How to fight.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Are you looking for an honorable mono y mono thing, or do you just want to fuck him up.

If it's the first one, just do what seems natural. If it's the second, the first thing you should do is punch him in the throat when he's not expecting it, then work him over while he's trying to catch his breath. You'll probably get tired of hitting him before he can even hit back.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
1. You dont have to use violence to solve things, it can just make people lose respect in you, and even if it does, you may gain a reputation for being violent which can scare off people

2.You dont know if this guy has any martial arts experience or if he boxes or something

3. You dont seem to have any experience with combat arts, so a lot of the things people suggest to you will be lost or forgotten by the time you fight (if you do)

My advice, find some way to solve your situation without fighting and risking your reputation, pride, and limbs. Just ignore the guy. And if you really have to have fight him, dont try anything fancy, just go for the areas that would hurt him most


New member
Aug 5, 2009
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
Punch him in the chin and a bit to the side. If you do it well and you have enough punch strength you'll cause his cortex to fail because of the violent way his head is going to move and he'll be knocked out for some time.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Listen mate, Theory is all good and well but if you haven't trained there's only one thing to do. Because you won't be doing some super special throat strike when you've got fists coming at your face.

My advice: Don't worry about the first punch it never goes how you want. Just get the first one out of the way and you'll find your rhythm as you go. Knee a lot and be ready to bite the shit out of him. You're trying to win here.

The most important part is to get jacked up. Think about something to make you mad. Really fucking mad. If you've got a pet think that he's kicked it and get stuck in!

Good luck mate.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
He's fighting today, hope we hear some good news, which would either be kicking the bullies ass or making friends with him.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
A weak spot it just below the nose, between the nostrils, if you drive your knuckle there when you punch it can really hurt.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
Firstly don't allow yourself to be nervous, easier said than done, but being jittery can really screw you over. If you have some method of relaxation or something you do to calm pre-test nerves, i suggest employing it.

Go in fast and hard. Don't hold back or give him the opportunity to build momentum. If you have a longer reach, stay out of his. If you can, try and predict his attacks, a little bruise on your elbow hurts a lot less than a punch to the face. Put as much power into blocks as you would an attack, a lot of people who's only ever seen blocks get their guard broken cause they underestimate the power behind a punch.

Always follow through your attack, punch like you're trying to hit something behind your target. A quick disorienting punch followed by a heavier attack is a lethal combo.

Kicks will only serve to destabilise you. Unless you have the opportunity for a knee, don't bother.

Don't be afraid to hurt, or be hurt. Humans are surprisingly resilient. I don't advocate emerald-morons advice to put him in hospital however, most bullies and smarmy pricks will back down once they realise it will not be an easy fight, unless he's been gearing up to fight as well, i don't really know your circumstances.

In any case, fight only as long as you need to to defend yourself, or if you're the instigator, to get your point across. You'll want the moral victory here, for more reasons than one. The self defence argument falls a little shallow if you're seen kicking a downed opponent, and if you let him leave with the majority of his limbs and dignity intact, he's less likely to retaliate. The best black belt in the world would have trouble with four pissed off opponents twice his size.

In all honesty though, avoid fighting when you can. The bigger man always avoids conflict, so unless you REALLY have no choice, try to solve it with words. Violence is your absolute last resort, though it's the most effective one :D


New member
May 17, 2010
what? i said i use it as self defense. also, if you're going to quote me, make sure you actually quote me.
I presume you have a basic level reading comprehension. You can read the OP that stated the intent was to get into a fight to "teach a lesson", not that the OP felt he had no choice.

Fine, I'll put it this way then. the Army doesnt make you a killer. You dont go into the army as a pacifist and come out as a homicidal maniac[/qipte]

You believe there is no behavioural modification going on in the army? Really?

My advice, find some way to solve your situation without fighting and risking your reputation, pride, and limbs. Just ignore the guy. And if you really have to have fight him, dont try anything fancy, just go for the areas that would hurt him most
Award goes to you for Being so blinding obvious but likely to be drownded out by infantile fantasies.


Shark Rodeo Champion
Mar 18, 2010
Fighting is by far the least creative and least effective way to deal with interpersonal conflict.

I've studied martial arts for many years and would never give advice to someone who is as eager to get into a fight as you seem to be. If you're asking on a forum for open advice just so that you can deal with someone who's not being nice to you, you're clearly not mature or responsible enough to impart any effective knowledge to. News flash - the world isn't nice. If you deal with all such adversity with violence, you're only going to end up a pretty pathetic human being.

In fact, if you start the fight, I hope you lose. I also hope that no one gets seriously hurt because of your stupid decision.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2008
Diplodocus462 said:
For fuck sake, you shouldn't BE fighting. One punch can kill a person. See how much you feel like a big man when you're standing in court trying to explain yourself in front of a jury.
eh self defense isn't that hard to back up in court, but if you do a nut shot the jury will probably convict you just because its cheating.

John the Gamer

New member
May 2, 2010
Use dirty tricks. Think: pinching, or getting him down by pulling his ears. Fingers in the eyes(or sand; bring some) you could also use one off these things;

to hurt him a bit. might count as a weapon though, so it probably isn't such a great idea.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
CANofKAM said:
Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
Hard punch to throat, running knee to diaphragm, eat cake or celebrate. If he goes to the hospital, maybe juvie time and street cred! It's a win-win scenario >;)!


New member
Feb 23, 2009
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
Don't know beyond going for obvious spots and trying not to get hit yourself.

Truth be told I'm kinda surprised at the responses here, I assume they're mostly just jokes, but bringing weapons and getting your friends to jump in? That's pretty f****g whimpy if you're the one about to start the fight. Not that there's much glory in fighting, but comeon, have some pride, or at least consider the possibility that doing something like that could easily be turned back at you.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
You shouldn't be fighting anyway. Even if you defeat this so called 'bully', there'll be another waiting to torment you along the road. Fighting doesn't solve anything, you should avoid physical confrontation always unless he attacks you.

You sound like YOU are starting this fight, which means the 'bully', is the victim and you are the perpetrator. I've been in a few fights before, I'm not going to pretend that I was a ninja who beat the shit out of them though.

Even if you do kick this guys arse, everyone will see that you started it which means it will be YOU who gets in the shit. If fighting this guy is honestly worth getting expelled from school/facing a possible criminal record for assault, go ahead and do it... Best of luck to you.

But seeing as almost everyone on this thread seems to think they are masters hand to hand combat, I guess you won't take my advice.

To all you people giving him tips on how to kick this guy's arse, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Egging this guy on like this is just as bad as throwing the first punch. If something happens to the OP or the 'bully', you guys are all responsible.

Tally ho.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
Sud0_x said:
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
You're grounded.
No seriously, you want to get into a fight with a guy because you think he's a bit of a dick?
Call it hypocrisy, call it irony. Grow the fuck up, all of you. Shouldn't even be joking about a kid taking knives to school people.
OP you'll learn life's lessons the fucking hard way.
knives? why does everyone think i have knives!? and also its slightly more then being a dick. I have never gotten in a fight before and i am somewhat passive. I will try to avoid it but im on a short fuse right now, also, its skins! This isn't some crazed psychopath, trust me, NO KNIVES WILL BE INVOLVED!


New member
Nov 21, 2010
WOPR said:
CANofKAM said:
with any luck, i am going to get into a fight tomorrow at school. This guy is the biggest douche ever and keeps walking all over me and i about to do something if he doesn't stop screwing with me. Any tips on how to win a fight? i am pretty confident i can win but some tips couldn't hurt.
I was in the same situation, I just flashed a butterfly knife and he ran away freaked out; lost all his "respect" as the bully he was...

Rather hilarious, luckily it was after school so it was considered self defense.

and I know the weapon (tool) is illegal, but I've made more then enough arguements for people to "turn the other way" least until it harms someone then I'll be hammered big time with it

*shrugs* oh well
**continues to whittle a wooden turkey with the balisong**
thanks, i will try to avoid him. In the middle of class i will stand up and make a scene just to embarrassed him, not fight him, just call him out. Have fun with the wooden turkey