Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Turns out, you unlock more characters after the main peanut gallery. starting in chapter 4, and later 5. I won't spoil their names, but you will be in for some surprises. The mission start getting tougher and enemies and bosses get damage, health, and defense boosts. I had my characters over the recommended level and it got tough near the end. Almost died too on the Fire and Water mission with the 2nd boss. I will say, I think it is a bad idea to put the divine beast sections at the end of stage. Especially if those stages are 20+ minutes long. After a while, they become samey and not much variation other than destroy/kill x amount of y in a time limit. Also, the camera can be a pain depending on the beast you're driving.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
There are even more characters to unlock. Including Master Kohga. Now I can kill my enemies....to death! The Great Fairies are unlockable after beating 4 of them in all of the Fairy Challenges. They are all controllable at the same time. Each attack combo will summon 1 or 2 of the 4. The chapters start ramping in difficulty. The second stage in Chapter 6, was really tough and failed twice. The third time was the charm and I was able beat the damn stage. I am on Ch. 7 now.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I finished the game! Omega Force actual took some pages from Capcom, because Calamity Ganon fights like Urizen from DMC5. Though nowhere near as hard or frustrating. Story spoiler warning:This game is an alternate timeline where you prevent the calamity from happening. I find heartwarming. Even after beating the main game, there is more to do: side quests, upgrading your characters, the harder difficulties. I heard Hard mode is more of a challenge and the game plays almost like DMC/Bayonetta type game as dodging is more strict and parrying you need to be exact with your timing. I am probably not touching Very Hard Mode, because I heard everything is a damage sponge unless you're at near or at max level.


  • The game is fun and combat is a big improvement over HW. Levels are varied and not that many stage assets are reused compared to the first HW game.
  • While the roster is only less than half of the original, the characters all play so differently that it's like a fighting game roster. Everyone has their unique mechanics and play style. Hell, there are at least three different characters with Just Framing. Something you mainly see in tournament fighters or games like Devil May Cry. You get way more air combo and juggle options compared to the last game too.
  • The game has a total of 7 chapters, so the campaign does not out stay its welcome. Plus, there is plenty of bonus content to keep you satisfied.
  • Links gets a lot of costumes. I wish the cast some extra costumes too, but once you beat the game certain characters can switch costumes. It's nothing more than palette swap of clothing, but I'll take it.
  • Minor point, but the frame rate can hick up in certain spots, it is nothing game breaking or nothing like the demo. That said, if you're doing co-op, prepare to have a sucky time with 15fps. Nintendo always seems to have this problem.
  • The camera get annoying when fighting certain large bosses or mini-bosses in tight rooms or areas depending where you or they are. It can get annoying when the camera spazzes out, because it trying to position you and the enemy you have locked on too. This does not happen too often, but when it does, it gets irritating. Something they definitely should have looked in to more.
  • The game can get grind heavy for materials like its prequel; though AoC mangaes to tone it down a lot more compared to HW. You can even upgrade on a marker(can be upgraded twice) on the world map (which you need with materials you most likely have enough of) where it make an indicator for the materials you need and they will show up on the side missions, shops, or main missions. So it's a lot easier knowing where you need to go. It's an issue Omega Force has known about and I wish they would stop with that shit.

Whoever is playing and enjoying, keep playing this game. There are a ton of bonuses I do not want to spoil, so I recommend this game fans and non-fans alike. I find it the best Musou/Warriors games KT/Omega Force has done this generation. I am not sure if they will be doing any DLC character or bonus modes, but I am welcome to it.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
  • The game has a total of 7 chapters, so the campaign does not out stay its welcome. Plus, there is plenty of bonus content to keep you satisfied.
Dumb question here. Having not played a Dynasty/Hyrule Warriors game, is a Chapter the same as a Stage or a big Battle Map(AKA a single Battle)? Or does a Chapter have mutiple maps/battles you progress through.

I mean, I know Warriors games tend to have a big map you have to maneuver your guys through, taking down units and strong points along the way to reach what I presume are mini-bosses and bosses. I'm just unsure if a chapter is one of these or several of these.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dumb question here. Having not played a Dynasty/Hyrule Warriors game, is a Chapter the same as a Stage or a big Battle Map(AKA a single Battle)? Or does a Chapter have multiple maps/battles you progress through.
No worries; not a dumb question. Each chapter has a stage or several stages. For example, chapter 1 has two stages, and chapter 2 has five stages. At any time, you can do side quests or replay chapters you have completed. I do recommend you complete side quest as you unlock more content, material, rewards, weapons, and unlock more of the map. The world map even has training room you unlock early on and practice characters and moves a la Bayonetta, DmC, or DMC5. It's mandatory for Stylish Action games or Musou games to have training rooms now. No excuses! I hope that I answered your question as clearly as possible.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
No worries; not a dumb question. Each chapter has a stage or several stages. For example, chapter 1 has two stages, and chapter 2 has five stages. At any time, you can do side quests or replay chapters you have completed. I do recommend you complete side quest as you unlock more content, material, rewards, weapons, and unlock more of the map. The world map even has training room you unlock early on and practice characters and moves a la Bayonetta, DmC, or DMC5. It's mandatory for Stylish Action games or Musou games to have training rooms now. No excuses! I hope that I answered your question as clearly as possible.
That was great, thank you.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I found out you can upgrade characters special abilities when you have the proper materials. Examples: Urbosa can have her lightning meter increased, Zelda can shoot more arrows light, and Impa can do a mid-air dodge after doing a perfect dodge. That is just a couple I mentioned. There is even a harder event that is random called Blood Moon where enemies are buffed and more difficult to fight. You have to be at least level 70 for these and I am not that high. The closest I got is Link at lv. 58.