How to fight.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
If he tries to kick you, grab his leg and twist his ankle. That will down the fucker, then you can unleash all your anger on him.


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
6unn3r said:
Hence why its so effective, strike first and strike hard and your opponent will never have a chance.
Yeah, no. We don't kill other people unless we want to be killed. Literally every "technique" in that piece will either get you beaten to death (fun fact: someone with a mortal wound can continue to function for two minutes) or arrested for what sounds like a playground fight that the OP is going to bloody well start!

He's not in a fight, he is going to START a fight. there is a very vital difference there. look, I know a lot of this website's users were bullied but that's no reason to assume this person's victim deserves a beating.

Incidentally if you've got the time try reading this:

In fact also read the section on provoking an attack. They're interesting reads and explain a lot about non-verbal communication and warped perception. Basically if someone's a dick to you there's always a reason. Even if that reason is bullshit there's a rationale. Now chances are that this isn't as one-sided as it sounds.

EDIT: Also he's not an 'opponent', he's a 'victim' in this case.
Thanks for the link. That was a great read.

But I'm with this guy. The sign of a real man is a man who is cool, calm, and collected. Don't lose it and beat the guy down. It never ends well, and you're not the bigger man. You're just that psycho geek who snapped at the other guy. If he actually hits you unprovoked, hit him back. That's fair. Don't try to do some crazy ninja attack. Just swing at him.

But if you start a fight just to take the guy down a notch, you are a coward and an asshole. Don't be that guy.


New member
May 17, 2010
CANofKAM said:
Sud0_x said:
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
You're grounded.
No seriously, you want to get into a fight with a guy because you think he's a bit of a dick?
Call it hypocrisy, call it irony. Grow the fuck up, all of you. Shouldn't even be joking about a kid taking knives to school people.
OP you'll learn life's lessons the fucking hard way.
knives? why does everyone think i have knives!? and also its slightly more then being a dick. I have never gotten in a fight before and i am somewhat passive. I will try to avoid it but im on a short fuse right now, also, its skins! This isn't some crazed psychopath, trust me, NO KNIVES WILL BE INVOLVED!
How so? As I'm a right basterd sometimes but that's how I am. I know other people who are. Nothing makes it okay for someone to beat me up.

Let me run you through a real school fight (not these matrix choreogrpahed fights which other people think happens.)

You and him will probaly insult each other for a bit, leading to one of you grabbing th eohter. Your friends and his will gather around you and chant "Fight, Fight" as loud as they can, usually meanign a teacher or someone will come in soon. You and him then will continue to insult each other and grab each others collars.

It's likely to end there but if it doesn't...

He or you will throw a couple of puches. Probaly not very well but oftentimes the shock wille nd the fight immediately. Alternatively headbutt someone (I used to do this as it ended them quickly). You're friends will probaly try to break you up at this point, saying "he's not worth it" or "calm down". If one of you is way stronger you might get pinned to a wall and insulted some more before being let down.

The fight is over if that happens

If he pins you to a wall and continues punching you then someone will intervene and break it up.

As a side note try not to bite or kick him in the balls, you will be seen as less of a man for it. If you have to then do so but just be aware of it.

As you can see most fights are just ritualised chest puffing. Try to keep it that way.


New member
May 22, 2009
Most useful things have already been said, but if you want my input; I usually try to hit someone right on his ear. It really works.

Edit: To quote Tom Cruise: "Really f*cking hard!".


New member
Dec 25, 2008
No weapons, no friends unless unless he brings some. Also, never kick or hit man who's lying down. Pushing him is okay though, if to prevent him from getting up.

For a quick advantage, see if you can split his eyebrow. Its essentially harmless, but the blood in his eyes will make it harder for him to see you.

For dirtier tricks, repeated punches in the temple will stun and confuse, but can be dangerous and you risk permanently injuring him.

If he's bigger than you, try to keep range as his body weight is an advantage.

Try to get him on the ground, for example with a swift kick to the back of the knee.

Even dirtier:
Steel-tipped work boots or similiar, kick to the shins or groin. Not going to make you popular though.
Lots of chilipaste. Wrestle him and smear it in his face, especially eyes and nose. Poor mans mace.

Seriously though, unless this is really serious you should just trade some punches and be done with it.

Personally, I have a rule: Never throw the first punch.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Just hit hard points with soft points and visa versa. Hit the face with the heel of your hand, that way you don't break fingers. Hard points are: face and pretty much every joint. Soft points are pretty much the stomach and groin.

Just try not to leave visible marks on him. Aim for the stomach and wind him. You'd be surprised how effective a good, solid punch to the solar plexus/stomach area can be.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
1. Learn Jiu Jitsu
2. Break limbs
3. ????
4. Profit

But seriously, if its anything like what the fights at my school were like, one of three things will happen.

1. There will be a circle of kids, a lot of name calling and shouting, then a teacher will come in and break it all up.

2. Person A will punch Person B in the nose, it'll bleed and they'll back off.

3. Both people will run in throwing wild, useless punches then one of those punches will land. The dude who got hit will start to fold and put his head down, the other guy will grab his collar/back of neck and start throwing uppercuts, then they will fall over.

School fights are pretty uninteresting.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
I'm used to fighting but never had any real training so: Punsh hard, punsh quick, while fighting try confusing him by making a swing whith your left and instead punsh him whith the right time to time, Kick him if you get the chanse but avoid the risk to get your foot grabbed or lost balance, If you get him down kick him in the face stomach and croutch untill he crys like a *****.

After the fight take his shoes and put'em on your wall as trophies

Also, if he's stronger taller and in all ways supreme than you take a fucking baseball bat and make chaos whith him but be carefull while using weapons of any kind, you don't want him to take'em from you and use'em against you.

BTW, yust take a baseball bat and fuck him up, fighting got no rules....


New member
Nov 26, 2010
1. You might feel your legs get shaky or your hands jittering. That's adrenaline, brought on by fear. Things will get a little bit slower, your skin and eyes might feel tight. That's normal.

2. Don't bother with honour. If he's starting shit with you, hit him well before he hits you. Aim for his nads if it's necessary, but hit him with your dominant hand either with a straight to the nose (or throat) or a hook to the ear. If you aren't trained, which I'm guessing you aren't, don't aim for pressure points. They aren't the same for everyone anyway.

3. Do not aim to cripple or injure badly. Do what is enough for you to win and to get away, and if you are surrounded by a group, as tends to happen at school, don't surrender to the mob mentality of "kick his fucking head in". Do only as you must and go.

4. Only if his friends gang up on you should you fight to do as much damage as possible. Strike for the eyes, throat, ears and solar plexus, and aim for the nads as well. To save yourself, you need to either convince them that attacking you is only going to hurt their friend, or they themselves will be hurt badly. Then run.

5. The most important. Fight only in self defence, or if you feel you are in immediate danger, strike preemptively and run. However much you hate this douche, don't fight unless he's going to hurt you.


New member
May 9, 2010
Train three days a week for three months. Fighting is as much about reflex and muscle memory as video games - you will not beat a hard game if you are stopping every few seconds secod to look at the controller.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
If the dude gets you in a head lock simply get as much flesh as you can in your mouth and start chewing like its the most delicious cake you've ever eaten in your life. People may call you out for biting but at the end of the day it will be the other guys fault for unitentionally losing a few pounds of weight.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
MadeinHell said:
*Punches you* Better now?

OT: As I'm guessing several others have said, go for weak spots like knees, neck, groin and stuff like that. Although the best would be to just avoid fighting all together.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Nothing makes me laugh more than a guy who goes to a couple of MMA classes and thinks he can fight, and then gets his ass destroyed by an untrained, but experienced street fighter. I see in the bars quite a bit.

Oh and women's self-defense is a joke if it doesn't involve guns. The average man has a 60+ lb and 5-6 inches of reach advantage on the average woman.

My advice: if you are untrained and inexperienced, walk away from every fight possible, even if it means swallowing your pride.