Human Torch to Play Captain America?


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Archemetis said:
The weird thing is, this thread has taught me that there is actually a full fledge 'thing' about Will Smith playing Captain America as a joke...

I had no idea, I just thought it'd be interesting to see him put a Wild Wild West spin on the idea.

Like I said Will Smith, in jest would be at the lest an interesting choice for Captain America, I'd watch that film. especially if they convinced Will Smith to do a song for it.

Call me stupid or immature or whatever but I'd honestly love to hear a song with the openning lyrics.

"A-whicky-wa a-whicky-whicky-WORLD WAR 2!"

Will Smith purely for the purposes of Satire would be my ideal Captain America.

But as for who I'd get to play him in a serious, true to the source Captain America film?

I have no idea...

It sure as hell wouldn't be the human torch though...
Thinking about it like this, as an "interpretive art/musical", with Will Smith, has made me suddenly want to watch that movie.

Will he be dancing? Or just narrating in rap about WWII and fighting the Red Skull? What it means to be an American solider? Designing his costume? The uses of his sheild?


SomeBritishDude said:
Archemetis said:
I keep saying it (Admittedly in jest) but seriously, just cast Will Smith as Captain America and everything will be fine.
Agreed. Anything you cast Will Smith turns out at least watchable...well, except Wild West...

I'm not sure why people get so worked up about the idea. Nick Fury was a white guy not so long ago you know. What with the Ultimates comics and the Samuel Jackson cameo in Iron Man white Nick Fury has been nearly rendered obsolete.
NO, people thinking about Nick Fury now picture him as Sam Jackson, but he hasn't changed in the comics.

But then again, we're talking about Will Smith. Not Samuel Jackson. As a mathmatical formula we can all agree on; Sam Jackson > Will Smith.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Uhhh, NO!?

Can we NOT turn the Cap into a walking, talking Mountain Dew and X-treme Doritos commercial? Chris Evans is ....ok. I don't mind him in certain things, but the Captain America role has to be approached with some kind of gravitas otherwise you risk turning it into camp.

I mean the whole point of a movie is about a guy who is so serious to defend his country and freedom that he signs up for a dangerous medical experiment just on the off chance he could fight Nazis. Not for fun, not for glory, but for the safety and security of the entire world.

Kind of a serious mindset, huh?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
lanternmiller said:
Archemetis said:
I keep saying it (Admittedly in jest) but seriously, just cast Will Smith as Captain America and everything will be fine.

@(#*@&%ing @*#&it! Every time I hear someone say this it make me WANT TO DIE. If this happend I would kill myself. Hearing this sentence causes this feeling of nails being dragged in my skull.

And when you say* "No." they just say that your racist. And that too makes me WANT TO DIE.

*Shout until your lungs bleed.

Actually, Smith could totally play Isaiah Bradley for an adaptation of Red White and Black, maybe have him popped in as a cameo....maybe something to set up a Young Avengers-type thing....


New member
Feb 8, 2009
They should cast Brad Pitt as Captain America. He already has Nazi-fighting experience and he's already played an Ubermensch. Seems like a better fit than the guy who played the Human Torch. But whatever.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
lanternmiller said:
SomeBritishDude said:
Archemetis said:
I keep saying it (Admittedly in jest) but seriously, just cast Will Smith as Captain America and everything will be fine.
Agreed. Anything you cast Will Smith turns out at least watchable...well, except Wild West...

I'm not sure why people get so worked up about the idea. Nick Fury was a white guy not so long ago you know. What with the Ultimates comics and the Samuel Jackson cameo in Iron Man white Nick Fury has been nearly rendered obsolete.
NO, people thinking about Nick Fury now picture him as Sam Jackson, but he hasn't changed in the comics.

But then again, we're talking about Will Smith. Not Samuel Jackson. As a mathmatical formula we can all agree on; Sam Jackson > Will Smith.

Nick Fury, as seen in the Ultimates comics.

Sorry white Nick, but badass mother fucker Nick is the best version.

But true, Nick hasn't changed in the "real" marvel universe and Sam Jack beats Will every time.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
eh w/e, as long as the movie's good

so many movies it's becoming overwhelming haha don't have the time ergh

actually just the thought of Iron Man 2's release date (aka summer break)...yesss


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Well, I can certainly think of worse people to cast in the role, thats for sure


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Hey, at least they didn't get a pro wrestler for the role. Given the acrobatic movements and fighting that Cap does, I'd say Ray Park would be a better fit for the role. He'd be a more realistic fit as well. And considering how heavily made up he was in X-Men, no one would really know the difference.

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
He was awesome in Sunshine, he's a decent actor, but like all actors he needs a decent director/script that he didn't get with FF.

Give him a shot.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
He not really big enough for the role, I mean isn't Captain America suppose to be built like a brickshit house? Slabs of muscle onto of slabs of muscle?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
PedroSteckecilo said:
Evans was fine, Jessica Alba is the one who sucked among the Fantastic Four.

I thought the other 3 fits their parts well.

He acted just as I would have expected him to. The scene they show in the picture above made me chuckle because I'd have done the same thing "WTF look at this!"


New member
Nov 12, 2008
I'm kind of surprised by this, I could've sworn I read something the other day that he and Krasinski were both out of the running. But I guess he's the best out of the other choices...Was Channing Tatum really in the running?


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I don't like him simply because it ruins the chance of any cameo or crossover appearance with the fantastic four.

While I think Will Smith would make an excellent Isiah Bradley in perhaps a later film, the initial Captain America needs to be a white male, he was a propaganda figure for allies, racism was endemic then. Who do you think would sell more war bonds? Also it's ironic because he is essentially the ideal Aryan Ubermensch fighting the nazis.

I'm not as riled up about the "dance numbers" as most people, the way I understand it, is he is unwillingly being used as a propaganda tool rather than a soldier which he wants, a scene where a bunch of showgirls dance around him as he clumsily poses and half-halfheartedly sings a line or too could be effective if it makes the audience feel how uncomfortable and awkward he feels. Then he sneaks off disguised as soldier, the troops gets in to trouble and he rallies them around him and wins the day. I am willing to endure a few a awkward minutes of music for good character development. Hell you could even parallel a lackluster USO performance with him singing the national anthem with huge amounts of emotion.

Falseprophet said:
I can't even think who would be a good Captain America. You need someone who looks like he could actually kick ass, but has the acting chops to make an inspiring speech about liberty and justice, and could believably pass for a WWII vet. The problem is most "action stars" today are scrawny, snarky pretty-boys.
I present to you what I posted a while back:
Who would I cast? Well it would have to one of these three, in no particular order.

No real explanation necessary just look at him, that's Steve Roger right thar.

Okay so he's not a natural blonde, but he has that all round American hero look to him with a strong jaw. But most importantly Mad Men shows us that he can convincingly act like someone from the fifties, which is close enough for Captain America and his out of date social behaviours and atitudes. Also he plays a compassionate older brother role to many of the other characters in that role, similar to Steve Rogers role in the Avengers.

Tall, blonde and an excellent jawline. Also very physically fit. Although more popular recently for being in True Blood, Generation Kill showed us that he effectively can play a career soldier. The way he interacts with his men is exactly the way I'd imagine Captain America would, friendly and respectful but very serious and professional at important times (they call him Ice Man for a reason in the show).

But also these two could be good:



New member
Jul 13, 2009
They should get Ryan Reynolds to play every superhero. Pah!

Incidentally, James Marsden was in a DC movie, Superman Returns.

And they always have something against using real redheads in superhero films. Jean Grey, Mary Jane etc.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
I'd be ok with him being Captain America if he gets the erm....boot, in the FF reboot. But if he's still gonna be Johnny Storm, which I think he was perfect as, then he shouldn't play Cap. It's like how Ryan Renalds is gonna be both Deadpool and Green Lantern. He should have one or the other, not both. Toby Maguire can still walk around (at the moment) and say he's Spiderman...they won't be able to do that if they keep double casting thier actors.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
If he acts as much of a jerk as he did playing the Human Torch, then Captain America is in trouble...

That said, I know nothing about Captain America (I'm British), is he meant to be a jerk?

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
He totally owned his role as the Human Torch! It was like written specialy for him. But what happens if Torch and the captain ahve to meet o_O
I just hope he can play it cool n serious cuz from what ive red in comic books Cpt. America aint the funny guy type!