tool) is illegal, but I've made more then enough arguements for people to "turn the other way" least until it harms someone then I'll be hammered big time with it

*shrugs* oh well
**continues to whittle a wooden turkey with the balisong**
thanks, i will try to avoid him. In the middle of class i will stand up and make a scene just to embarrassed him, not fight him, just call him out. Have fun with the wooden turkey
Yeah I don't really like to fight, because I'll probably lose, but some good intimidation goes a long way.

On a foot note- the wooden turkey is now sitting on top of my screen next to my wire predator and origami hydralisk (yeah I'm a bit of a nerd)


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Kick him in the knee. If you kick hard enough, it will buckle, and he WILL go down. After that, go for the nose and neck while he's down. Once you've punched him in the nose, his eyes will water enough that his vision will be substantially limited. Do it.


New member
May 27, 2009
unless you enjoy being expelled, try taking this fight OFF school grounds. and dont go for the groin! unless he does first, i guess.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
stinkychops said:
So, kid. How'd this turn out?

No doubt you deeply regret how things went down.

CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
He hasn't been to school in a week, hes at some skiing trip. I have calmed down a little but i am on a very, very short fuse now.